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  • Youtube Rewind did an oopsie!

  • PewDiePie, I mean PewDiePie ? did an oopsie!

  • Soulja Boy, did an oopsie.

  • And the Forbes, did an oopsie.

  • I'm Oopsie Doopsie. Oopsie doopsie doopsie.

  • Woopsie time :D

  • ??? [Pew News intro] Oopsie!

  • [Pew News intro]

  • Welcome to Pew News, the most diverse news source of all time.

  • We have literally everyone working here.

  • People are campaigning to get PewDiePie more subscribers

  • because...

  • A. He needs to destroy ?️-Series

  • B. Because he's the most epic Youtuber

  • Or, C. "Because straight men have too much time on their hands"

  • [moment of silence]

  • [applause]

  • BECAUSE sTrAiGhT mEn HaVe ToO mUcH tImE oN tHeIr HaNdS

  • I'm not saying people shouldn't be straight,

  • I just don't need their culture shoved in my face all the time.

  • Heh. Straight people be like:

  • "Subscribe to PewDiePie everybody."

  • I don't even know if this is a legit website.

  • I-- hndjhjdhahaha[dies inside]

  • You know, if people campaigning for PewDiePie to get more subscribers have too much time on their hands,

  • what the FRICK do people that complain about it have, huh?

  • Destroyed with Facts and Logic, ?️icc

  • "Literally what do sTrAiGhT nErDs spend their money on, question mark."

  • Oh this site is legit.

  • [dies inside again]

  • Oh, it's legit, alright.

  • [clap clap] To be fair.

  • The whole "subscribe to PewDiePie" thing

  • has just become a meme.

  • It's getting out of control, I'll admit to that at least.

  • I had one of the stra-- I mean, PewDiePie had one of the strangest days, I can only imagine.

  • When, uh, not only Jordan Peterson,

  • "Hey Jordan what are you doing right now?"

  • "I'm subscribing to PewDiePie."

  • but also Logan Paul

  • urges people to subscribe to PewDiePie.

  • I mean, what the frick is going on here, guys?

  • "Logang, I have put a trackable link in the description of this video that,


  • will automatically subscribe you to PewDiePie's channel."

  • So Logan Paul said that day, he would donate to charity of his choice for every person that clicks his link to--

  • that redirects to subscribe to PewDiePie hehe...

  • ?'? ?????????. ?'? ???ℙ?ℝ??? ??????ℕ??.

  • I mean, Logan wanted me to wear his merch.

  • As a, as an exchange for this.

  • "You must wear this piece of Maverick merch in one of your upcoming videos

  • CURRENTLY being delivered to you via courier."

  • Okay, first of all, I didn't give Logan my address cuz I--

  • I didn't know what the hell he wanted.

  • I gave him the address of a Swedish crafting shop.

  • BUT! I'll keep-- I'll keep the promise

  • that I never made, I guess.

  • But then again, you look at the graph, and you see the sub gap and--

  • I mean, it's not even nearly as impactful as the Markiplier one.

  • See, here is when Markiplier did the shout-out.

  • And here is when

  • Logan did his.

  • But I think there's one thing we can learn from all of this, which is of course:


  • It's not that hard.

  • It's one click away.

  • What the FRICK are you doing?

  • To be honest, I am a bit overwhelmed by the whole thing.

  • The sub gap is still... reducing.

  • My twitter is just over-blown with:

  • "Subscribe to PewDiePie"

  • All these companies getting into it.

  • PornHub: "Subscribe to PewDiePie"

  • "Playing ?️icc Lasagna in a mall until someone asks me to stop in order to save PewDiePie."

  • And there's-- there's more events going on from fans and other YouTubers than I could possibly keep up with.

  • Grade Calculator: "Don't want to study? Subscribe to PewDiePie!"

  • Like, what?

  • People hacking GTA to say "Subscribe to PewDiePie"

  • But my-- my favorite, which of course, is:

  • "PewDiePie supporters call on Prime Minister Theresa May to help him defeat T-Series"

  • Yes, that's right everybody. That's an actual headline.

  • As much as I'm absolutely humbled and so happy about all the support,

  • I'm-- I do feel really weird about it, and

  • I wanted to do a shout-out to a bunch of smaller creators as well,

  • or that maybe don't have alot-- as much subscribers just cuz

  • There's a lot of great channels on YouTube that actually deserve subscribers.

