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  • Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.

  • I'm Dan and joining me is Rob.

  • Rob: Hello.

  • Dan: Here at BBC Learning English,

  • we're always discussing diets.

  • Rob: I am on a see-food diet.

  • When I see food,

  • I just have to eat it!

  • Dan: I suppose there's no chance of converting

  • you to a vegan diet, is there?

  • That seems be the most talked about

  • food fad at the moment

  • – a fad is something that is popular

  • but only for a short time.

  • Rob: Of course, veganism

  • that's not eating or using any products

  • that come from animals

  • may be more than a fad.

  • It could be a lifestyle that improves our health

  • and the planet. And it could be here to stay.

  • But personally,

  • me becoming a vegan would take some persuading.

  • Dan: I'm sure it would.

  • And in this programme we'll be discussing the debate

  • about veganism and how it's sometimes difficult

  • to change people's minds.

  • But first a question to answer.

  • We've mentioned what a vegan eats

  • but what about a lacto-ovo-vegetarian?

  • Which one of these items can they eat?

  • Is it a) pork

  • b) fish

  • or c) cheese?

  • Rob: I'll say b) they can eat fish.

  • Dan: Well, you'll have to wait until the end

  • of the programme to find out.

  • But now back to veganism.

  • According to some national surveys,

  • there are now around 3.5 million full-time vegans

  • in the UK... and the number is growing!

  • Rob: And what was recently a radical lifestyle

  • choice is slowly moving into the mainstream

  • or has become accepted by most people as normal.

  • Dan: Advocates of veganism say their healthy lifestyle

  • would also free up space and resources for growing

  • food and it would help reduce greenhouse

  • gas emissions.

  • Rob: Yeah, but come on Dan.

  • Having a meat-free diet means you might not get all

  • the nutrients you need.

  • Dan: Well, this is all part of the debate, Rob.

  • There's always two sides to an argument

  • and it's something that's been discussed on BBC

  • Radio 4's Farming Today programme.

  • They spoke to Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock,

  • a senior lecturer in organisational psychology

  • at London's City University,

  • who explained why views about veganism

  • are so polarised

  • that means 'causing people to divide into

  • two groups with opposing views'.

  • Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock: This issue touches on

  • personal beliefs, and beliefs always trump facts

  • and so, often when we talk about beliefs,

  • we're touching on important values.

  • Values are the things that guide our opinion

  • over what's right versus what's wrong.

  • And so whenever people argue over whether it's right

  • or wrong to eat meat, they are in fact not debating the

  • facts around this issue, they're actually debating the

  • beliefs about what's moral or immoral about this.

  • Dan: So it seems in the whole debate about veganism

  • we are basing our views on beliefs.

  • A belief is something we feel is true or real.

  • Our beliefs are based on our values

  • those are the things we think are right and wrong.

  • Rob: And when we argue over the rights and wrongs

  • of veganism, we base it on our valuesnot hard facts.

  • We talk about our view on what is immoral

  • so what society thinks is wrong or not acceptable.

  • But basically, there is no right or wrong answer.

  • Dan: That's why we need facts, Rob.

  • Rob: So Dan, what can I do if I want to win you

  • over to becoming an omnivore, like me?

  • Dan: According to Dr Jutta,

  • there are two main routes to winning someone over:

  • a direct, fact-based approach or a 'peripheral route',

  • which might be more effective.

  • Let's hear her explain how it works.

  • Dr Jutta Tobias Mortlock: If I'm working with you and

  • I'm trying to get you to come round to my side,

  • I might not focus on the central facts.

  • I might focus on the peripheral stuff

  • around how I'm constructing my argument.

  • I'd look for ways of how they overlap as people,

  • like what do they have in common?

  • And that's a way to debate an issue

  • such as this controversial one

  • in a way to get people to feel connected to each other

  • and to actually feel that they value

  • each other as decent human beings.

  • Rob: Interesting! This is a more subtle way of

  • winning an argument.

  • She says we should focus on the peripheral stuff

  • these are the things that are not as important as the

  • main argument but are connected to it.

  • Dan: So we could say we're looking for common ground

  • things that both sides agree on

  • or at least understand. Dr Jutta talked about making

  • both sides feel connected.

  • And it's a good point.

  • Even if you don't want to be a vegan,

  • you should respect someone's choice to be one.

  • Rob: Yes, it's all about valuing someone as a decent

  • human being.

  • 'Decent' means

  • 'good and having good moral standards'.

  • Like us, Dan!

  • Dan: Well, they're wise words, Rob!

  • Of course, it would be morally wrongimmoral

  • not to give you the answer to our quiz question.

  • Earlier I asked which one of these items

  • can a lacto-ovo-vegetarian eat.

  • Rob: I said b) fish.

  • Dan: Sorry, nothat's something they can't eat

  • but they can eat cheese.

  • A lacto-ovo-vegetarian is a person who eats vegetables,

  • eggs, and dairy products but does not eat meat.

  • Rob: No meat! No steak! How can they enjoy eating?!

  • Dan: Rob, remember as a decent human beings,

  • we respect all views here.

  • Rob: Just jokingbut now I'm deadly serious

  • about reviewing some of the

  • vocabulary we've discussed today.

  • Dan: OK. Our first word was 'fad'.

  • A fad is something that is popular

  • but only for a short time.

  • Rob: Next, we mentioned 'mainstream'.

  • Something that is mainstream has become accepted

  • by most people as normal.

  • Dan: Then we had 'polarised'

  • that describes a situation that causes people

  • to divide into two groups with opposing views.

  • Rob: A 'belief' is something we feel is true or real.

  • And 'immoral' describes something that society thinks

  • is wrong or not acceptable.

  • Dan: We also mentioned 'peripheral', which relates

  • to things that are not as important as

  • the main argument, but are connected to it.

  • It also means 'situated on the edge'.

  • Rob: And finally, 'decent' means 'good or good enough'.

  • Dan: Don't forget you can learn more English with

  • us on our website at

  • Rob: Bye for now.

  • Dan: Goodbye.

Dan: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English.


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A2 初級

辯論素食主義:如何改變別人的觀點--6分鐘英語。 (Debating veganism: How to change someone's opinion - 6 Minute English)

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