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Hello guys, welcome to another episode
of TwoSet Violin!
- Ooh. Mmm. - Oh, it feels so...
Mmm! Mmm.
3 mil subs is just around the corner.
Can we get there this year?
Very soon, in a few months?
So we can hear Eddy play Sibelius.
Simp Sibelius!
I don't want subs anymore.
Today's episode is a compilation of
classical music represented in cartoons.
Now, there also will be
some famous classical musicians represented
in these cartoons as well.
- Yeah. - Which will be really interesting.
The cartoon episodes are always the funnest,
because they're so ingenious,
- the way they portray classical music, right? - Yeah, yeah.
First one.
Does he sing?
Wait, what??
Eddy: Dude!!
Yo-Yo Ma!
- I mean, it suits the whole Arthur cartoon, right? - Yeah!
If an Asian rabbit ever existed,
- that would be the Asian rabbit, right? - Yeah!
It's like...
Is there a light show?
Does he jump around and smash his instrument?
And he calls himself a musician!
- Ohh... - You hear that, Yo-Yo Ma?
"You call yourself a musician!"
Dude, imagine every concert he smashed like,
a half a million dollar cello.
But cello gang would never approve of that.
We're all better than that.
Come along, D.W.
How is it you know when you're about to hear
the worst thing you've ever heard??
Did that little girl just roast Yo-Yo Ma?
Yeah, I think she did.
Only one of the best cellists in all of history.
This is the best thing I've ever heard!
All right! WHOO, YEAH!!
- She redeemed herself. - Yeah.
But next time,
wait until the end before clapping.
- Unless it's our concert. - Yeah, unless it's like fun.
- Because, yeah. 'Cause we're like, hula hooping - Feel free to scream and yell out.
- with Hilary Hahn onstage. - Yeah, yeah. We're just having a good time onstage.
Hey, come on! Give it up, people!
This guy can really play!
D.W., the piece isn't over yet!
Sorry! Go ahead!
That's what Yo-Yo Ma would do!
Dude, that is THE image of Yo-Yo Ma.
- It's just like, - Yeah.
Eddy: "Young kid, it's okay."
Brett: "As long as my music brings joy."
And then it's such...
Like, that would be the piece Yo-Yo Ma would play.
Yeah, yeah!
- Yeah! Yeah, he plays that everywhere right? - The Bach Cello Suite No. 1.
These two guys are gonna get into the biggest fight
you've ever seen!
A fight?
Announcer: It's the musical battle of the century!
Announcer: Joshua Redman is out there,
and the crowd is going crazy! They love him!
Announcer: Uh-oh, here comes Yo-Yo Ma!
- Eddy: Dude, that's sick! - Brett: Dude!
- Eddy: Look at that tank top! - Brett: The bass clef!
Brett: The tank top with the bass clef there!
Whoaaa, Yo-Yo Ma is huge!
Announcer: The ref goes over the rules.
And, here they go!
Announcer: What's this? A cello?
Ma is pulling the deadly *inaudible* move!
And as you know,
this has been declared illegal in 40 states!
And now, this is the dirtiest fighting I've ever seen!
If someone doesn't stop him...
- He's back to— He's like... - Is that a C major scale??
And the other guy's like, "Nooo!!"
- Dude, what's gonna happen? - Let's keep watching.
This is actually s...
- This is so dramatic! - I know!
Announcer: Yo-Yo Ma is going to bore
Joshua Redman to death!
Well, I guess he is playing a C major scale.
Announcer: This looks bad!
Announcer: And oh, he's got the whistle!
He's got the whistle!
What's this? A bicycle pump?
He's biting holes in the tube! What can this be?
Announcer: He's done it! He's done it!!
I can't believe it!
Announcer: Joshua Redman really can play anything!
- Is that like, jazz or something? Yeah. - A saxophone, or jazz or something?
I mean, that's how we feel
when we're in the practice rooms.
- Eddy: Yeah... - Brett: ♪ BRHH ♪
Dude, who is Joshua Redman?
- Ahh. - Dang.
The ultimate showdown between jazz versus classical!
- Ooh... - But come on, of all the things in classical,
- they had to pick a boring C major scale. - That's not fair.
Announcer: What a victory for music!
