字幕列表 影片播放 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 Hello, I'm Catie. 哈囉,我是Catie,今天要跟你們分享的是... Today, what I am going to share is 非常非常特別,而且有一點刺激的話題 very very special... 就是怎麼自己剪頭髮,自己剪喔!不是那種什麼 and a little bit exiting.. 修修瀏海,剪剪髮尾分岔,修一下髮尾這麼簡單的事情 It is how to cut your own hair by yourself! 是自己把頭髮剪短,因為我還滿喜歡自己剪頭髮的 It's not just like cutting the fringe or cutting off the split ends of my hair. 通常我就是留到這邊,可能頂多再長一點吧 It is about how to cut your hair short by yourself. 我就會自己把它剪掉,我基本上除非要燙頭髮 Normally I like to cut my own hair. 我才會出去給別人弄,不然通常我都是自己剪 Basically, I would keep my hair length to here, or a bit longer at most, 我很習慣自己剪頭髮,而且自己剪頭髮其實我覺得最能掌握到你想要的長度 Then I would cut it by my own. 像出去外面我覺得...我不知道為什麼我跟髮型師 Normally, I would cut hair on my own unless for hair perming. 我跟髮型師就非常的溝通不良,每次出去弄就弄得不是很滿意 I am very used to cut my own hair. 所以後來就乾脆都自己用,那因為我很不怕頭髮剪壞 I reason it 's easier to get the hair length you want by cutting the hair on your own 就我每次都想說剪壞頂多就綁起來一陣子啊 When I go to a hair salon, I don't know why but it's usually hard for me to communicate well with the hairdresser 反正頭髮都是會長的嘛,或者是剪壞我就用那個... Every time I let a hairdresser do my hair, I am usually not very satisfied with the result. 電棒再整理一下,基本上都不會太難看 So I decide to do my own hair then 所以我很不怕把自己的頭髮剪壞,所以我今天也有可能會剪壞 I am that type of person who does not care about messing up my own hair, 因為我不一定每一次剪都成功,但反正就是我現在就是想要剪頭髮 I mean if my hair is messed up, it can be tied up for a while because hair will grow back. 我就錄起來跟你們分享一下 Or i will be using the curling iron to make my hair look nicer if I mess it up. Normally, it won't be too ugly to look at. 那我剪頭髮需要用到兩個道具,第一個當然就是剪刀 So, I don't care about messing up my hair. 我用的剪刀是這種一般的,文具店都有賣的剪刀 Today, there is still a possibility that I will mess up my hair. I can't be successful every time I try. 不是那種特別用來剪頭髮的,我用這種用的比較習慣 Now, I want to cut my hair so I'm recording this for you guys to watch. 然後尺寸也是要差不多要這樣子,就是稍微小一點的剪刀 I will need two tools to cut my hair. 當然你要買利一點的,如果剪刀不夠利的話可能會很難剪 The first one would definitely be scissors. 剪出來就會參差不齊,所以剪刀要利一點 I use the normal scissors that can be bought from stationery shops, not those professional ones. 第二個道具是扁梳,應該每個人家裡都有,都有一個扁梳 I am more used to this type of scissors. 那...直接開始喔~(笑) And the size should be approximately like this small one 我剪頭髮很簡單,我就是會直接把頭髮這樣子,分成兩半 Be sure to have sharp scissors , so it won't be difficult to use or the end result would not be neat. 就很大概啦,因為我不是那種...我對於頭髮真的不是很在意 The next tool is the thin comb. I think everyone should have it. 所以就很大概分成兩半,然後把它梳整齊 And so, let's start now. 我剛已經梳過了,再大概梳一下... My way of cutting the hair is very easy and simple, I would first divide my hair into half. 然後身上穿的衣服,我都是穿即將要丟掉的 I'm justing doing approximately half. I don't really care about my hair. 這樣子等下就可以不用去收那個頭髮 Divide them into half , and brush them so they would be neat. 因為你頭髮剪,它都會有一點插到衣服裡面 I have brush them earlier. 會沒有辦法拿出來,沒有辦法把衣服清乾淨 Just a little bit more. 除非你要自己做一個那種塑膠袋披風,我是懶得做 I would wear clothes that are to be thrown later, so I do not need to clean the hair on it afterwards. 