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hey everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation of months
of the year today is one of my favorite months of the year December so let's
take a look at the three beats of this word we have D sem ber we're gonna
start with D touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front
teeth and then when you pull it down your tongue is going to be high and flat
in your mouth while you smile for the e vowel that's long D next we're going to
move to sem do this by having your tongue behind your top front teeth the
tip of your tongue is behind your top front teeth it's not touching and the
air is moving out of your mouth for that s sound yes the S sound move to the eh vowel
by pulling your tongue down slightly just higher than in the middle of your
mouth and it's going to be flat and then close your mouth and let the air move
out of your nose for that M D sem last end with ber you're going to open your
lips for that b sound your voice is on and then end with that er you make this
with rounded tense lips and the tip of your tongue will either be pointed down
or rolled back whichever you prefer just do not touch your teeth and do not let
your tongue move for that R sound it's very still and static D sem ber December
December December now you will hear a lot of people including myself when I
use this word in a sentence making the first vowel into a schwa duh that makes
it super simple December December December so Christmas is in the month of
December give it a try I know people are going to notice the difference if you
found this helpful we would love a like and a share and don't forget to
subscribe if you're looking for our products they are on itunes google play
and at tarle speech dot comm thank you so much and I'll see you next month