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  • oftentimes when we travel we ask people for recommendations of places to visit

    我們旅行時經常問別人 推薦參觀景點

  • in one destination that Argentines kept mentioning is the seaside town of las grutus

    在阿根廷人守住的一個目的地 提到的是海邊小鎮拉斯格魯圖斯

  • las grutas is located in the province of Rio Negro in the

    las grutas位於 里約內格羅省

  • northeastern tip of Patagonia and it's known to have the warmest waters along

    巴塔哥尼亞的東北端, 已知擁有最溫暖的水域

  • the Argentine coast thanks to the tides in the Sun Matias gull this makes las grutas a

    由於潮汐,阿根廷海岸 在太陽Matias海鷗中,這使得las grutas

  • very popular destination during the summer months when we visited lesson

    期間非常受歡迎的目的地 我們上課的夏季

  • with us last year we were surprised to find a town painted in white and blue

    去年和我們在一起,我們很驚訝 找到一個塗成白色和藍色的小鎮

  • which reminded us a lot of Santorini there returns when we had to do a

    這讓我們想起了很多聖托里尼島 當我們不得不做一個

  • double-take where we on a Greek island overlooking the Aegean Sea or in

    我們在希臘小島上的雙重拍攝 俯瞰愛琴海或在

  • Argentina on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean

    阿根廷在大西洋沿岸 海洋

  • perhaps our one mistake in visiting the las grutas was that we arrived right

    也許我們在訪問 拉斯·格魯塔斯(Las grutas)是我們趕到了

  • at the end of the tourist season meaning that almost all of the hotels

    在旅遊季節結束時表示 幾乎所有的酒店

  • restaurants and tour operators were already closed

    餐館和旅行社 已經關閉

  • however we were lucky enough to discover in las grutas a restaurant by chef Leonardo Perazzoli

    但是我們很幸運地發現 在拉斯格魯塔斯(La grutas),廚師萊昂納多·佩拉佐利(Leonardo Perazzoli)的餐廳

  • where we got to try some of the tastiest seafood dishes of our whole

    我們必須嘗試一些 我們整體上最美味的海鮮菜

  • trip across Patagonia this restaurant right here is one of the reasons why we

    這家餐廳穿越巴塔哥尼亞 就在這裡是我們之所以的原因之一

  • enjoyed our visit las grutas argentina so much so let us take you there for dinner

    很喜歡我們的訪問拉斯·格魯塔斯阿根廷 所以讓我們帶您去那裡吃晚餐

  • alright guys so we are back at our favorite restaurant that we just

    好傢伙,所以我們回到了我們 我們只是最喜歡的餐廳

  • discovered yesterday it's called del azul and well we've

    昨天發現 這就是所謂的del azul,我們已經

  • ordered the food sampler platter for two in the

    下令 食品採樣器中的兩個拼盤

  • first the wine selection it's a local shows myeloma it's a three great blend

    首先是當地的葡萄酒選擇 顯示骨髓瘤是三大融合

  • so we have my Vic Matt no Pinot Noir and it says it has a strong noble Patagonian

    所以我們有我的Vic Matt no Pinot Noir和 它說它有強烈的高貴巴塔哥尼亞人

  • character yeah we wanted to have a local wine we aren't out of your line so we

    是的,我們想要一個當地人 葡萄酒我們不是不在您的範圍內,所以我們

  • are drinking red I would usually opt from white when we're having seafood but

    我通常會選擇喝紅色 我們吃海鮮的時候是白色的

  • the one over here is kind of obsessed with the red well you don't seem to be

    這裡的那個有點迷戀 用紅色的井,你似乎不是

  • mining that for anything right let me tell you what do you think it's actually

    挖掘任何正確的東西讓我 告訴你你認為這實際上是什麼

  • really good good it's very smooth sophisticated which I appreciate

    真的很好很好很好 我很欣賞

  • oftentimes red is served that really cool you know what I think it's perfect

    經常紅色真的 酷,你知道我認為是完美的

  • perfect to be chilled with seafood so yeah all right so what do we have

    非常適合與海鮮一起冷藏 是的,那麼我們有什麼

  • there's four different dishes yes moving on what your dishes have arrived at the