那我就穿一個我不想要的衣服,等下剪完就可以直接丟掉也不用整理 Sometimes your hair would stick onto your clothes 那就梳好之後呢,就抓你大概想要的長度 So it can't be taken out, and the clothes can't be cleared completely. 然後長度怎麼抓呢?就比如說我今天想要剪到剛好碰到肩膀 Or else, you can make the plastic poncho. Well for me, I am too lazy to do that. 先抓起來,然後因為我剪完頭髮會再用電棒整理嘛 Hence, I wear the clothes that are to be thrown away so I could just throw them away and there is no need to tidy things up. 電棒捲了之後它會再往上縮一點,所以你要預留它會往上縮的距離 After brushing, 那通常大概我會預留這麼多吧... Just hold the length you want, and how to decide the length? 那我就再這樣往下算這麼多,大概剪到這裡 For instance, I would like to cut my hair up to my shoulders. 剪頭髮長度很重要是,我們自己剪很容易出錯嘛 I would grab on it. 所以我寧願先少少的剪,如果剪完之後我覺得 Then, I would use the curling iron to tidy my hair so my hair length would be shorter a bit after that 這樣太長,我再慢慢...往上修,也不要說一次就想要剪到位 So you would have to save some length to curl your hair afterwards. 就可能想說你要的長度這裡,就直接剪到這裡 Normally I would leave about this much of length. 你如果放掉整理好發現太短,你就沒救了... So go down for this length. 你就只能趕快出門趕快找專業的來補救,但如果妳就是剪一點點 So it is approx. here. 後面覺得太長,再慢慢...往上修,這樣是可以修到你想要的長度 It's really common to make mistakes while cutting our own hair. 所以我寧願減少一點也不要剪太多,那我就先抓這樣子的長度... I would rather cut it bit by bit first , 再多抓一點好了,好,先這樣子 Then if it's too long, I can trim it up slowly. 要剪下去囉~好緊張喔~好,我第一次剪頭髮自己錄起來 I would not want to cut to the desired lenght by one shot. 好,剪下去了...啊~~ 這樣子 For example, you want the length at here and you cut straight at it. 好醜,剪下來的在這邊,我把它收起來 Then if you realise you cut it too short, there will be no way to fix it. 再來要剪這一邊,一樣抓到...像你這樣子抓,因為你會用力往下拽 You can only seek professional help from hairdressers. 所以其實你手放開之後,它都會再稍微短一點 But if you cut it slowly, you can trim your hair to the desired length. 所以你在往下拉的時候不要拉太緊,不然你會比較難去估計你要的長度 So I would rather take longer time than cutting it too short 好...這樣應該差不多,剪囉~~ 因為其實我是那種... I would first start with this length. 非常非常宅的人,我是能不出門就盡量不出門 A bit more.. 所以我連剪頭髮都不想出門,我寧願自己在家裡剪 Then I'll cut. 所以才會有這種奇怪的習慣,這邊好像...剪太短!? So nervous! 好沒關係,無所謂,頭髮乃身外之物它還會再長,沒差 It's my first time to video myself cutting my hair 兩束在這邊,好接著呢... Here we go! Arghhh.. 我會把頭髮分層,這樣子會先把上面都綁起來 Like this. 我會自己修層次喔,這樣子上面綁起來 Um, so ugly? 然後一樣再分兩半抓到前面,你看這時候就可以檢查 The cut hair is here. I'm going to keep it. 有得太長了,就沒有剪齊,你看這邊掉了一搓出來 Now this side. 這時候就可以把它這樣子...抓起來剪掉 The same, grab.. 然後我會修層次啊,我這時候就會直接這樣子修 When you hold on it, 那我會用直的這樣子剪,因為你看現在頭髮有一個橫切線 you pull it down with force. 看起來很死硬、很白癡,那我會就這樣子用剪刀直的剪 The length would be slight shorter after you let go 這樣等下那線條就會比較正常,比較正常而已還是不會完全正常 So when you grab on it, use lesser force. 你要可能洗過幾次才會變得比較好看,頭幾天一定都要自己用電棒整理一下 Or else it is hard to estimate the length you want 不然會看起來像狗啃的 This would be it. 你看我這樣直的修過之後,它的線條就比較自然,不像這邊是那種 Cutting now! 剪刀一刀剪過來的,這一搓再修一次給你們看 Actually I am that kind of person who hardly goes outside. 就這樣直的剪,所以我喜歡這樣小小的剪刀 I would not go out unless something urgent happens. 因為剪刀如果太大的話你會沒有辦法控制到底要怎麼直的剪 I rather cut it by my own in the house. 那如果太小的話會剪得很慢,所以這樣尺寸的剪刀是最剛好的 Such a weird habit... 