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(suspenseful music)
- I'm getting a kitten today.
This is so exciting.
- [Niamh] Oh my God she's teeny-tiny.
- [Joey] Oh my God she loves you.
- [Niamh] She does she's taken to you very well Molly.
- [Bee] She's so cozy.
- Her eyes weren't developing
as fast the other kittens in the litter.
There was a period where a lot of people
thought she might be blind.
We love each other, it's instantaneous.
We just fell in love.
(upbeat music)
All right you guys,
last video on Wednesday
you guys met little Leo for the first time.
Now it's time for Gallop to meet her.
My friend Bradon, who was baby-sitting her,
has put Gallop in a room,
so we're gonna do this little bit slowly.
We're just gonna play it by ear, see how it goes.
Kitty is home.
- [Bradon] Oh my gosh, where is she?
- She's in her bubble pack.
- Okay.
- She's a little astronaut - I'm like,
you look the same as you did when you left.
(kitten meowing) Oh my God, is that her?
- [Molly] Yeah.
- Or was that your shoe?
- [Molly] That's her.
Braden, do you wanna meet little (beep)?
- He looks like an astronaut.
- I know she's a little astronaut.
- I still don't believe there's a cat in there.
This is like a prank video.
- [Niamh] She's this side, she's this side.
- [Braden] She's on your right side.
- [Molly] Hello.
- [Niamh] Hey baby girl welcome to your new home.
Two doors Molly.
- We're best friends.
We bonded instantly. - Oh my gosh.
- This is baby girl. - Welcome to your new home.
She's tiny.
- I know.
- She has this cute little brown patch
right there on the top.
Oh my God she's so soft.
- [Molly] I know, she's everything.
- I just wanna like, I want a blanket out of you.
Not out of you,
- Yeah please don't skin my cat right away.
- I would never do that.
- So we have a--
- [Braden] So curious,
- Yeah, we bought an outdoor playpen for her.
So when we're on our balcony,
she can be out there with us and be safe.
So we're gonna bring it inside
and kind of put her in that and then bring Gallop out.
This is, we're just following what the vet recommended.
So if you did it another way
or you think it's better than other way,
I'm just following what my vet said.
So we're gonna put [beep] playpen
and then we're gonna slowly bring Gallop out.
She's already smelled it blankie.
Right, let's get the playpen Niamh.
- [Niamh] There we go.
- See here's her outdoor playpen that we've brought inside.
There you go baby.
It has gallops blanket in it.
Like I said, she's already been smelling and sitting on,
see this is where her sight is interesting.
'Cause she doesn't track things quite properly
like her siblings.
- [Niamh] I wonder if she, should we get some water for her?
- [Molly] Yeah, let's get her some water.
So she's in there now, we got her a bowl of water.
The vet recommended of course treating both of them,
kind of letting Gallop out and just, she's safe in there,
he can kind of explore around her, sniff her.
They can look at each other with a barrier between them.
So they both feel safe.
And then we can kind of see how they're reacting
and treat both of them if they're doing well
so that they both get reinforced.
Like this person is good.
It gives you treats like it's positive thing.
So that's the plan.
Okay, so she's been hanging out in there for a little bit.
She's been just an angel.
I went in to see Gallop
because I knew that he would freak out
because we're never separated.
So I knew he'd freak out when he saw me,
which he did,
he was sniffing my pants all over
so I can definitely tell he smells her.
She started meowing when I left the room.
So sweet.
We're so attached already.
So he could hear her.
So he was smelling her.
He could hear her.
And he was freaking out because I was home.
So we got that kind of like moment
between us out of the way.
They've been able to kind of hear each other
from separate rooms.
One thing I wanted to mention is the MIRA Foundation
where I got Gallop from,
does train the dogs with cats in the kennels.
So they're very used to cats,
both Gypsy and Gallop really like cats,
but we've never had one in our home.
So that's what will be interesting, so.
I think he's gonna be quite excited.
He's gonna barrel out.
Shh, hey baby.
Hey baby, hey.
- [Niamh] He hasn't yet noticed,
he's like I can smell something.
- [Molly] I can smell my treats.
- [Niamh] Yes.
Oh, what a good day.
What a good day. - Oh, look over here.
Well, she's not even peeping.
Does she see him?
- [Niamh] Yeah, she's just looking at him.
She's totally calm.
- [Molly] Well, this is great so far.
- [Niamh] He hasn't even noticed.
- [Molly] He's far more interested in his treats.
- [Niamh] She's just looking out like really super calm.
I think she wants to nap.
She's feeling very safe.
- The vet said as long as they don't react,
then I can just begin the process even further, so.
- [Niamh] But Gallop hasn't even seen her yet, Molls.
I'm starting to think,
he's oblivious. - I don't think he's going to.
Yeah, I don't think he's going to that's the point.
I think I have to take her out.
'Cause I don't think he's gonna notice.
- [Niamh] He's so Gallop like.
- [Molly] Do you know this hasn't had dinner.
- [Niamh] Oh, let's feed him.
- Yeah, let's feed him dinner.
Get that off his mind.
So he's eating
and hopefully he'll start to notice, soon.
It's really hard to introduce somebody
when they don't even notice another person's there.
- [Niamh] He's oblivious.
