字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 I deeply trust in my intuition. 我一直深信我的直覺。 You're pregnant. 你懷孕了。 It's a food baby. 是食物寶寶。 I also practice manifestation and spell casting. 我也會施展法術和下魔咒。 Chris Evans, come to me..... Chris Evans,來找我... And it is literal magic. 而且是真的有魔力。 For example, last week. 好比說,上星期。 I've always wanted to work with Calvin Klein, so I figure, why not take some photos, tag them on the 'gram, let the universe see that I'm here. 我一直都想要和 Calvin Klein 合作,所以想說就拍幾張照片、在 IG 上標註他們,然後讓宇宙萬象看見我在這裡努力。 -I'm queer, and I'm down to work with my favorite under... wear. -Yess... -我是酷兒,我很樂意也準備好要和我最愛的內衣褲品牌合作了。 -就是這樣... And the next day Calvin Klein reached out. 然後隔天 Calvin Klein 就來聯繫了。 So thank you to Calvin Klein for sponsoring today's video and to the universe for working your magic, per usual. 所以要感謝 Calvin Klein 贊助今天的影片,也要謝謝宇宙萬象像往常一樣施展了魔法。 I'm so excited to say that I speak my truth in my Calvin's. 我很興奮可以說「我穿著 Calvin Klein 宣揚我原則」。 And in thinking about my truth I realized that one thing cats and I do not have in common. 而在思考自己的原則的時候,我發現了一件我和貓咪不一樣的事。 Cats love boxes. 貓咪很愛箱子。 I don't get it. 我不懂。 One thing that people love to do is to put you in a box. 人們很喜歡用社會價值觀自動把你歸類、貼標籤。 I mean, it's what the brain does right, compartmentalize. 不過,這不就是就是大腦在做的事嗎? 劃分一切。 And though it's great for like neurons to categorize and differentiate information, it is not so great for our artistic lives. 雖然區別分類資訊對於神經元而言是件好事,但對於我們的藝術生涯來說就不那麼合適了。 And even if you're not an artist, I encourage you to listen to your gut about the kinds of things you want to explore. 而就算你不是藝術家,我還是鼓勵你要聽從內心直覺所想探索的事物。 Yeah, you know people joke about underwater basket weaving, but it's not a joke to me. 對,很多人會開水底編籃的玩笑,但我不覺得那是玩笑。 It's never been a joke to me. 對我來說那從來都不是個玩笑。 I have a reputation for doing a lot: acting, stand-up, music, writing, directing, illustration, poetry, stop-motion... 我做的事出了名地多:演戲、單口相聲、音樂、寫作、導演、插畫、寫詩、定格動畫...... And I was worried that maybe my passion was a little all over the place. 而且我之前很擔心我的愛好可能有點太過廣泛雜亂。 She said I was a jack-of-all-trades, master of none, and it's really bothering me. 她說我是萬事通、萬事不精,真的讓我很煩惱。 Like I'm just always, kind of like, gone after whatever seemed like really fun, you know? 我一直都只是追求任何感覺起來很好玩的事物,你懂嗎? Should I stop doing that, would I be more successful if I just focused on one thing? 我應該不要繼續那樣嗎?如果我只專注在一件事情上會更成功嗎? You do know the full quote, right? 你真的知道整句諺語對吧? What? 什麼意思? Well the full quote is: "Jack-of-all-trades, master of none, often times better than master of one." 完整的諺語是:「萬事通、萬事不精,時常優於只精於一事。」 So if you take the full thing in context, it's actually better to be a jack-of-all-trades. 所以如果完整解讀上下文,其實當個萬事通比較好。 Oh. 噢! And in stepping back and really thinking about it, I realize that all of my exploration really boils down to one thing. 而退一步認真想了一想,我發現其實我所有的探索活動其實都歸根於同一件事。 Ultimately, I see myself as someone who turns their pain into art. 到頭來,我認為自己是個將痛苦轉化為藝術的人。 And different mediums and platforms not only offer a variety of opportunities to do just that... 而不同的媒體和平台不只提供我多種可以這麼做的機會... But by constantly seeking new and challenging ways to express myself, I feel more like myself. 透過持續探尋新的、具挑戰性的自我表達方式,我也覺得自己更像自己。 I have a friend named Katie who inspired me so much in my early 20s. 我有個叫做 Katie 的朋友,她在我二十幾的時候大大激勵了我。 Katie was always trying something new. Katie 總是在嘗試新事物。 She trained with the circus, then she got her pilot license, then she was doing burlesque dancing. 她曾在馬戲團受訓,然後考到飛行員執照,然後又表演歌舞雜劇。 She taught herself how to knit, dabbled in pottery. 她自學編織,還涉略了陶藝。 And the last time I talked to her she was working with charities that helped exotic animals internationally, so she got to pet tigers. 而我上次和她聊天的時候,她正在和幫助國際間動物的慈善組織合作,所以她可以摸老虎! And though Katie did so many different weird, awesome things that seemed super random, in the decade that I've known her, I have never met anyone who is more authentically themselves. 雖然 Katie 做了這麼多不同奇怪又酷炫、看似超無厘頭的事,但是在我認識她的十年間,我從沒見過比她更真實做自己的人。 And I think it's specifically because Katie does not hold back with trying different things. 我覺得這正是因為 Katie 嘗試不同事物時從不退縮。 And with every new adventure she has, the more centered she becomes in who she is. 而透過她的每個新冒險,她越來越清楚自己的中心。 So don't be afraid to explore your creative impulses, to listen to your intuition about what excites you, and to cast a spell every once in a while. 所以不要害怕去探索自己的創意衝動、讓直覺激發你,然後適時地下個咒語。 Chris Evans, hear my call. Chris Evans,聽從我的召喚。 Chris Evans, let me pet your dog. Chris Evans,讓我摸摸你的狗。 Dodger looks real cute though. 不過狗狗 Dodger 是真的看起來很可愛。 Thank you so much to Calvin Klein for sponsoring today's video. 非常感謝 Calvin Klein 贊助今天的影片。 I speak my truth in my Calvin's. 我穿著 Calvin Klein 宣揚我原則。 I am a jack-of-all-trades. 我是個樣樣都會的萬事通。 I wore a bunch of Calvin Klein in today's video including Calvin Klein Jeans and Calvin Klein underwear. 我在今天的影片中穿了很多 Calvin Klein 的衣服,包含牛仔褲和內衣褲。 You can check out those and more styles on calvinklein.com or by clicking the link in the description below. 可以到 calvinklein.com 或是點擊下方資訊欄的連結看看這些時尚商品。 I'm Anna Akana. See you next Thursday. 我是 Anna Akana,下星期四見。
B1 中級 中文 美國腔 多益 直覺 事物 玩笑 原則 諺語 「斜槓」真的好嗎?樣樣都會,其實是雜而不精? (Be A Jack of All Trades) 17184 625 Estelle 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 13 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字