然後有一點要注意,因為我是這樣子拉過來剪 This side is too short . 所以...因為角度的關係一定會外面比較短,裡面這邊會比較長 Never mind. 如果你不喜歡這樣子的話,你裡面這邊就要把它修短一點 The hair will grow back. No difference. 因為我剛好是喜歡前面這邊短一點後面長一點 Two bundle. Here. 所以我比較不會去刻意要把它修的很齊 And now, I am separating my hair into two layers . 我就只是把髮尾這邊這種很死硬的線條把它修掉而已 First tie up the upper part. 好,這樣就好了,接著來修另外一邊... I can trim hair layers by myself. 好,這樣子有沒有線條就不像剛剛一開始那種一刀切過去那麼硬 Tie up the upper part like this. 那其實等下再捲一個電棒就很好看了,真的! And the same as before, divide the hair into half and put them in front. 或許是只有我自己覺得好看,反正我自己習慣是這樣整理頭髮 Now it is time for checking and there is a strand too long and it is coming out. 然後呢,我會把這一層也綁起來,裡面剛剛修好的這一層 Grab it and cut it off. 綁起來,以免我等一下重複剪到 And then, 接著上面這邊再分一層出來... I would trim the hair layers like this 那第二層呢...因為層次是要慢慢短上來嘛 Cut it vertically. 所以我會先剪一刀,把這層剪短一點 You can see now the hair has a horizontal cut line, it looked plain and stupid. 那寬度就大概是一個手指寬就好了 I would cut it using the scissors by holding it vertically. 我就直接用手這樣子...夾下來...這樣子 The line would be more natural later. 好,然後把這邊剪掉,這樣就有層次出來 Only a bit more natural, but not completely natural. 接著這邊就一樣,直的剪... It would be nicer after you wash it a few times. 我喜歡自己點頭髮還有一個原因,就是我喜歡頭髮很厚的感覺 Curling iron is needed to tidy the hair on the first few days. 所以我從來不打薄,但是我覺得外面的髮型師不知道是怎樣 Otherwise, it will look like a dog has bitten on it. 他不打薄手會癢還是什麼的,我每次出去剪我都跟他說不要打薄 After trimming it vertically, the line is smoother and natural. 我喜歡我頭髮很厚,但是他們最後都還是會說'這邊幫你打薄一下' Unlike this side, which is cut straight by scissors. 你怎麼說不要,他們都還是會給你打薄一下,我覺得好奇怪 I will trim this side again for you all to see one more time. 所以我就乾脆自己剪,這樣是我最喜歡的厚度跟我最理想的長度 Trim it vertically like this. 好,這樣子這一層就好了 You can see why I like small scissors like this 這邊也一樣就是拉一個手指寬度 If the scissors is too big, you can't control it very well. 然後剪掉...直的修... if too small, it will take a lot of time. 像這樣修的時候就可以看到你有些參差不齊的部分 So this size would be the best. 就可以先把參差不齊的部分先修掉 You should also be aware that I pulled the hair to the front when I cut it. 那這邊也太長,這邊也修掉 because of the angle, outside part would be shorter. 好,這樣第二層完成,我們看一下這邊兩層放在一起,這樣子再把他們綁回來 the inside would be longer. 接著上面這邊,我覺得我好像剪太短了 If you don't like it, you would have to trim the inside part shorter. 好,沒差,上面這邊就直接是第三層,一樣分成兩半 I like shorter hair in the front and longer hair at the back, 然後剛剛那一層我們不是用一個指頭的寬度嗎? so i would not trim it to be perfectly neat. 這邊就要抓差不多兩個指頭的寬度,反正就是要一層一層短上來 I only trim the rigid hair ends. 這樣你等下電棒捲起來那個效果才會漂亮,才會有那個弧度 Okay. It's done. 那這邊我就直接這樣子,一樣用手指去抓大概 Now for the other side. 好,差不多剪掉這樣 Now you can see the hair line is not that hard compared with the one right after the cut 然後一樣直的修... It will look nicer afterwards when curling iron is used. 這樣看如果有那裡特別長的你就把它抓起來,你看這邊... Really. Maybe it's just me thinking it is nice. 有一個特別長,抓起來把它剪掉,反正就都大膽的剪下去 This is my own habit of tidying my hair. 頭髮乃身外之物,它過幾天就會長出來了 Then I would tied this layer up. 好這邊也剪好了,我剪好短喔... The trimmed layer. 所以你們真的頭髮要多留一點長度,我這樣就剪太短了,當然無所謂反正我就是想要剪短 (to avoid cutting it again later) 好接下來是這一邊... Separate another layer up here. 