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Hey guys, welcome to our channel; thank you for tuning in.
And this video's topic is a very interesting one.
Can we learn English by listening to songs?
And can we practice our pronunciation by singing along?
People have different opinions on this and ask me a lot about this.
This is a very pleasant way to learn indeed.
And yes, you can learn some English from songs, and no, you can't at the same time.
It very much depends.
If you're sitting and listening to some songs in English every single day, even for many hours, but you don't read the lyrics⏤
because, let's be real, we don't understand everything that they sing in songs for many reasons, and we'll get to them later.
If you don't read the lyrics, you don't understand half of what is sung, therefore you don't learn.
And if you don't check the lyrics, you can't call this working on your listening skills, either.
And even native speakers don't always understand everything.
Now that we've gotten this out of the way, let's talk about how we actually can learn by listening to songs.
So, as you already probably guessed, the first thing you have to do is read the lyrics.
If you like some song and you listen to it a lot, daily maybe, read it's lyrics, and read it while you're listening to the song as well.
It'll help you memorize them more easily.
Step number two, if you don't know the meaning of some words, look them up.
And, bam! You've learned some new vocabulary.
And very often, singers use different expressions and phrases in their songs, and if you look them up as well, you'll learn some new expressions.
Let's take "Shallow" by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.
There's a very deep meaning behind this song.
Moreover, fully understanding the lyrics can be quite difficult sometimes because it's poetry.
And, sometimes, authors, in order to express their thoughts and feelings, use figurative language.
But let's take just this phrase, "I'm off the deep end", which means "change your behavior, to start doing something risky or uncertain or lose control of yourself".
我們先用「 I'm off the deep end」這個片語來做例子,意思是「改變你的行為來做某件冒險的事,或者是解放對自己的束縛。」
So, there you go, you've learned a new expression.
In addition, you can learn some grammar.
But again, always check if you're not sure about something.
'Cause every now and then, in order for the words to rhyme, authors can use improper grammar. Intentionally.
Let's take "Let It Snow" by Frank Sinatra.
我們來看看 Frank Sinatra 演唱的《Let It Snow》。
It's an old song, but nonetheless, still very popular these days, especially during the holiday season.
And you can hear these lines there:
"He don't care about the cold and the winds that blow," when we know that it supposed to be "he doesn't care".
「He don't care about the cold and the winds that blow 」正確的文法應該是「he doesn't care」。
But if you don't know that, it can be misleading.
There's even a song called "He Don't Love Me" by Winona Oak.
還有一首文法錯誤示範的歌曲,由 Winona Oak 演唱的歌叫「He Don't Love Me」。
It's certainly okay to use it in poetry.
And this different-from-standard English is even a perfectly normal English for some regions and classes in the US.
And you will even hear it in some movies.
But its usage in speaking, moreover, in formal writing, is considered uneducated, and we don't want to come out as such.
Now, for example, in this song, which happens to be one of my favorites, "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa and Charlie Puth.
舉例來說,我的愛歌,這首由 Wiz Khalifa 與 Charlie Puth 合唱的《See You Again》。
And I honestly choke up every time I listen to it.
There are these lines, "It's been a long day without you, my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."
有這幾句歌詞:「It's been a long day without you my friend, and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again」。
Just in these two lines, we have an example of the present perfect tense, "it's been a long day", and, at the same time, people use this statement as a phrase to express fatigue because they were extra busy that day or to express frustration.
在這兩句歌詞當中,「 it's been a long day」是現在完成式的例句,同時也可以用來表達忙碌一天後的疲倦感,或表達挫折感。
And, then this line, "And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again."
然後這句「And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again」。
It's an example of the first conditional; there it just used "when" instead of "if".
And it shows us that we don't use the future tense with "when", which is a common mistake.
And on top of that, you'll get to repeat these words a lot by singing along since we're listening to our favorite songs over and over again.
And what is that if not repetition?
And what is better than repetition to help us remember something better?
As long as you analyze and do research, you'll learn a lot.
Now, it's time to talk about pronunciation.
Yes, you can practice your pronunciation by singing along to songs, like, for example, let's take that same "See You Again".
有的,跟唱的確可以幫你練習發音。用同一首歌《See You Again》來舉例。
There's a line, "How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?"
有一句歌詞是這麼寫的:「How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?」
A very good line for practicing your pronunciation⏤just as that whole couplet is good.
The speed and contractions, everything sounds very natural.
But, again, oftentimes, singers, to sing some high or low note, change the vowel in a word or change the stress in words so they sound more melodic.
So, be careful with this.
And that's why we can't always understand what is being sung.
Well, guys, I hope that I managed to set things straight regarding this topic, and if you found this information useful, smash that like button so that I know this.
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Until the next video.
♪How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?♪
♪How could we not talk about family when family's all that we got?♪
♪And I'll see you again♪
♪And I'll see you again♪