字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 - Tampons and pads, - I don't know man. - Do you think they're absorbing like a whole pint? - I really don't think about it too much. - I think that you've just revealed that you've never found the clitoris. (upbeat music) Hey how's it going, I'm Ify. - What's up, I'm Jeff. - Hi I'm Josh. - And I'm Ian. - And today we're taking a women's sex ed quiz. - [Producer] How do you guys feel about sex? - You know I feel confident about it, you know, very generous. - [Producer] So how do you guys feel about sex? - I feel good about it generally. - Sex ed is definitely needed for sure. - Yeah, I think it's extremely important because I mean, you gotta know what you're doing before you're knowing what you're doing, you know? - Yeah. - So I went to Catholic school and that was a little different, even seeing the nudie mag was a sin, and then public high school, they went straight for put the rubber on the banana, so I got both sides of it growing up. - I feel like women's sexual education is important, just like with men you need to know every part of the body, if you're planning on taking part in this. - Also, yeah, I think I'm knowledgeable. I had a lot of women in my life growing up. I have a daughter so I feel like, I got it, I don't know why I keep doing this but-- - Hitting every layer. - There's always a curve ball but I'm pretty confident in my ability. - All right, let's get it popping. - Let's do this. - [Josh] The word vagina technically refers to: the entirety of the female anatomy, the exterior parts of the female anatomy, the canal that connects the uterus to the labia minora, the tube that urine flows out of. - Well-- - It's not the tube-- - It's definitely not, no. - The urine flows out of. - And I think that's C, off rip. C. - Yeah. Yeah. - Yeah, the canal that connects the uterus to the labia minora. - Definitely. - Definitely. - We'll go with C. - We said the canal that connects the uterus to the labia minora. - [Producer] That was correct. - All right. Off to a good start. - Good start. - Boom. - Good work. - There it is. Good work. - How should the vagina be cleaned? Use soap and water inside your vagina, you should use douches regularly, the vagina is self-cleaning and does not require you to clean it, you should rinse it once a day. Wait, the vagina is self-cleaning. It does not require you to clean it, which is why women are cleaner than men. - The human body's pretty self-reliant. - I've always heard that it's a self-cleaning spot. Vagina is a self-cleaning (laughs) I don't wanna say apparatus, that's not. (laughs) Organ, self-cleaning organ. - That's right. - Boom. - That's why you're a dad and I'm not because I had no clue about that one. - Two for two. - They clean their own genitals-- - Self-sufficient. - Men, we walk around with vinegar smelling right gross and stuff. Don't even be using wipes before we get into action. I do! - [Josh] How long is the average menstrual cycle? Five days, 14 days, 21 days, 28 days? - Is this the whole cycle? Menstruation, you only ever think about the actual bleeding portion, the period. - I feel like they're trying to trick us because most people believe the menstrual cycle is just the period where you're bleeding. - I'd say 21. - 21, oof. Maybe 14 days, if it's like the whole cycle 'cause the actual like-- - The menstrual cycle, that's a whole-- - A whole month, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, so it's 28 days? - We're gonna go with 28? - Yeah. - Yeah let's try 28. - I'm really pushing for 21 man. - Really? - I think it's 21. - I don't-- - It's like a month. - If it's 21, now I just feel really bad. - I'm gonna do 21. - You're doing 21? All right. - I'm gonna pull the-- - All right you can pull executive decision on 21. I think 14 if you're going full cycle. - Josh begs to differ, but. - I beg to differ on this one. - D, 28 days. - Right. - Whoo! - Yes let's go. - Bam, let's go. Good times. - [Producer] That was incorrect. 28 days. - It is 28? - Oh my God. - Does it count the whole? - That's like the whole beginning. So it's basically just like, it's a continuous loop. It just basically never ends. - Man. - Is it more hygienic to remove pubic hair around the vulva? True or false. Oh that's false. Pubic hair is actually what is there to keep it clean. - Yeah. - Pubic hair is supposed to protect the genitalia. The removing is just kinda the sexy stuff. - Because of porn and it actually happened in the early 90s when we wanted the shaved stuff. - "Keeping it cute" and everything. - Yeah, "keeping it cute, barely legal." (Jeff laughs) - The removal is what's destroyed crab lice. They're almost extinct now because it doesn't exist. - Adult films have came back around on that, my friends tell me. I'm really just watching the Bible Channel. - [Josh] On average, how much blood does a menstruating person lose during a period? One tablespoon, six to eight tablespoons, one cup, one pint? - This one's hard. - Yeah. - Yeah I guess it's on average, 'cause I was trying to be like, "Oh you got your heavy, your light flow." But it's on average. - On average, I'm going in the middle of all of 'em. - Think of a pint of beer, that's like-- - I don't wanna think about a pint of blood like that. - I don't either but I'm just saying. - A cup is the safe bet, the pint is what my heart is saying, but I'm gonna go with you, I'm gonna say cup. - Tampons and pads-- - I don't know, man. - Do you think they're absorbing a whole pint? - I haven't really, I don't think about it too much. - I know. (laughs) - Do you want a pint? - No. - Oh he wants a cup. - I want a cup. I actually wanna be optimistic. - One cup. - That's wrong. Six to eight teaspoons. - Ooh. - I mean we're close, we just went in the middle. - Yeah, okay. - One down can't hurt. - Yeah.