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Pewdepie is a big old meanie, Logan Paul...
Pewdiepie是個超級大混蛋,Logan Paul...
defends himself and much more information coming up.
只是在自衛而已 隨後為您揭露更多消息
I'm Poppy Harlow and you're watching pew news (weird pop thing)
我是Poppy Harlow,您正在收看的是Pew News
Good Evening. I'm poppy Harlow you're watching pew news the most
晚安 我是Poppy Harlow,您現正收看的Pew News是...
...new site. As you may have heard PewDiePie got into trouble in the media recently (clears throat)
I hate that Guy
I don't even care that it was a deep-fried meme.
The fact that he posted it speaks volumes.
反正他貼了 他就要負責任
I feel like I'm probably better off not talking about this, but I want to share my thoughts. I didn't know much about Demi I...
其實我覺得我應該別講這個,但我想闡述我自己的想法(要記得常常在網路上分享個人意見喔) 我對Demi並不是很熟
I've only really just played her video game a few years ago, and I realized that...uh..
我只有在幾年前玩過以她為主題的手遊 當時我就發現...呃
It's for kids. She clearly has a very very young audience me to see that she's messing with drugs...
那是給小孩玩的 她的粉絲很顯然都非常年輕 從我的角度來看 她有毒癮這點
I just thought what an idiot. I'm not the greatest role model, but at least I've never done anything
我只覺得她很傻 我不是最佳模範,但至少我不曾做過
Straight-out illegal, so I thought well, you know, it's just fun to make- fine to just make fun of it and I realized now
任何明顯就是違法的事情 我當時覺得就是 你們懂的 開這種玩笑是很有...很OK的 然後我現在發現
No, no, it wasn't because a lot of people seem to doubt my sincerity
其實這一點都不OK 因為很多人都質疑我的誠意 我猜啦
I guess in some way. Just to give context it was 5 a.m. in the morning. Sometimes my dogs wake me up really early and uhh
我講一點事件細節 那時候是清晨5點 因為我的狗有時候真的這麼早就把我吵醒了
This has nothing to do with anything.
Basically, I saw the meme it made me laugh and I posted it on like Twitter. I went to sleep two hours.
反正就是 我當時看到這個meme 我覺得很好笑 所以就貼到Twitter上 然後再去多睡兩個小時
I woke up and um...
之後我醒來時 呃...
A lot of people were really upset to be honest. I didn't get it. I didn't get it at all.
還蠻多人炎上的 但老實說我當下真的不懂 完全不能理解
I'm not the one doing drugs. What the heck did I do?
我又不是唯一一個會講毒品問題的人 我到底做了啥鬼
The meme is so ironic and so stupid talking about like like a boss. I was like
這個meme很諷刺、很蠢 內容又一副很屌的樣子
She's still alive. What's the problem if anything, this is a way to snap out of it like yeah, you were an idiot.
我當時想的是她還活著欸 這沒什麼問題吧? 我覺得這是一種諷刺手法 其實就是在諷刺她很傻
So the fact that people came after me, I was just I was really trying to understand why so I read up on addiction
所以對於大家炎上這點 我很努力想去了解到底為什麼 所以我認真研究了毒癮的相關知識
I try to decipher in between the 'you should burn in fire'
messages cause- also a lot of people are saying that I was making fun of mental health.
Which no that wasn't the case at all. I was making fun of Demi and her poor choices.
但其實根本不是這樣 我是以Demi和她糟糕的選擇為樂
Cause a lot of people were like 'Well you talked about mental help a few days ago in a video. You're such a hypocrite'
很多人覺得說 「欸你前幾天才在影片裡面講到心理治療,你這樣也太虛偽了吧」
I wasn't doing that. I was making fun of Demi for her poor decision. I realized and I learned that
我並沒有取笑心理問題,我只是因為Demi做了愚昧的決定而以她為樂 但後來我得知並學到
ostracizing and shaming is the last thing an addict needs to recover cause that's just going to make them more likely to
毒癮在戒除過程中最不需要的就是被屏棄或羞辱 因為這只會讓他們
Relapse and fall back into that behavior. What an addict needs is support and help from
繼續沈迷在毒癮中 而成癮者需要的就是來自家人朋友的支持與幫助
friends and family and I think the public as well. And I also learned that this is her second time
我想大眾也應該要給予正面關懷 然後我也才得知 原來這是她第二次染上毒癮
She's dealt with drugs. I just thought I'm really just kicking on someone that's on their complete lowest
她曾經戒毒過 所以我發覺我真的戳到了她心中最深刻的痛
I get why people are upset this was wrong for me to do it was a bad thing to do
我才明白為什麼大家這麼生氣 而我也做了件很糟糕的事
I don't think it was the worst thing in the world, but it wasn't a nice thing
I can definitely say that. So I thought okay. You know what? I'll just delete it and I'll apologize.
