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  • - And he kind of hugged me

  • and then didn't talk to me at all,

  • and just left.

  • (tango music)

  • Hello, I'm Serena,

  • and today I'm going to be telling you

  • my first date horror story.

  • I was 15 at the time, and

  • I met this dude in theater,

  • and we started talking.

  • And it was really awkward at first, but

  • got to know each other,

  • and he decided to ask me out.

  • I couldn't go on dates my myself yet,

  • so my mom was like, hey,

  • gotta invite somebody.

  • I invited a group of friends,

  • so they could all hang out together,

  • and he and I could have some alone time.

  • But only one friend showed up,

  • and she was late!

  • We just kind of stood there for about 15 minutes,

  • kind of talking, but not really,

  • because we didn't know each other that well,

  • which is weird already.

  • When she did show up,

  • we just realized that we didn't tell her it was a date.

  • And she thought that it was just a hangout,

  • and her birthday was next week,

  • so she kind of thought it was like a surprise party too,

  • and she's like, oh, let's go eat here,

  • and let's go shopping here,

  • when he and I wanted to just hang out together.

  • We went and ate, and she insisted on paying for us,

  • and then led us to Forever 21,

  • and hinted that she watned this necklace.

  • And so, I ended up buying the necklace,

  • and he ended up buying the matching earrings.

  • She decided she was gonna go shop for perfume

  • for her mom for Christmas.

  • I had to go,

  • because I had something after,

  • I don't remember what that was.

  • So he walked me to my car,

  • that was that.

  • And we left, and I told her a week later,

  • and she was horrified.

  • And I was so embarrassed,

  • and we kind of tried to go on a second date,

  • but it never ended up working,

  • and then we haven't talked since.

  • I will always say he's the right person at the wrong time,

  • but he moved to, where was it?

  • Oregon, he moved to Oregon!

  • I saw him six months ago, I think,

  • and he kind of hugged me,

  • and didn't talk to me at all,

  • and just left.

  • And I don't know where he lives anymore.

  • He might have moved back, he might not have.

  • Couldn't tell you. (laughs)

  • I was so regretful.

  • I wish I had invited a different group of people,

  • and informed them that it was a group date,

  • but overall, I wish I had waited

  • until I was allowed to go on a date one on one.

  • And that was my first date horror story. (laughs)

  • - Hi, I'm Angela, and today,

  • I'm gonna tell you my first date horror story.

  • So I was 14,

  • and it was this guy who I had been kind of talking to,

  • we were both in marching band,

  • so it was my sophomore year of high school.

  • I was talking to some of my friends,

  • and he was like, Angela, can I talk to you for a second?

  • And I kind of knew what he was gonna ask already,

  • 'cause my best friend was kind of in the corner

  • watching us and laughing,

  • so I was like, okay, I know it's gonna happen,

  • and he pulled me aside and he was like,

  • do you want to hang out soon?

  • Like maybe go on a date or something?

  • And I was like, you know what, sure.

  • Why don't we?

  • And I was super nervous, because you know,

  • I'd never gone on a date before or anything,

  • and so this is gonna be my first date ever,

  • and I had never kissed anyone, like nothing,

  • so I was really nervous about that.

  • So we ended up going to a park

  • right by my elementary school, actually,

  • and we showed up, and it was super cordial and everything,

  • and the date was super nice, right?

  • Two hours long,

  • we didn't make a move, we held hands, we were talking.

  • I really thought there was one part we were

  • under a tunnel, and I thought he was gonna kiss me,

  • and then I asked him later, why didn't you kiss me?

  • And he was like,

  • I knew it was gonna be your first kiss,

  • and I wanted it to be special.

  • I was gonna save it for a later time,

  • so I was like, thanks. (laughs)

  • In the moment, I really wanted him to kiss me,

  • but I mean, I guess

  • that's a story for another time. (laughs)

  • I found out a little bit later that

  • he had lied to his parents about where he was going,

  • 'cause obviously we were 14 and we needed

  • to be dropped off at the park,

  • and he knew that his parents didn't like me.

  • Initially, I liked his older brother, and they knew,

  • and they read our texts.

  • And it was not appropriate, I don't know.

  • They didn't like me because of that,

  • and I guess there were rumors about me,

  • 'cause I was in band all the band moms and the band dads

  • were gossiping and they were talking about me, so

  • I guess they don't like me for that. (laughs)

  • So he lied and told them that

  • he was gonna go work with some friends

  • on a school project at the park,

  • and then they ended up grounding him

  • for a month afterward,

  • and I didn't see him again for a month after.

  • And then I talked to him about it later,

  • and I was like, what happened?

  • And he was like, yeah, I lied to my parents for you.

  • And I was like, dude, you didn't have to do any of that.

  • But yeah, that was kind of it. (laughs)

  • So as embarrassing as it was,

  • I guess it wasn't so bad,

  • 'cause more than five years later, here we are.

  • He's still my boyfriend, so.

  • (string music)

- And he kind of hugged me


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A2 初級 美國腔

青少年分享他們第一次約會的恐怖故事 (Teens Share Their First Date Horror Stories)

  • 6 1
    Mahiro Kitauchi 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日