    有四種不同的菜,讓人感動 關於你的菜到了

  • table first up ceviche are you having had

    表 首先是酸橘汁醃魚嗎

  • ceviche since we were in Lima last year when I was eating it on the daily so a

    自去年我們在利馬以來的酸橘汁醃魚 我每天吃的時候

  • Sam I was yeah come along every day you know

    山姆,我是的,每天都伴隨著你 知道

  • how's that nice and citrusy they even got the bank cheats all right that like

    他們哪有那麼好的柑橘味 讓銀行作弊就好了

  • toasted corn on top a nice bit of spice and kicking their chicken dish this one

    烤玉米,上面放些香料 然後踢他們的雞肉

  • is called salpicon and it's a different mix of seafood um some pecan in Spanish

    被稱為Salpicon,這是不同的 海鮮和西班牙山核桃的混合

  • it basically means a splash so we are having a splash with cities burst of

    它基本上意味著飛濺,所以我們 與城市爆發

  • seafood a little shrimpy here Joe looks pretty good come over yeah okay good all

    海鮮在這裡有點蝦,喬看起來 很好,過來吧,很好,所有

  • right and you've got to work


  • I told me this is similar to an anchovy Jovie anchovy um they call the ticket on

    我告訴我這類似於an魚 Jovie cho魚,他們叫票

  • it okay I'm Spanish but they said this may be softer than anchovy so here we

    好的,我是西班牙人,但他們說了這個 可能比an魚柔軟,所以在這裡我們

  • are light olive oil drizzle happening that's really good the spices

    輕橄欖油細雨正在發生嗎 香料真的很好

  • maybe Cayenne cayenne and paprika yeah possible it's good it's been hard

    也許是卡宴卡宴和辣椒粉 可能很好,很難

  • watching you eat my turn all right here adventurous eater you and

    看著你輪到我 好吧,這裡的冒險者和

  • this octopus all looks incredible guys I'm gonna have to try this later as well

    這八達通看起來真是不可思議 我還要稍後再嘗試

  • like I'm missing out otherwise you know Argent's a lot of people who associate

    就像我錯過了,否則你知道 阿根廷人很多人

  • Argentina with life it's courageous its meats but it's fantastic seafood it all

    阿根廷的生活充滿了勇氣 肉,但都是很棒的海鮮

  • comes oh yeah well I mean the country has a huge coastline really make sense

    來哦,是的,我是說國家 擁有巨大的海岸線真的很有意義

  • just wonderful just like I'd like a vinaigrette type of dress yeah and

    就像我想要一個很棒 香醋類型的衣服是和

  • marinated to perfection it's not too tough I love your power NIT sour it's

    醃製完美 堅強,我愛你的力量NIT很酸

  • not overly chewy what is wonderful it's quite tender for octopus I should say

    不太耐嚼,這是什麼奇妙 我應該說章魚很嫩

  • full of flavor I love that flavor what is Jim Jim of a restaurant here in Las

    充滿味道我喜歡那種味道 是拉斯維加斯一家餐廳的吉姆·吉姆(Jim Jim)

  • Cruces loving it sure cheers about moving on the good of hot

    喜歡的肯定 為繼續前進而喝彩

  • dishes the goodness is keeps keeps coming so this is Chola it's a kind of

    菜的好處是保持保持 來,所以這是喬拉,這是一種

  • muscle and it looks like it's got some nice lots of spices seasonings here

    肌肉,看起來好像有一些 這裡有很多香料調味料

  • that's right one later one biter for Sam he way from

    那就對了 一會兒給山姆一口咬

  • no time tomorrow it was even more tender than the then when it was served with

    明天沒時間了 比當時送達

  • the citrus this is a bit of a warm I mean it's like a warm soup spicy flavors

    柑橘,這有點溫暖 就像溫暖的湯,辣味

  • it'll be nice to drink that broth at the end actually this is here hmm let me do

