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  • Rob Preparing for and taking exams is for many,

  • a stressful time. You can't think straight and are daunted by the amount you have to

  • learn. But things are probably not as bad as they seemtake a deep breath and listen

  • to our suggestions for dealing with exam stress….

  • Firstly, think about what exactly is stressing you out? It might be just one thing that you

  • can put rightmaybe it's just vocabulary that's worrying you, so pay more attention

  • to revising that. It could be just lack of sleep that's stopping you from concentrating.

  • Next, learn to recognise when you're getting stressed. Take a break and talk to someone

  • who will understand your situation – a friend, teacher or maybe your parents. Talking to

  • someone is a great way to help you see straight.

  • Although working with fellow students has its benefits, don't compare your abilities

  • with theirs. Everyone learns in different ways and at different speeds. If you're sure

  • you've got the right revision strategy then you'll be ok. If not, get advice.

  • And when you've been stuck behind your desk, stressing out, go and do some exercise. Nothing

  • de-stresses the mind faster than physical activity, so make it part of your studying

  • timetable. Fresh air will clear your head and perk you up.

  • And be honest with yourself. Are you setting yourself difficult goals? Be realistichow

  • much more revising can you do, how much more can you remember? If you're happy you've worked

  • hard enough and you've done your best, then don't be hard on yourself. Once you're in

  • the exam, keep calm, getting into a panic will not help you think straight.

  • Also, you need to look after yourself. By avoiding drinking coffee or smoking, and drinking

  • lots of water, you will feel better. Eat slow-release foods like bread, rice, pasta, fruit and veg

  • and above all sleep wellthis will help you rest and recharge your brain. Finally,

  • let's hear from examiner Mark Shea about stress sometimes being a good thing

  • Mark Shea, examiner Everybody feels stress, adrenalin can help

  • you. You will pass if you've done the work. And if you don't pass, it's not the end

  • of the world.

  • Rob So a little bit of stress can motivate us

  • to get on with our work but there is life after exams. Things might seem intense for

  • a while, but it won't last forever. Good luck!

Rob Preparing for and taking exams is for many,


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考試技巧。應對學習壓力的6個技巧 (Exam skills: 6 tips for dealing with study stress)

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