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All right guys (STOLEN INTRO) (OR IS IT? ??
We're coming at you with another crazy analogy
for something that people really have the misconception of when it comes to
just myths and fitness related things that we believe because somebody said
something and then I heard Joe Schmo say it and
now I believe it.
All right, so here's what we're talking about today
We're talking about soy milk. Now,
I drink soy milk
??? ???????????
??? ???
I did sort of buy into the myth that you know soy was gonna affect my testosterone level and it might cause me to
I don't know make less muscle pains
??? ???
???????? ???
What an absolute ??? ??? (madlad)
*inaudible*Tiger Fitness calm bitch tits and soy. I remember it hit like in 2004
a crappy little web site
decided to put out an article on how soy increases estrogen
it might as well be taking a girl's birth control pills
??? ????. These pathetic beta males
just look how week they are.
weaklings pathetic
absolute scumbags
social and
fit and
physical degenerates, it's laughable
Ahahahahahahaha HA
But it's not just laughable it is also harmful
??? ???? are reproducing.
They are creating beta males
from left to right causing the destruction of Western civilization
?Needs to be? stopped.?
I am NOT even memeing right now. This is not ? meme ? review
This is a very serious topic of discussion that needs to be brought up.
Don't believe the dangers of ???
Just look at the ??? Prince himself Wil Wheaton. Glug glug. Glug glug glug glug
More ??? milk bring me the bottle and leave it.
???. He's telling people
To consume more ??? .
??? has estrogen in it so that means if you consume ???
You might as well be a woman.
You know that right.
manboobs, that's right
if you consume ???
You might as well flaunt your-- wear a bra like a little (laughs)
if you consume ??? you might as well put on a bra right now and
then wait for the man boobs to come.
this is after and before ???.
Do you understand?
virgin ??? boy?
Has actual brain tumor that's right
??? costs us all kinds of (laughs)
this is not me spreading
this is just proven scientific facts. It causes male breast cancer
(laughs again at the stupidity of it all)
Nowhere hairy but on his feet.
Carrot calves.
Moving on to Chad
perfect eyesight
20/20. Pee is white like milk
??? ??? is causing the destruction of Western civilization
the dis-Demasculinization of man
Has caused all these
Pathetic beta males to just multiply as an army.
They're taking over
What are we going to do?
But I'm here to fight back.
Finally someone that dares to stand up against these issue of the ???
Just look at jacksepticeye himself
This is before and after ??? by the way.
Absolute alpha from a pathetic youtuber beta male. Disgusting
I know it hurts to see my friends become a victim of ???. But how can we spot a ??? ??? Felix?
Oh, don't worry. I will tell you here's a high testosterone face very defined
Very defined facial structure just as mine of course
I would say mine is probably even a couple level of alpha more than this man.
It's probably my Viking-Swedish genes.
And here you have a classic the quintessential ??? face
Balding head or fully bald awkward beard glasses and overly excited face.
I can't
I can't even I can't even recreate this.
it is truly truly despicable stuff that we're seeing here
It's basically the male version of duckface ??? ???? just can't help themselves
they get too excited about their Nintendo Switch
I understand a video game console designed for little children. Why wouldn't they be excited about it? What's next?
They're gonna start building cardboard. Oh they already do that. Oh look at PJ my own friend suffering from (laughs)
Shout out to jacksepticeye for hooking me up with this cardboard jack PJ. Who are they gonna take next Brad? Oh?
It's already happening. I can't even tell them apart from my own girlfriend these days. Do you understand how hard this is?
They are working together. This is not just me making some stuff up
This is a real conspiracy if you want to spot a ??? ??? just dangle a Nintendo switch controller in front of them
They'll start jumping up and down excitedly
Immediately, and that's how you know you need to euthanize them at the spot
It is it is our duty for mankind or our kind. Sorry. I don't want to discriminate against women on this channel
I had a vasectomy yesterday, and when I woke up my wife's boyfriend surprised me with
How nice of the boyfriend
There is just too many examples for this to not be fast you think I'm just making things
It writes itself I came to open your eyes sheeple to the ??? ??? conspiracy
You want to know why I didn't play God of War on my channel because they might as well call it god of ???
Why is he bald and have a beard? There's no way. Why do you think I even shaved my beard?
Soy.. to... to protect myself from soy
Do you think this is just made up huh? They have been feeding
??? to kids since we were children
Soy bean crayon. You ever wonder why ???- the crayons are so delicious. That's because they've been feeding it to children. They've even created
purely soy-based meals called something
Soylent who just by the way sponsoring this video, thank you very much Soylent I appreciate
Walking down the street, spot the soylent truck, now I'm drinking sweet chai breakfast- Jesse Cox
I'm worried about you. I've already lost PJ. I've already lost Jack. I've already lost
Brad one. Not Jesse Cox. What's next? Is he gonna tweet about Barron Trump?
I am gonna say it. I hate Barron T- 0.0
You taking more- Two steps too far right now. Soylent is has turned people so weak
they can't even open the bottle themselves, but it's so easy
I bench
350 and I cannot open a goddamn bottle of Soylent. Well, maybe because you consume ???
Maybe it's because you're turning into a WOmAn
I find myself unable to open the drink
Maybe that's why everyone is just posing with it instead of actually drinking it because people just can't help themselves
Posing with their Soylent bottle nothing like a selfie with your beverage
Wait isn't that?
Isn't that the host of bully hunters?
How far does this conspiracy go? Yeah look it says here
Sponsored by Soylent, but she tweeted very recently no soy
She tweeted no soy gringo corrado which is Spanish for no more, Soylent, please
It's turning me into a deformed creature
And look at that she lost her Soylent sponsor. How far does the Soylent conspiracy go?
You think I'm just making this up? Who you think is calling you a soy boy
Who is actually calling you a soy boy. Don't listen to this fake meme propaganda
This is not true. The left side is always correct.
Okay for real. No jokes aside
It showed that estrogen is in soy, but it's not the same estrogen that your body produces so--So consuming soy
shouldn't actually have any cause on your body or
make you more feminine or make you produce less sperm
That's all just a- that just all a meme that's just spiralled out of control
And I feel like I have to be responsible here and call it out so that people stop
using ??? ??? as some sort of insult.
Cause it's not just
Mean, it's also extremely
hurtful, I just can't understand why anyone would call someone else a ??? ??? to prove some fact that just because there are lesser
man, and enjoy watching someone else have sex with their wife that somehow makes them less
I just-
We need to- We need to reduce this stage because it's all about the onion
That's right
If you're not an onion man, and consume at least six raw onions a day
Which is the only scientific proven way to increase your sperm count by the way huh don't believe this year you heard about this
Onions are the opposite of ???. Not even meming.
You know who else like onions
That's right. The most masculine man of mankind
if you don't eat onion at least once a day
then you're part of the problem.
You think I'm just making this up?
onions help keep your heart healthy,
helps you control diabetes
improves immunity lower stress helps protect cancer keeps your skin healthy
and look at that
Boost your sperm count.
Doesn't matter if you're a wahman or a man you need to consume
you may not like it, but this is what peak performance look like
onion man vs. ??? ???
Okay, that was a video.
of course there's one way to very quickly and effectively cure your ??? ???,
and it's by purchasing one of the Сука Блять
Limited time only. Check out link in the description to prove that you're a real alpha
That's right, I'm using memes to sell me merch
got a problem?
Well, you must be full of ???.