我想我可以這麼認為 所以我覺得好吧 我就把這篇文刪掉並道歉
sincerely and
That should be it.
How foolish I am...
I always get people telling me
Stop apologizing. You idiot. What are you doing? You're just making things worse.
Any time you apologize to these people they don't care and they're just gonna shame you even more. I think that's what happened.
BBC posted about it. NBC posted about it. BuzzFeed.
I think the BuzzFeed journalists on her Twitter call it the hell fire or something like that.
Like this is the hell we live in it's like Geez!
彷彿有這種事情發生的世界就跟地獄沒兩樣 一副「我的天啊怎麼會有這種事」
But I feel like if I think I've done something wrong...
I shouldn't have the ego or the strategy to just say no, it's better if I don't apologize.
a lot of people were saying that anyone could have posted this meme and no one would bat an eye and I I
Think there is some truth to that
I find it interesting how you have someone that's a role model to a lot of kids you make a message about how
我覺得這很有趣 作為一個有很多小孩崇拜的公眾人物
Much better you are now and then you just fall back into the same pain and somehow I'm the bad role model in this
你分享過你自己目前過得多棒的故事 結果自己又二度走偏 但我在這樣的情況下
Situation, huh? I'm the villain for just posting a meme about it. It doesn't really make sense to me, and I'm not attacking her
卻莫名是反派?我只是貼了一個關於這件事的meme,就是反派了? 我覺得這完全不合理 我並不是在攻擊她
I'm just saying that a lot of people were saying that it's not her fault for her addiction. It's an addiction
She can't control it and I agree
她無法控制毒癮 而我也同意就是
She shouldn't be shamed because of an addiction, but I also don't think babying people will help either
Saying that it's completely out of someone's control is also saying that it's not up to them to recover from it
當你說毒癮完全無法由當事人控制,其實也是在說 他們戒毒也不是靠他們的意志力 因為他們控制不了毒癮
It's like saying anyone that recovered from addiction didn't do it from their own work
講得就好像 戒毒的人都不是靠自身的努力和毅力成功的
And will it's just a completely random ven, which doesn't make any sense
it's always been a meme on this channel that anything I say will be picked up on the media and
常常有這麼一個梗就是 我在這個頻道上說過的任何話都可以變成新聞
I feel like this was just a testimony of that mean like that's it's a truth essentially anything I say will be
我覺得可以由這件事情證實這個梗啦 完全真的就是 我說了啥
highlighted they will jump on any
reason to
put down my name because if they really cared about these issues about
然後來損壞我的名譽 因為如果他們真的很關心這個議題
addiction they would go after the people that that shed a light on it in a positive way not the ones that try and
如果他們真的很關心毒癮 他們就應該會去找相關的正面新聞 而不是找一個失敗的案例
Ridicule it. I don't know. I don't care moving on
然後拿來炒作 嗯隨便啦 我才不管 繼續
I wasn't gonna talk about this, but it came on today and I watched it
I thought it was so crazy that I had to talk about. It kz9 said there's an interview with Logan Paul and man I
我覺得這真的是狂到我不得不提 CaseyNeistat說過會訪談Logan Paul 但是
Want to like you Logan I swear but you making it really hard and I find this super interesting cos KZ and Logan are
老天 我真的想嘗試喜歡你啊Logan 可是你一直在提高難度 我覺得這個影片超級有趣 因為Casey和Logan
very similar personalities, they're all about pushing the edge of
Living life to the fullest but their drives are just completely opposite
I think it means falling into the social medium machine
至少我是這麼覺得啦 (我過去四年來都是社交媒體焦點)
Over the past four years building an audience
Garnering false power through views which equates to money which equates to against success and
Then essentially losing it all
overnight becoming
the most hated man in the world
in the snap of a finger
So the hyperbole every single time the most hated man
他每一次都這麼誇張 「全世界大家最討厭的人」
Casey asked lo at Logan about this documentary that he's filming and
Casey問Logan關於Logan最近在拍的紀錄片 還有整起事件
About the whole incident. Is this a fluff piece to make people feel better about Logan Paul? No, no, not at all this. It's it's
(你覺得你這個紀錄片會讓大家對Logan Paul的印象轉好嗎?) (不、不,才不會,這個、這...)
