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  • Hi, I'm Vanessa from

  • Do you not have enough time in the day to study English?

  • Let's talk about it.

  • You're busy.

  • I'm busy.

  • Let's get right to the point.

  • How can you be more productive and find time to study English?

  • This is one of the most common excuses I hear from English students.

  • I want to be fluent in English, but I just don't have enough time.

  • Don't worry.

  • Me too.

  • I have a two and a half year old son, a two month old son.

  • I run an online English business including making these lessons for you, and I still

  • try to find time to spend time with my husband and relax a little bit for myself.

  • It's tough to be productive and find time in a busy day.

  • Time is a valuable resource, but I have some tough love for you.

  • If you really want to do something, you will find time to do it, but how?

  • Well today, I want to give you my top three tips to help you find time to study English.

  • This lesson is short and sweet because I imagine if you clicked on it, you don't have that

  • much time.

  • So let's get started with tip number one.

  • Tip number one, track your daily schedule.

  • You might know that I had my second son a couple months ago in March, and because I

  • work for myself as an online English teacher, I wasn't given a maternity leave by a company.

  • I had to create my own maternity leave and that means that I needed to create materials

  • in advance, YouTube videos in advance, course lessons in advance and have it prepared so

  • that I could take a little break after my son was born.

  • With my first son, it was no problem to create material in advance because I had all the

  • time in the world, but when you have another kid, it's really difficult to find time to

  • create two months, three months, four months, five, six months of material in advance.

  • How did I do this?

  • Well, the only way to be successful is to create a plan.

  • So each month I decided what I wanted to accomplish during that entire month and then each week

  • I decided what I wanted to do each week, and then each day I decided what I wanted to do

  • each day.

  • When I broke it down into those small sections, scheduling every part of the day, tracking

  • what I was going to do.

  • Also scheduling free time, scheduling time to be with my two-year-old, the things that

  • I enjoy, I was pretty surprised.

  • When I looked at my daily schedule, I had enough time.

  • I was surprised that I actually had enough time because I was working two or three times

  • the normal amount that I usually do, but I had time in my schedule to do all of the things

  • I wanted when I specifically tracked my time.

  • I tell you this personal story because maybe you felt like I did.

  • There's just too much going on.

  • It's difficult to balance a work and a home life, but when you track your day and try

  • to figure out what works best for you in a schedule, you'll realize that you probably

  • have enough time to study English.

  • For me, I broke my day into some main sections and these main sections are going to be different

  • for you.

  • For me, they were nine to 12, one to three when my son is resting or taking a nap, three

  • to five and then nighttime after he was asleep.

  • By realistically looking at each day, I realized how much time I actually had.

  • For some of those periods of time, I was just playing with my son or going to the gym.

  • These were things that I wanted to do, but when I tracked my day, I realized I had enough

  • time for what I needed to do and also what I wanted to do.

  • You can use a Google calendar and block off your day.

  • This is what mine looked like, but of course yours is going to look different.

  • Yours might be get ready, commute, work, lunch, work, commute, see family, eat dinner, evening,

  • sleep.

  • It's probably not possible or a good idea to study English while you're at work, but

  • now you can visually see your day, which leads us to tip number two.

  • Tip number two is to integrate English into your daily habits.

  • Now that you know what your daily schedule looks like, how can you fit English into those

  • different sections?

  • Let's take a look at the Google calendar again.

  • If you're like me, when you're getting ready for the day, you're kind of like a zombie

  • and your brain is not ready for something new like English.

  • But maybe while you're in the car or on the train commuting to work, this could be a great

  • time to listen to an English podcast or maybe make a playlist of some English songs that

  • you like and listen to those songs or listen to a short clip from an audio book in English.

  • If you're part of an English course like my course, the Fearless Fluency Club, which you

  • can learn more about up here.

  • You could download the MP3 version of all of the lessons and listen to it while you're

  • in the car, or maybe you could talk with another member in the evenings when your home is quiet.

  • Spend 15 minutes just chatting together in English.

  • Here's some other ways that you can just easily integrate English into your daily habits,

  • the things that you're already doing in life.

  • You could make a grocery list or a to do list in English.

  • Change your phone's language to English.

  • You could talk about your daily actions as you're doing them.

  • I'm putting the sweater over my dress shirt.

  • These types of daily explanations are great for using English.

  • If you need to expand your vocabulary to have the words to talk about your daily life, you

  • can check out this video that I made up here.

  • It might seem like you're only spending 15 to 20 minutes with English in a sitting.

  • In a sitting means at one time, but when you have a busy life, you got to do what you got

  • to do.

  • This is a common saying that means it's not ideal, but it's the only thing that's going

  • to work for you.

  • You've got to do what you got to do, so try to fit English into daily habits instead of

  • trying to find new time for English.

  • And this leads us to tip number three, study English in bite sized chunks.

  • You might be tempted to think, isn't it better if I study for two hours at one time?

  • Yes, two hours is better for giving your brain a chance to focus, but we have to be realistic,

  • right?

  • If you don't have two hours, then you got to use the time that you have.

  • Bite sized chunks means short, easily finished sections of time.

  • So if you have a 15 minute commute to your work, well, you can download a 15 minute English

  • podcast and complete that full podcast during your commute.

  • Don't feel discouraged if you can't find two solid hours to study English every day.

  • There's going to probably be a time in your life when you do have two hours, but if it's

  • not today, that's all right.

  • Just use what you have.

  • YouTube videos are a great way to learn English in bite sized chunks because most videos are

  • less than 20 minutes.

  • Or you could have a conversation with a speaking partner for just 10 to 15 minutes at a time.

  • You don't need to spend 30 minutes or one hour talking together.

  • You could plan to just talk for 10 to 15 minutes before your day gets started, have a quick

  • chat and then go on with the rest of your day.

  • You've already accomplished something in a bite sized chunk.

  • Some of us want to be productive 24/7 but it's not realistic to be productive 24 hours

  • in a day.

  • So when you start seeing the time that you have in your day and you can track your time,

  • you integrate English into your daily habits and you study English in bite sized chunks,

  • you'll really start to make progress and you'll feel better that you are actually being productive

  • in this short time that you have.

  • And now I have a question for you.

  • When do you study English?

  • When are you watching this video?

  • Is it early in the morning and before all of your household wakes up?

  • Is it during your commute?

  • Is it during your lunch break?

  • Or maybe after everyone's fallen asleep and your house is quiet?

  • Let me know in the comments and I'll see you again next Friday for a new lesson here on

  • my YouTube channel.

  • Bye.

  • The next step is to download my free e-book, Five steps to becoming a confident English

  • speaker.

  • You'll learn what you need to do to speak confidently and fluently.

  • Don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for more free lessons.

  • Thanks so much.

  • Bye.

Hi, I'm Vanessa from


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何找到時間學習英語 (How to FIND TIME to study English)

  • 41 5
    Capalu 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日