Yo-Yo Ma!!
He actually broke it! The kid's thing came true!
I really wanna know, has Yo-Yo Ma seen this?
And if not, can someone please...
- ...send him this video? - I'm sure someone watching this right now
knows Yo-Yo Ma personally.
- Please send him this cartoon. - Yeah.
- I wanna see him react to it. - Please send him this! Please.
- I would love to see Yo-Yo Ma react to this. - Oh, that'd be so great.
Great episode.
They all portray him the same!
He's in some suit, and then glasses!
I'm always amazed at how cartoons can portray
- real-life people, you know? - Yeah.
- Yeah, of course it is the G major! - He's gonna play...!
Oh, he always plays that!
Even in the cartoon, it's the same.
Did he practice cello...?
- I don't know. Is that like, a reference? - So many things just happened.
I don't get that reference.
On behalf of cello gang,
there's more pieces than just the Bach suite.
There's six cello suites!
- Each one has multiple movements. - Yeah.
- ...a range of other cello pieces. - And they're so good!
- All the other ones. It's like, - Yeah.
*cell phone ringing*
Audience member: Hello?
Hey, Quagmire! What's going on?
Audience member: Oh, you need a ride?
Yeah sure, I can come get ya, I'm not doing anything.
*door opening and closing*
Meg, that was the last guy,
so just lock up when you're done.
I feel so attacked!
I know, I'm so attacked guys!
- Remember, we have make classical music - Noo...
more relevant to the next generation!
Dude, the thing is like,
that's a little bit relatable.
- It is, yeah. - Because it's like, the parents are there to support you—
I mean, obviously, it's more than just one.
- That's a bit ridiculous. - Yeah.
- Yeah. - But this idea that...
That is so sad.
But I am glad for everyone that came to our show.
Appreciate it.
We are so grateful that we have an audience.
I was thinking something more artistic.
Something musical.
You could take advantage of a fantastic musician
living right here!
- I swear, Lisa always has the same motion. - She... Yeah, yeah.
You know, the beginning?
- Oh, the... - Yeah, and then she's like...
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah!
That's the kind of riff you can aim for
after years of practice.
We start off with the fun stuff:
music theory!
You see that rest?
Brett: That's like, demihemidemisemiquaver!
Dude, no one starts music with introduction to rests!
Brett: Yeah, you don't...
That's so boring, it's like,
"What is a rest?"
"That's it."
My dear boy, you undoubtedly think of the slide whistle,
"It's merely a whistle that slides!"
Let me disabuse you of that misperception.
- Do you have any idea how difficult - - Bye now.
Well, sacrilegious.
We got given one of those, actually,
- after our New York concert. - Yeah.
- You can't play Bumblebee on that. - You can't play, you can't do that.
When I die, you will carry on the tradition of...
the Frinkabim!
Is that the theramin?
- I thought theramin. - Yeah.
But why is it sounding like his voice?
Here we go.
New student! Sit at piano, my daughter teach you.
That is so true!
- European teachers are the best! - Yeah! Yeah...
European teachers,
- where it all came from, classical music! - Yeah!
Let's go, Bart.
So, you want lesson?
Yes, I want lesson.
I accept your whip.
Bart: A girl likes candy.
Bart: Wow!
Well, there you go.
Want your student to learn classical music?
Eat that candy!
Find a...
hot, young, European...
piano teacher to teach your kid!
That is so beautiful! Did you write it?
These are scales.
Now, memorize.
Every good Boris deserves farm.
- "Every good Boris deserves farm." - "...deserves farm."
Dude, that is so true! I had a Russian piano teacher,
and that was exactly it.
- It's like, "Just learn this." - Yeah.
"By memory."
Every good booger deserves flicking.
Your tongue is nimble, unlike sausage fingers.
Sausage fingers?!
Do what I do.
Guys, cartoon and classical music portrayals.
What did you guys think?
don't be sacrilegious.
Alright, please accent the like button.
Dude, Bart's simping.
- For that girl. What a simp. - Oh, Bart is simping!
Bart SIMPsons!
And he's a son!
- The Simp... - Ohh...!
(both) ...SONS!
Guys, please accent the like button, subscribe.
Once again, we're almost there! 3 mil subs!
Dude, that's crazy.