Making content throughout the years. I try to be as unbiased as possible and
Documentary is going to be as unbiased as possible, but it's me who makes it
Okay, great
I'm sure we very unbiased think people should can or will sympathize with me
Let's be honest Casey. Like let's be honest Casey. I don't know Marcus
I see through your social training Logan
When you put out content like that, do you realize the age of your audience? It's odd because Michael I'm 22 years old
It's not like I don't know why but whenever I see small things like this. I know I'm nitpicking
it feels
Disingenuous is it not?
(當你推出那種影片時,你有想過你的觀眾年齡層很低嗎?) (這樣說有點怪,Michael,我22歲了,並不是...)
Premature like it before you can tell a redemption story. There has to be an act of redemption
What is the act of redemption bin for Logan Paul? It's it's not been done yet
That's Logan is talking about how this documentary is going to be his redemption story because people love it a redemption story
People told me this
Verbatim so many times that you shouldn't you need to do your redemption
(那Logan Paul為了贖罪做了哪些?) (我、我還沒去做啦)
You need to film a documentary people told me this many times
Logan說的是這個紀錄片會是關於他贖罪的故事 因為大家都愛看改邪歸正的故事嘛
That's how you'll do your comeback and people are telling Logan the same thing and that's why it's doing this documentary
Just like people told me after the wall street journal that I need to do a charity
For Jewish charities or something like that, and I said no
Not because I don't want to because but because it will seem like the most disingenuous thing ever
你要回歸都要這麼做,大家也是把同樣道理講給Logan聽 所以這就是為什麼他要拍紀錄片
You're not doing it because you want to you're doing it to save your brand and people are smart enough to see through those things
the rat Casey has
Logan about the red, you know as soon as this forest incident
He tastes the rat or whatever
你不去做是因為你不想做 你去做了就是去挽救你的頻道 大家都不蠢,這種事大家都看得出來
Why what was up with that? Yeah, the rat was that was me
Becoming obsessed with the idea of being a villain. I just I made the conscious decision
I'm gonna I'm gonna be the guy they think I am I can actually
Relate to Logan here a lot of times
為何...那隻老鼠是哪裏惹到你了? (沒錯,那隻老鼠是表示我...)
After all the scandals I've been through I question my own morals. I question. Why do I keep ending up in?
These situations and a lot of times I find the answer to be I am genuinely a bad person. I do die
I genuinely think it a lot of times not all the times
But I think the difference is I'm not trying to make other people think
每次在我經歷過醜聞之後,我都會捫心自問自己的道德觀 我都會問自己 為啥每次事件都要把自己搞成這樣?
I'm a good person
很多時候,我的答案都是 因為我真的就是個壞人
I can make content and I have been for four years
For four years making people laugh smile believing themselves making them believe that they can accomplish their goals
Even if they're from a small town in, Ohio, I've been making videos for eight years
I just want to show people that you can make it. Even if you're just from a small town in Sweden
What are you saying to use that same pretext as?
Sort of justification for you know killing a rat or why didn't kill the rat
Just shut up. It doesn't matter at this point don't defend these things. It's the same with me
When I drop the n-bomb
A lot of people were like, he said it to another person and I always want to say no
No one heard me say it, but I'm not gonna use that defense because it doesn't matter
That's not what people took out of it some of the other more controversial sensational things you've done
(當作某種合理原因來...你懂,殺老鼠..) (為什麼不殺老鼠?)
