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So maybe you're hanging out with your friends, and suddenly people start talking about the 16 personalities.
假設你正和朋友待在一起,不知怎麼的大家開始討論起 16 型人格的心理測驗來,
Myers-Briggs, MBTI.
邁爾斯·布里格斯性格分類法,又稱為 MBTI 人格測試。
They start saying weird stuff like, "I'm an INFJ."
然後他們開始講一些很奇怪的東西,比方說:「我是 INFJ」,
"I'm an ENTP."
「我是 ENTP」。
And you're like, "What?"
Are we supposed to just all act like everybody knows what this gobbledygook means?
What do the letters mean?
The four letters, when people are talking about these personality types, I'm gonna explain it to you like you're five.
Okay, maybe not like you're five, but maybe like a smart ten-year-old.
The four letters that make up a personality type are just preferences. That's all, no big deal.
It's how you observe the world and how you make decisions.
Each Myers-Briggs personality type has four letters in it. Each of those letters has two options. That's two times two times two times two.
在 MBTI 中,每個人格都由四個字母組成,每一個字母各代表著兩種性格型態,所以 2 乘 2 乘 2 乘 2 ,
That's 16, boom.
得出 16 種性格型態,就是這樣!
Honors Pre-calculus in 11th grade, yo.
The first letter is I or E.
第一位的字母會是 I 或者是 E。
That stands for "Introvert" or "Extrovert". Easy enough, right?
Well, don't get too comfortable 'cause that's the easiest one.
The next letter is S or N, which stands for "Sensing" or "Intuition".
第二位是 S 或 N,代表「實感型」或「直覺型」。
I know, intuition starts with an "I", but the symbol is "N". It's confusing but just roll with it.
我知道「Intuition」的開頭是 I,但 MBTI 卻用 N 代表,讓人感覺很混亂沒錯,但就照著它的規則走!
"Sensing" and "Intuition" are the ways that we make observations of the world around us.
MBTI 用「實感型」和「直覺型」來區分我們對周邊和世界的觀察模式。
"Sensing" is pretty easy. How do we observe the world with our five senses?
What are the facts?
What are the numbers?
"Intuition" is about—what are the patterns at work here?
What are the higher-level concepts?
Everybody uses both "Sensing" and "Intuition".
You couldn't make yourself a ham sandwich for lunch without both.
Could you... ah... maybe.
But you do have a preference at least 51% of the time of one over the other.
但兩者當中,總是有一種型態跟你比較接近,至少 51% 的時間是某種型態。
The third letter in the type is F or T, which stands for "Feeling" and "Thinking", which are the two ways that we make decisions.
第三個字母是 F 或者 T,分別是「情感型」和「思考型」,這是我們的判斷模式。
"Feeling" is not so much emotion, but value.
What value do I give something? Is it good or bad?
Do I like it or not like it?
Making a decision based on feeling is like I'm gonna do this because I like it, or because other people like it.
"Thinking", on the other hand, is logical, rational.
Does it make sense?
Does it work, is it true?
Making a decision with thinking is:
"I'm gonna do this because it just makes sense, it just works."
We all do both everyday, and the personality type isn't meant to put you in a box.
It's just meant to say a majority of the time, what do you prefer?
The fourth letter is J or P.
第四位是 J 或 P。
Do you prefer John or Paul as your favorite Beatle?
披頭四樂團裡面你是 John 派還是 Paul 派?
Ha, ha, ha... just kidding.
No, J verses P is really "Judging" versus "Perceiving".
不是啦,J 跟 P 分別是「判斷型」和「感知型」。
And to be honest with you, this letter is like the least precise in its meaning, but let me try to give you a little bit of what it's going for.
So the P and J stand for "Perceiving" and "Judging",
所以 P 跟 J 分別代表「感知型」和「判斷型」。
"Perceiving" meaning observations, "Judging" meaning decisions.
So, when you have a P type, generally when they're making decisions, they're looking at themselves first and foremost.
所以如果你是 P 型(感知型)人格,大致上來說當你們做決定時,你們會將「自己」擺在第一順位。
What do I think is the right decision here?
I'm gonna go with that.
P types also, when they're making observations, wanna gather as many as possible.
P 型(感知型)人格在觀察時也會希望能蒐集越多資訊越多越好。
They don't wanna limit it, and they don't really wanna organize it either.
The J types, on the other hand, when they're making decisions, they wanna look around, and get a good cross-section of what everyone else thinks is the right decision to make here,
而另一方面,當 J 型(判斷型)人格在做決定時,他們會觀察周遭,去了解身邊所有人對「對的決定」的定義是什麼,
and then they'll make it based off of that.
When making observations, the J types don't wanna take in a crap ton of observations, like the P types,
所以在觀察時, J 型(判斷型)人格並不會如 P 型(感知型)人格般瘋狂蒐集各種觀察資訊,
they wanna limit it, and just chew on a few choice observations for a while, organize them over and over.
And this is why the J types, generally to the outside world, can look a bit more organized, and the P types can look like crazy, disorganized, their life is a mess.
而這就是為什麼 J 型(判斷型)人格的人在外人看來會比較井然有序,而 P 型(感知型)人格的人會看起來很失控又毫無章法,人生一團糟。
But they're having fun.
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Now, if you wanna learn a bit more about what the flavor of each type is,
如果你想要更深入了解 MBTI 的各類型人格,
check out these videos, which have funny stereotypes of each of the 16 personalities.
去看看這些影片,你會看到許多關於 MBTI 16 型人格有趣的刻板印象。
If you're interested in learning more about personality types, subscribe to my channel, man, 'cause that's what I talk about.
我的頻道專門分享關於 MBTI 16 型人格的解說,如果你有興趣深入了解,訂閱我的頻道吧!
Thanks so much for watching. I appreciate you.
Until next time, stay cool and attractive.