    最好在那喝湯 結束,實際上這是在這裡,嗯,讓我去做

  • that do the honor I could just have a bowl this broth it is not good at this

    做到這一點,我可以擁有一個 碗這個肉湯不好

  • next up we have breaded shrimp and the teriyaki sauce there we go bull you know

    接下來,我們將蝦仁和 照燒醬那裡我們去公牛你知道

  • it's a wonderful nice and crispy okay sauce is a little bit of Swing mm-hmm

    這是一個很棒的美味和酥脆 醬汁有點搖擺mm-hmm

  • feel good oh my gosh don't you doll Audrey don't ease it off we have

    感覺很好哦,天哪,你不是娃娃 奧黛麗不要放鬆我們有

  • calamari we just


  • all of this has been a wonderful meal the magic continues - one please

    所有這一切都是一頓美餐 魔術繼續-請一個

  • a lightly battered wait under well it's really nice not truly at all

    一個很好的等待下 真的很好,一點也沒有

  • I love the lime on top just I'm talking a little bit of lime

    我在說的時候我喜歡上面的石灰 一點石灰

  • this meal just keeps getting better and better doesn't it good this is like the

    這頓飯越來越好了 更好,不是很好,就像

  • top three meal that we've had on this entire trip hands-down the best seafood

    我們吃過的前三餐 全程最佳海鮮

  • we've had yeah guys I traveled the las grutas just to eat here that's how good

    是的,我旅行過拉斯 只是在這裡吃飯而已

  • it is it's been served in a ceramic plate straight out of the oven they've

    它是用陶瓷製成的 將盤子直接從烤箱中取出

  • told us to be careful and not touch it so we don't burn ourselves yeah look at

    告訴我們要小心,不要碰它 所以我們不會燃燒自己耶

  • that salt that's more than adult the place from

    那鹽 那比成人的地方還多

  • that's a finger with my style a lot of Asian

    那是我風格的一根手指 亞洲人

  • I'm terrific it's sweet it's delightful Graham is the

    我太棒了 甜美,令人愉快Graham是

  • apple crisp right the apples kind of from the shuts

    蘋果脆對 蘋果從關門

  • grandmas are wow how cool is that that's like the motors local as it gets

    奶奶哇,那太酷了 就像當地的馬達一樣

  • Bob tiramisu looking lovely there it would you like

    鮑勃·提拉米蘇 看起來很可愛,你想要

  • me to do the honors for you go ahead yes you would yes I would this is

    我為你做的榮譽繼續前進 是的,你會的,我會的,這是

  • Italian style tiramisu and so how is that good so good that you're eating

    意大利風格的提拉米蘇,怎麼樣 好,好吃

  • twice even a poor case for Masse's will tell you continent a okay cell wall for

    即使是Masse遺願的兩倍 告訴你大陸一個好的細胞壁

  • some mafia pandas either Pavarotti the form admire her deported mundo

    一些黑手黨熊貓或者是Pavarotti 形式欣賞她被驅逐的世界

  • astronomic I mean today's he devolver elegant us porque is all lugar de cuando

    天文學,我的意思是今天的他 優雅的美國門廊全是lugar de cuando

  • su renewed Santiago Felicia for at ragga for pasado Verano for take our poor

    su在ragga續簽了Santiago Felicia 為帕薩多·維拉諾(Pasado Verano)帶來我們的窮人

  • Kassar for a hunter product omission Pepito George's you wanna grow a torrent

    卡薩爾將獵人產品遺漏 Pepito George's你想種山洪

  • a common resuming the winner after oh no Mika vacaciones in canoes either

    普通的恢復勝利者 獨木舟中的Mika vacaciones

  • Kawara so calm me felicidad morning you know ek plateaus poder proven la gente

    川原讓我快樂,你早晨 知道ek高原珀德被證明的紳士

  • que venga star restaurant in his first recommend

    que venga星級餐廳在他的第一個 推薦

  • no so so if a Lolita convert ectomy pro easier yeah my Fenton it was la mayoría