所以常常會不小心這邊剪太短,這邊就得要修到跟這邊一樣短 So the second layer would be shorter , 所以就一直剪上來...越來越短,所以你第一次剪我覺得大概留這麼長比較保險 I would cut this shorter. 就讓你有出錯的機會,而且我覺得自己剪頭髮其實超好玩的 It would be a length of a finger. 以後如果我有女兒我應該一直玩她的頭髮 Hold onto the hair like this. 好我要把其他放下來,然後通常後面會比較長 Like this. 我這時候會再稍微抓一下,後面你們看喔...這邊都多出來了嘛 And cut this off. 我就再稍微抓一下再把它修一下,好像其實也好好欸,一點點而已 The hair layer would come out. 後面一點點而已,就直接這樣子修 The same for here. 我就無所謂,我就看不到就直接這樣剪也沒差,你如果真的很怕頭髮剪不好,你就不要自己剪喔 Cut it vertically. 你可能剪完之後會哭,像我這種覺得頭髮沒差就只不過是頭髮而已...才會這樣子剪 The other reason that I like to cut my hair is 好這樣子算剪好了,後面這邊可能會有一點不齊,我接下來的幾天 I like my hair to have a thick volume. 都會慢慢再自己修,我不會一次剪完,我一次剪就差不多看正面、側面這樣OK我就當作好了 I never thin my hair, but 那接著呢,我教大家這樣的頭髮要怎麼用電棒整理,我先去把這件衣服換起來,好癢... I don't know why but all the hairdressers want to thin the hair. 好我去換了一件衣服,然後身上這件衣服是我之前上班最喜歡穿的 I always tell them not to thin my hair. 就如果你知道隔天要跟主管開會我就會偷偷穿這件 I like my hair to have a thick volume. 從來就沒有被發現過,接著我要用電棒來整理頭髮,電棒在這邊 But in the end, they always say "let me thin this bit of hair for you". 那我就是直接這樣子,順著往內捲... No matter how you say no, they will insist on thinning your hair. 一層一層這樣子往內捲 I would rather cut my hair by myself so I can decide the volume of my hair 好,你們看一下電棒捲過的跟沒有捲過的差很多吧 and the length of hair that I prefer. 像我剛最後不是分三層這樣剪下來嗎 And now this layer is done. 這樣捲起來這樣才會有比較漂亮的弧度,這樣子~~ The same here, hold onto to the length of a finger. Then cut it. 我喜歡我覺得好看欸,接著來捲這邊... Trim it vertically. 好,全部捲好就是這樣子,其實我真的覺得沒有比給別人剪的難看 When trimming like this, you can see there are some hair out of place. 我覺得還滿好看的,希望不是我自我感覺良好 Trim them off first. 可我真的很喜歡自己每次剪出來的效果,然後也是比較能夠整理出是你喜歡的樣子 This part is too long. 我覺得滿好看的,我現在是稍微中分,如果想要旁分也是可以,其實旁分會更好看 Trim it off. 這樣旁分更好看,都OK的,所以你有興趣想要自己剪頭髮的話 Okay. Second part has finished. 可以試試看我覺得無所謂,反正頭髮都還是會再長的嘛 Look at these two layers put together. 你就不要剪太短,像我這種長度就算剪壞了綁起來就沒事了 Tie them back. 所以無所謂,就剪頭髮要注意兩點,第一個是不要剪太短,你如果剪短了 Now the top part. 就沒有辦法變長嘛,所以寧願說少剪一點,然後慢慢...往上修 I think I cut too short. 這樣就比較好,第二個就是要稍微剪一點層次,像我不是有分三層嗎 Haha. No difference. 這樣最後用電棒整理才會比較有弧度,比較可以用成像內彎的感覺 So this part is the third part. 如果你把它剪全平的話就沒辦法把它變成內彎的感覺 The same, divide it into half. 那這樣子我覺得旁分中分都好看,我很喜歡現在的髮型 For that last layer, we use width of a finger. 好,那希望這支影片能夠幫助到需要的人,雖然我覺得應該沒有人會需要自己剪頭髮的教學 This layer would need the width of approx. two fingers. 總之希望你喜歡今天這支影片,不要忘記訂閱我頻道,掰掰~~ It should be shorter layer by layer So It would look better after the curling the hair. Then it would have the curve. Like this. Use the finger to grab the hair. Okay. Cut off this bit. Trim it vertically. If you see a bit too long, grab it Look here, this bit is too long. Grab it and cut it off. Don't be afraid to cut it. Hair is external to the body. It will grow soon after. This part is now done. I cut it so short! So you guys really need to leave some more length for your hair. I cut too short. But never mind. I just want it short. And now, this side. When one side is too short, the other side had to be trimmed shorter. So if you keep trimming and trimming, it will became shorter and shorter So for the