  • I know "Subscribe to PewDiePie" is a meme and all and I appreciate it,

  • but I made a list and it's in the description and I'll go through it at the end of this video,

  • of channels that I watch that I think deserve more subscribers

  • or that I just enjoy watching


  • YOUTUBE REWIND [weak clapping]

  • You've probably seen this train-wreck of a video already.

  • Did anyone actually like the video?

  • Poor YouTube.

  • You know what?No.

  • NO. STOP.

  • The reason I'm bringing up YouTube Rewind again is because

  • It's made history.

  • That's right

  • As the "Fastest Most Disliked Video of ALL. TIME."

  • On Wikipedia: "YouTube Rewind

  • became the fastest video to climb this list, gaining over 4 million dislikes in less than 48 doh-- hours."

  • And it's currently the 2nd most disliked video on YouTube.

  • YouTube beat my own video of "Can this video get 1 million dislikes?"

  • I mean, PewDiePie's video.

  • It needs 9.7(*million dislikes) to become the most disliked video on YouTube,

  • which is "Baby"by Justin Bieber.

  • That's crazy, I didn't think-- it's not THAT bad.

  • But as always, passing the question unto you guys.

  • What do you think about it?

  • I mean, I don't even have to critique the video, it just speaks from itself.

  • You just watch it and it's just a cringe-fest

  • "A celebrity in rewind"

  • "A Twitch streamer in rewind"

  • "A YouTuber who hasn't posted a video in 9 months"

  • And I don't wanna be all salty in the fact that I wasn't in Rewind,

  • I kinda get it.

  • I guess that thing is I thought last year was equally bad, but it seems like this year,

  • I guess is the year where people really opened their eyes to...

  • how uh... how much YouTube has really changed in their approach to its creators.

  • ? NEXT? NEWS?


  • Exciting news from Soulja Boy.

  • Finally!

  • SouljaGame Console AND Handheld.

  • That's right, they're here!

  • GameRevolution made an article about it.

  • Soulja boy tweeting: "Wow, my console is selling fast." $$$

  • "Dreams do come true. Thank you fans, this is only the start."

  • Well he wasn't kidding, it really was only the start.

  • Now, the handheld version has over 3000 games in it, and

  • if you question its legality or why this exists then


  • You're just a hater!

  • This thing has Gameboy Advance games and all kinds of stuff.

  • Dude! It's got an RCA output.

  • Haven't seen those in years.

  • Thank you Soulja Boy for bringing that back.

  • HDMI? I don't think so!

  • Now if you can not, just like myself, have enough of Soulja... Soulja Boy's product,

  • he, of course, has the SOULJA WATCH!

  • If you're a true Soulja, part of the Soulja Army.

  • But you wouldn't just have the handheld. You wouldn't just have the console. You wouldn't just have the Soulja Watch.

  • You would also have the SOULJA PHONE.

  • That's right.

  • Oh you wouldn't-- Not even that. You're not a true Soulja fan unless you have the SOULJA GIFTCARD.

  • [wheeze]

  • Soulja Boy was very pleased with the reaction about his game console,

  • saying that: "To the first person that purchased my game console,

  • you just brought tears to my eyes. Tears of joy!

  • Thank you so much for your support, I promise to continue my tech company and evolve it in the gaming world.

  • I'm just a kid with a dream ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • After the release of Soulja Boy...

  • Game Console, as you probably would have guessed already

  • Nintendo stock completely plummeted.

  • X-Box, Microsoft stock

  • practically non-existent.

  • Playstation stock...

  • committed seppuku(press F to pay respects)

  • If it wasn't obvious, these are practically just Chinese knock-off products that you can buy already.

  • For also a much lower price on different websites.

  • The console, it looks identical and it sells for $30, but if you want the Soulja Boy version, then

  • It's a hundred ninety-nine.

  • Soulja Boy is just an artist that I truly respect and truly admire for his integrity,

  • his innovation, but most importantly, his rap game, of course.

  • You've probably heard of this website called "Cameo" where you can pay B or C-list celebrities to get a shout-out.

  • Now, I did it and 9 out of 10 said no.

  • I was gonna do a video where I make fun of all these desperate YouTubers for accepting this brand deal but

  • Surprise, surprise! No one wanted to do it!

  • Except ONE MAN!

  • ONE MAN was greedy enough for the challenge.

  • Let's watch.

  • "It's ya boi Soulja Boy shoutin' out to ma' man Felix man.

  • Ya already know what it is

  • How's it goin' bros my name is PewDiePie. Yo!"

  • Yo!

  • [sex sound]

  • Thank you Soulja Boy!



  • ?