    如果是Lolita轉換切除專家 容易,是的,我的Fenton是lamayoría

  • and product okay sorry mo and restaurant a is dela provincia you know los vinos

    和產品還可以,莫和餐廳 一個是德拉省,你知道洛維諾斯

  • one inclusive of ellebra visa yatra Thomas or can t apostle peccable Mariko

    一包括埃萊布拉簽證雅特拉 托馬斯或使徒無能的圓子

  • Cassie no Santa por ciento de broken e siempre tenemos una nueva combien de la

    Cassie no Santa por ciento de broken e 新組合

  • passione even oi mask una cocina war dia de cocina con kombucha Technica muy

    激情甚至oi面具una cocina戰爭dia de Cocina con Kombucha Technica Muy

  • clásica mucho corresponding it also del destino las grutas de que la gente

    clásicamucho對應它也del 迪斯蒂諾拉斯格魯塔斯-德拉龍特

  • obviously target in a Paris you know hey whoa no primero que es una plaster

    顯然瞄準了您知道的巴黎 嘿,沒有底漆和石膏

  • and the Patagonia e-z-go they me / NCA personal kill me a needless wicked evil

    和巴塔哥尼亞ez-go他們我/ NCA 個人殺了我不必要的邪惡

  • Ronnie oh we see temari's the mundo Oh Kathy I went a pause here okay

    羅尼哦,我們看到temari是世界末日哦 凱西,我在這裡停了一下好嗎

  • Lorena San Antonio love the term plus a land route us then throw road for some

    Lorena San Antonio喜歡這個詞再加上 陸路路線,然後為一些道路

  • Matias is el Mar monthly or convener although I don't see Torrance that was

    Matias是每月3月的El Mar或召集人 雖然我看不到托蘭斯

  • our muy caliente more prácticamente also messes the movement Lima Lima is

    我們的產品更加豐富 也弄亂了利馬運動利馬是

  • running in Reno egg toys Thomason padronia si si si nth of

    在里諾雞蛋玩具中運行 Thomason padronia si si n

  • kilometers Annie erect archaeology and nuestra temporada wahala invierno likely

    公里安妮直立考古學和 nuestra temporada wahala invierno可能

  • mama free o otra cosa muy importante que no ha companion bastian 'as soon

    媽媽自由或重要 沒有哈伴侶bastian'盡快

  • accidental were para Sarah we turkey the Oceania franca trod es una experiencia

    偶然是薩拉薩拉我們土耳其 大洋洲的法國體驗

  • muy tema por que hacen para Cascione Sevilla tada para ser la victoire

    Mue tema por que hacen para Cascione 塞維利亞tada para ser la victoire

  • Cascione siete metrosnde van Maximo Diez de personas entonces

    Cascione siete Metrosdóndevan Maximo 人物角色

  • SE transforma una experiencia in tomorrow

    SE Transformationa unaexperiencia in 明天

  • at our practicum enter Solomon amendment no so now you know if you ever find

    在我們的實習中輸入所羅門修正案 現在還不知道您是否找到了

  • yourself traveling in the seaside town of Las grutas you have to eat at Del Azul

    自己在海邊小鎮旅行 您必須在Del Azul用餐的Las grutas

  • Leslie the food was incredible as was the chef's attention with each of his

    萊斯利的食物令人難以置信 廚師對他的關注

  • guests we would have beaten there a third time have they been open on our

    客人,我們本來會打敗那裡 他們第三次對我們開放

  • last day in town we hope you enjoyed this video and we'll see you soon with

    鎮上的最後一天,我們希望您喜歡 這部影片,我們很快就會與您見面

  • more adventures across Argentina


oftentimes when we travel we ask people for recommendations of places to visit

我們旅行時經常問別人 推薦參觀景點


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