first cut , you should save about this length. Just in case you make some mistakes. It is so fun to cut your own hair. In the future, if i have a daughter I will have fun with her hair. Okay, now I put the rest down. Normally, the back hair would be longer. I would grab on it more. There is excess here. Grab it and trim it. It is actually all right this time. Only a bit. Only a bit on the back. Trim it like this I don't really care if I can't see it so I will just trim it anyway. If you are really aware of your hair , don't cut it by your own You may cry after your try. I see no difference. It's just hair. Okay. It is finished. It may not be neat on the back. I would trim it later in a few days. I would not cut it all at once. I would consider it done if the front and the sides are neat. Now I teach you how to tidy up this kind of hair using curling iron. I will change this shirt first. it's so itchy now I have changed into this shirt. This shirt.. was my favourite shirt to wear when I used to work. I would wear this if I had meeting with my manager. He had never found out even once ! Now I want to tidy up my hair with the curling iron. Curling iron is here. I directly curl it inwards like this. Curl it inwards layer by layer. Look at the sides before and after the curling. There is a big difference, right? I have separated three hair layers to cut. So I can have this pretty effect after curling. I like it! I think it's pretty! Yeah! Now for this side. This is the finished look. I don't think it is worse than having it cut by hair dressers. I think it is pretty. Too much self confidence for myself I always like the hair style that I cut for myself And it is easier to have the look that you want. I think it look good. Now I have middle parting. If you want a side parting is also ok. It would be nicer if you side part it. Look good with the side parting. Both are good. If you're interested in cutting your hair, try it. Don't worry about it, hair grows back anyway. Don't cut it too short. For my length of hair , if you mess it up, you can just simply tie the hair up and you will be fine. Beware of two points while cutting the hair: 1.Do not cut it too short. It can't get longer immediately if you cut it too short. So cut it slowly and trim it. 2. Trim some hair layers. I separated the hair into three layers to cut, so after the curling, there should be a nice curve. It can be made into the 'inward curling' style. If you cut it all flat, you will not get this style. Middle parting and side parting are both nice. I like my hairstyle now. I hope this video can help some people who need it. Although I don't think there is anyone who need to learn how to cut their hair by themselves. Anyway, hope you like this video. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Bye Bye!
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 頭髮 這樣子 剪刀 長度 整理 比較 I CUT MY OWN HAIRING I Hello Catie(你好,凱蒂) (I CUT MY OWN HAIR l Hello Catie) 88 1 Rich Kuo 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字