字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 This is a serious issue and obviously everybody has an opinion about it, so we sent our writer, Arthur, down to the streets here in New York and hear out what the people think. 有個嚴肅的議題,顯然每個人都有意見,所以我們讓我們的編劇 Arthur,去紐約街上了解大家在想什麼。 The only catch was they had to dance the entire time they answered the question. 缺點是他們在回答問題的時候必須跳舞。 (audience laughs) (觀眾笑) We call it "Questions and Danswers". 我們叫這 「問題與舞者」。 Take a look. 請看。 Questions & Danswers 問題與舞者。 Yeah! 耶! What do you think of Congress voting against equal pay for women? 對於國會投票反對給女人相同的薪水,你的想法是什麼? I think if a woman can do exactly what a man can do, then she should be paid the same money as he! 我覺得如果女人做得和男人一樣好,那她應該得到跟男人一樣的薪水。 You know, I think that's really unfair as women are paid about 70 cents on the dollar compared to men. 我覺得女人得到的薪水真的是不公平,大約只有男人的七成。 And that shouldn't be a thing because they're doing just as much work. 這是不應該的,因為她們做同樣多的工作。 I think it's outrageous. 這真是離譜。 I think that they should get the same amount of pay as the men do. 我認為他們應該得到的薪水要跟男人一樣多。 And why wouldn't they? 為什麼她們不能? They work just as hard, if not... harder! 她們工作一樣認真,甚至比男人還更認真! I think that's atrocious. 我認為這很糟糕。 Women can do everything men can do. 女人做得到男人可以做的任何事。 We should be paid the same amount of money. 我們應該有相同的薪水。 If they're doing the same job, then they should be paid the same amount. 如果做同樣的工作就要得到同樣的錢。 Makes sense to me. 對我來說是合理的。 And, uh, I think my wife would agree. 我想我太太會同意。 I think it's wrong and I think women should be paid exactly the same as men. 我覺得這是錯誤的。女人應該被付跟男人一樣的薪水。 Exactly the same! 完全一樣! Exactly the-- 完全... Exactly the same! 完全一樣! Visit www.facebook.com/subtitleyoutube to see other videos or to make a request. 前往 www.facebook.com/subtitleyoutube 觀看更多其他影片或提出影片主題的要求。
A1 初級 中文 美國腔 TheTonightShow 薪水 男人 女人 舞者 認真 女人的薪水不應該比男人差 (Questions and Danswers: Equal Pay for Women) 67157 2647 Halu Hsieh 發佈於 2017 年 10 月 12 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字