  • "When fans go too far: PewDiePie, 'stan stunts', and Youtube's next big problem"

  • Now, I mentioned this before uh, I think in last LWIAY,

  • because this article by the Telegraph attacking me and my fans for being "problematic",

  • It came out the exact same day that we raised $250,000 for CRY, the Indian charity for-- to prevent child labor.

  • I usually ignore this kind of stuff, but I just thought it was crazy how they posted this at the same time.

  • But, this article, you have to PAY to read it.

  • And I-- I never bothered to pay for it, but some of you guys sent me a screenshot of it and it's--

  • It's hilarious.

  • Because it talked about the "Subscribe to PewDiePie" hack

  • and how, uh...

  • the hacker, as they mentioned it, HackerGiraffe,

  • is rumored to be only 9 years old.

  • [r u srs]



  • ???????

  • ???YOU DID IT???

  • It seems so many people fall for the "9-year old" meme I love it, it's so good.

  • Anyway that's all I have to say.

  • NEXT? MEME?(?)

  • Forbes made a-- their yearly top 10 list of the most paid YouTubers or gamers or whatever they do.

  • They always reached out and-- to ask if the numbers are correct. I don't think


  • But let's have a look at it.

  • Logan Paul is #10

  • PewDiePie was #9

  • Jacksepticeye beat me to it.

  • ???

  • Vanoss Gaming ??

  • Markip--ᵍᵒᵈᵈᵃᵐᵐᶦᵗ

  • I think DanTDM was the highest paid last year if I remember correctly.

  • Now, a lot of people seem to take these as facts. It's just pure speculation. Like, Forbes has no idea.

  • So there's really no reason to even take this seriously.

  • But they did rank Ryan ToysReview #1, a literal 9--s--9 year old. SEVEN year old.

  • When he gets 9, OH BOY.

  • Things are gonna be different around here.

  • Not everyone was too pleased about this list,

  • and the main reason I'm bringing this up is because

  • my newly favorite YouTuber, Lily Singh, has some interesting things to say about it.

  • "2 years ago, it was almost even between male & female, last year it was just me, and this year, there are no females at all."

  • So, she was on the list last year, but now she-- there's no female on the list this-- this year.

  • "Something I predicted in my Instagram caption last year.

  • I'm concerned the digital space is going to repeat the mistakes of ancient industries. Hope I'm wrong."

  • [ʰᴼᵖᴱ ᶦ'ᴹ ʷᴿᵒᴺᵍ]

  • You know, maybe this is a crazy idea, but maybe you should uh...

  • Maybe you should plan a campaign or something like that to increase your revenue?

  • Something about uh.. mental health?

  • And then just come back and sell a bunch of merch afterwards.

  • That would be a great idea, maybe that will help you earn more revenue.

  • "Hey guys I work too much, I need a break.


  • Imagine being actually mad about the fact that a 7 year old made an--

  • is the most paid YouTuber.

  • I think what's interesting about this whole thing is it's saying that

  • "men are being paid more than women in the YouTube space"

  • which is obviously just ridiculous, you don't get paid more or less based on your gender.

  • AdSense pays the same way. If people wanna subscribe to you, they generally do it because they enjoy your videos,

  • not because of your gender, that's just ridiculous.

  • But if you start complaining about this, you literally just sound like a crybaby and an idiot,

  • which you are, Lily Singh.

  • Just in case you weren't sure.

  • ???

  • That was it for Pew News, hope you guys enjoyed this video.

  • We reached 75 million subscribers.

  • It's so ridiculous.

  • I have a video waiting to go up, that we worked day and night to make happen,

  • at the time when ?-Series gonna pass,

  • that I can't upload now, because you guys KEEP SUBSCRIBING!

  • Stop subscribing.

  • And in fact, subscribe instead to all these channels that I'm about to list now.

  • Video's over, but if you want to keep watching, you can subscribe to:

  • James Lee, he does incredibly cool videos. He's an animator. Check it out, definitely deserves more subscribers.

  • We have NakeyJakey, who, he has a considerable amount of following, but he's just a great channel, still underrated.

  • He does video game essays and talk about stuff. That's right, that's the best explanation I can do on the fly.

  • Check him out, subscribe.

  • William Osman, great channel, he's an inventor, and he does all these crazy builds.

  • He had a laser-cut Vin Diesel ham and cheese sandwich.

  • Alright, here's an actually smaller channel called alfsvoid.

  • She does political and social videos. Talking about these interesting topics she does in a very engaging and interesting way.

  • I really enjoy watching her, great channel.