- [Molly] Oh, is he,
- [Niamh] He just wagged his tail.
He's left, he's like where are those treats?
- [Molly] Yeah, okay, I think I'm gonna open this.
Hey baby.
- [Niamh] She's so content down there.
Oh no he's getting it.
Oh, he's wagging his tail.
Oh, he's, oh,
oh wow what is he in here?
- Now you notice. - What's in there.
And she's looking at him,
they're looking at one another.
- [Molly] You know, because she's such a young kitten still
only eight and a half weeks,
you know, she's so malleable still.
- [Niamh] She's standing up, Molly.
She's taking it in,
I think it's time to let her take it in
a little bit more, you know? - Yeah.
Let's give her a treat.
- [Niamh] Yeah she's sniffing it.
She likes your arm I think.
She's like, "Oh Molly smells delicious".
She just loves you.
No she says, there's a lot to take in right now.
- [Molly] It's okay.
- [Niamh] I don't think she knows
quite what she wants to do.
- It's okay. - It's a lot, you know.
If we wanna, we can close you back up for a bit.
- Okay, so she seems like she's pretty chill
and pretty calm.
It's been a while.
So I'm gonna try and pick her up and see how that goes.
She's been chilling in her litter.
- [Niamh] She loves her litter box.
- [Molly] Hey baby.
- [Niamh] Ah look at Gallop.
Gallops' tales wagging.
- [Molly] Hey baby.
Well, he's done.
He's like, that was cool.
She didn't like hiss or anything.
- [Braden] He's more curious about her home.
- [Molly] I know, he's like, wait, why did she get stuff?
- [Niamh] He's like, has she got food in there.
- [Molly] I mean she's fine,
like this is, - Yeah.
They're both fine.
They're both just like chill.
- [Molly] Hold on, now I have cat litter all over my lap.
Thanks (beep).
- [Niamh] You know maybe it's just so familiar.
- [Molly] Yeah, she's like, she's just chilling.
- [Niamh] She's like, I want to explore a little bit now.
- All right, well we'll update you guys
if something interesting happens.
Because other than that,
it's just like pretty much nothing to either of them,
which is kind of what we thought would happen.
- [Molly] Is she coming out?
- [Niamh] The ball, the ball's there.
The ball's there.
- She is having so much fun.
We've been playing so much today.
She's hilarious.
We just love her so much
but we haven't introduced her to my dad back in Toronto.
So we're gonna FaceTime him right now.
And then I wanted you guys to be part of the intro.
You're gonna meet your grandpa, all right?
We've been tuckering her out
so I can hold her in my arms for the call.
Haven't we?
You've been playing for so long.
- [Niamh] Yeah, she's so cute.
(phone ringing)
- Are you ready to meet (beep) dad?
- Sure.
- Baby girl, you have to meet your grandpa.
I know you want to keep playing.
I know you do.
Oh, I know.
She's currently flailing on her back
with her paws in the air,
like don't, I want to play.
Come here, come here.
- Hello (beep).
- She's so tiny, dad.
- [Molly's dad] What do you think of Gallop?
- She's like, well, I'm not sure.
He's a very big cat (beeping).
- [Niamh] Oh, there she goes.
- She loves the back of this couch here.
Don't you?
Isn't she cute, dad?
- Yes, she's very cute.
- You're adorable.
- She's kind of got little gray patches has she?
And then a brown patch kind of?
- Yeah, she's mostly black, right mom?
- [Niamh] She's mostly black, yeah.
There she is.
- Baby girl.
This is her favorite toy.
Let me pick you up so they can see how good you are.
How good you're doing,
my little like three pounder here, huh?
- [Niamh] Oh my goodness.
My little three pounder.
So what, she came to us on Sunday
and today she's like let me play.
- [Niamh] No, she's a little rebel.
- She's such a rebel.
Okay, bye.
Today is Wednesday, and she is just, wow.
Joey described her as the like quiet,
low key lonely one.
That didn't last long.
She is sassy queen of the house.
She is running around this place.
She was playing tug of war, like a dog.
She was playing chase, like a dog.
She's crazy.
She's hilarious.
We're obsessed with her.
She's met Gallop.
They're doing really, really well.
They get quite close to each other now
like less than three feet away.
And they'll like, just be chilling.
So we're not in friend territory yet.
But they're doing so well together.
Gallop loves eating her food.
It's great.
He's like, ooh she bought treats.
She's been introduced to my dad over FaceTime.
Sorry for all the beeps in his video.
It's very hard for me not to say her real name,
which is not Leo.
Comment below, if you have any guesses.
- [Niamh] And we might pick one of the names right?
Not for,
as her second name. - Her first name's decided,
but her middle name is not.
So we might pick one of the guesses as her middle name.
So comment below.
Let me know what you think I'm gonna name her,
or what I already have named her.
Don't forget to subscribe and come back on Tuesday
for the name reveal.
Click up here if you want to see the video
where I adopted her from Joey Graceffa,
and click up here, I don't know,
if you want to see me give my guide dog a bath.
(suspenseful music)
Typical, typical. Typical.
I opened my drawer to put some clothes away
and here I find a kitten.
Hey baby girl, are you ready to tell the internet your name?
Are you ready for your name to be revealed?
She's like, I'm here.
- [Niamh] I'm here.
And my name is...