Yeah, running around Japan wearing silly outfits. Yeah, so that Union sensitive to culture apparently for some reason
Casey calls
Casey calling Logan culturally insensitive. It's the most upsetting thing ever for him. I want to address this cuz
I'm not gonna lie. This is the the hardest thing about all this is I
Think being perceived as culturally insensitive
I'm not gonna lie, but the hardest thing out of all this it's the fact that you just called me
culturally insensitive
That's okay I are we expected to believe that or
As far as the outfits go they were on sale at a store the outfits were on sale on their store so then it's okay
Right next to the temple that we were at
For tourists do we not buy the outfits? Maybe he just doesn't understand what it is. There's a difference between culturally insensitive and
insensitive, but it also doesn't matter and you don't seem to understand why one is offensive anyway, so
I'm vegan. Now I
Think the most important thing to take out of this video is this I'm vegan now
Why do you think you being vegan is relevant to anything doing what you want to do to achieve your goals
Which is all like I said, it's always been that but all that stuff is overlooked
When you make mistake, or I can agree again with Logan here. He's done good
I mean, I don't agree with it, but he thinks he's done good like inspiring kids and I can relate to that
I think I've done a lot of positive for in with my channel as well that never gets highlighted
But I don't feel the need to constantly tell people like I'm a good person. Look I do it done all these things
I don't know these charities. I don't know these things. Look I'm a good person. That shouldn't be your mission to keep reminding people
so then Logan talks about how it led up to all this scandal like he was just
Constantly making videos and not thinking what he was doing. We got so caught up in
Creating that we did not stop to think about what we were making and whether or not it was right
Because it you make it you put it out
We were on autopilot essentially which is it's it's extremely dangerous when you're broadcasting to an audience of five to seven million people every day
And so there was no thinking there was it was create content create content create content not okay
Hey, take a step back. Slow down breathe. Do you believe that or is that bullshit?
Because if that's if that mission is the same as this this momentum this autopilot
Where's the distinction between wanting to do good and wanting to you know, looking for sensationalism that will drive clicks?
I'm not I'm not sure I understand the question
That's such a great question I'm not I'm not sure I understand Chris. Hey, this is too much of a mumbo-jumbo
然後我覺得,我自己在頻道上也有做不少正面的事情 但從來就沒有媒體要報
He's saying that if you're just on autopilot, and you're not thinking about what you're doing, how can they you say?
不過我覺得不需要去一直提醒大家我是一個好人 嘿大家看看我做的這些善舉
That you care about spreading a positive message and not just caring about sensationalism. I understand I understand
我捐錢給慈善機構、我捐了這些東西,看,我是好人 你的責任才不是一直提醒大家這點
Okay, I can go on pick details whatever you should watch you interview it's interesting a lot of people gave Casey
Or doing this. I think it's good to create a
Dialogue it's a shame how people are so militant towards people. They don't like that. They won't even talk to them
Because that's really how you create division more than anything, which is leads to more hate
I think is he's doing a noble thing. But the final point I find hilarious because Casey praises Logan's
Anti-suicide video that the video he did after the whole thing and the response from Logan
It's just that video. I think had a very important message behind. It was a I liked that video
I tweeted that I liked that video I get for it
(並不會說,好喔我們退一步,慢下來深呼吸) (你還是信這套?還是你覺得這都是幹話?)
but did it show you sort of the
Demonstrate to you that your channel is capable of so much more
And your reach is capable and your voice is capable of so much more than just in socialism views. Yes
Did it change you away from?
Casey問了一個很棒的問題 「我、我不太確定我懂不懂你的問題」 這真的是太北爛了
Sensationalism and views that what is a question his answer. It's it's the most viewed suus anti-suicide
PSA ever. It's the most
viewed ever
(我明白、我明白) (你真的懂嗎?Casey)
I am so great. I
Have the most viewed PSA anti-suicide video ever. I don't
好啦,我不想再摘錄了,你們可以自己去看那個訪談 那個訪談蠻有趣的
Really want Lowen to come back but I don't think he can until he's completely honest
Because people are constantly going to be skeptical
especially at this point
I think this entire interview Logan is trying to give the answer that he thinks KZ wants and my tip for Logan
unsolicited advice would be
我覺得Casey做了件很棒的事,但在最後我覺得很可笑 因為Casey稱讚了Logan的反自殺影片
Question yourself why these?
Titles are important to you. Oh, I'm vegan or you can't call me culturally insensitive and why you care that your video?
Anti PSA has the most views why is that important to you?
And I'm asking you right honestly
Is it to reach more people or is it because you like things to be big because we've seen only evidence for that
So far, so that's all people are gonna see your intention might be different, but I doubt it
Next news twitch added gifts is that in gifts? That's crazy
Alright, we're out of time