  • Then we have apandah, who made a "Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Sub to PewDiePie"

  • He expected a sub payment for this, but instead you get a shout-out, so stop asking me for money, alright?

  • Next up we have Ape Trvp Visuals 猿, i don't know I just like this, I just like it, okay?

  • He does really sick animation edits, with cool SoundCloud rap music in the background.

  • Bacon_, which I've shouted-out before. He does the funniest Oblivion meme. Definitely check him out, check out Bacon_.

  • He also, last time I shouted him out, he told me about the LaFave Bros who is doing an Oblivion playthrough right now.

  • Small channel, they're really funny guys. He's the one that did the original Oblivion parody videos that I reference so many times in my videos, they're so funny.

  • And speaking of Oblivion, check out also Wilburgur.

  • We also have Bepis, he's a great meme channel, definitely subscribe to Bepis. He's helped me out with a couple of Meme Reviews as well so, I really appreciate it.

  • We also have diesel patches, a great channel that calls out a bunch of bull**** on YouTube if you like that kinda stuff, check him out.

  • We have DPO23, it's just a hilarious channel.

  • I watched him in yesterday's video, You Laugh You Lose, so ******* funny. Check him out.

  • Dylan Locke, he did a remix for ?icc Lasagna, it's absolutely amazing. Imma gonna re-upload it in my channel in a couple of days,

  • but he's super underrated, guys. Super talented. I don't know what to call him. Mixer? Editor? I don't know.

  • We also have E;R who does great video essays about uh... he did one on Death Note, which I really really enjoyed.

  • Next up, we have Eight Thoughts, he's another channel that calls people out generally on a bunch of bull****. Really entertaining, I enjoy watching his videos.

  • I gotta give a shout-out to my man EvinEdits. He did this amazing edit of the PewDiePie anime opening.

  • Just a talented memes-- A good old memester everybody. Actually I don't know if-- ʸᵉᵃʰ ᴵ ˢʰᵒᵘˡᵈ ˢʰᵒᵘᵗ ʰᶦᵐ ᵒᵘᵗ ᶜᵘᶻ ʰᵉ'ˢ ᵈᵒⁿᵉ ˢᵒ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᵍʳᵉᵃᵗ ᵒⁿᵉˢ ᶠᵒʳ ᵐᵉ.

  • I also gotta give a shout-out Ian Kung. He's kind of like the live sketch version of grande and dolan. I hope he doesn't mind that description.

  • I gotta give a shout to Joe Jenkins. He did this hilarious video where he played ?icc Lasagna on actual lasagna.

  • Also of course, kmlkmljkl, another amazing meme account. He uploads very frequently. He or she i don't know.

  • nihonium, as well, of course. Another great meme account, you should follow.

  • Memology 101, great channel as well. Found through 'Better Help' stuff. Uploads very frequently, always on top of topics, really enjoy this channel.

  • I gotta give a shout to Saiman Says, he did this video called "Thank You PewDiePie!",

  • and he basically explained in Hindi my kind of humor, and why you shouldn't be offended by it.

  • It thought it was really cool, he'd draw examples of how the ?icc Lasagna memes and

  • how "You India, You Lose" is a reference to "You Laugh, You Lose" and "You Slav, You Lose", which I made fun of before and

  • Just a really funny guy like, I think it's really cool what he's doing.

  • We have Sarah Z, who does reviews and video essays, very entertaining, check her out. Great description.

  • We also have surreal entertainment, already gave him a shout, such a funny channel. SWEDISH BOY, shout-out to my Swedish boys.

  • "Oh no. All my children died."

  • I recently discovered this channel, but it's goddamn amazing. The Pruld.

  • It's just-- it's Dark Souls enemies. I-- But thy're so goddamn good.

  • We also have wavywebsurf, sub-tier PewDiePie, check him out, very good.

  • My favorite channel though, Супер Сус, I mean, this channel is an absolute treat.

  • [vodka language idk]

  • He's the Lily Singh of Russia. Does daily vlogs.

  • We also have Nyarons (にゃーろんず/Nyarons - bassy & chika)

  • I don't know how to say it. If you wanna listen to some music that will instantly put you in a better mood, check out Nyarons.

  • Why don't we just end it there? Thank you for 75 million subscribers.

  • I'm gonna link all these channels in the description. Check them out, why not? Look, find some new channels.

  • And uh, that's it for me for now. Goodbye everybody.

  • (Hi, I don't want to bother you guys but, in return for me putting subs on this video, please stream Nu'est W - Help Me. THANK YOU BROS!)

Youtube Rewind did an oopsie!


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