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(upbeat music)
- Hello, everyone,
and welcome back to "English with Lucy."
Today, I have a video for you on conversation
and how to be an amazing conversation partner.
All of this is what amazing speakers do,
what amazing conversationalists do.
I think we should get straight into it.
The first tip I have for you is ask hypothetical questions.
You might notice a trend here.
We are going to be trying to avoid yes/no questions.
They are the devil when it comes to starting conversations
and maintaining good conversations.
Asking hypothetical questions
and talking about imaginary scenarios and situations
is a really good way of getting to know someone better
and getting them to open up as well,
and it's not too difficult to do,
even if you aren't very advanced at English.
All you have to learn is the conditional tenses.
Maybe I should make a video on the conditionals.
Let me know if you'd like one.
But really good questions are questions like,
if you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
That's a really good one,
'cause you get to know someone's biggest desires,
and they get to really open up to you.
So, for example, if you were to ask me that question,
if I could have any job in the world, what it would be,
I would say,
"I would love to be a reconstructive plastic surgeon."
That is what I've always wanted to do.
Unfortunately, you have to go through
the whole medicine route, which wasn't quite for me.
But I wanted to help people rebuild their faces
after accidents and trauma.
Fun fact about me.
Or another question:
if you won the lottery, what would you do?
What would you buy first?
That's a good one.
So if you asked me that,
what would I do if I won the lottery,
the first thing would be to pay off my parents' mortgage,
and then I would go about doing secret deeds.
I wouldn't tell anyone that I'd won the lottery,
but I'd make sure that the money goes to good places.
This brings us on to our next point, our next tip,
which is to emphasise similarity.
So you could respond to some of the things I've said
and emphasise how similar we are
because we like people who are like us.
Emphasising similarity improves social relations.
And in fact, salespeople use this a lot,
and they do it in physical ways as well.
It's a known technique
that salespeople will mimic hand gestures
and body language, and that can actually improve sales
without the buyer even realising it.
Now, we don't want to do that.
We're not necessarily salespeople.
Well, you might be, so you can use that.
But when we are having a conversation,
we want to find points of connection
and points of mutual interest.
If you hear your conversation partner say something
that you really relate with or that you can add to,
you need to let them know.
So, for example, with that first hypothetical question
about, if I could have any job what would I do,
if that related to you at all,
you could say phrases like, "Yes, I totally agree with you,"
or "We're really similar on that,"
or "We think similarly on that,"
or "I'm on the same page as you."
Those are really good phrases you can use
to show connection
and the fact that you are similar to someone.
Now, the next tip, tip number three, is slightly strange,
but it's really important.
It is to be aware of the sounds that you make
whilst you are thinking.
Now, you might not be totally aware
of the sounds you make whilst you're thinking,
and more importantly,
how different they are in different cultures.
In some cultures and in some languages,
it's totally and utterly normal
to make really loud open-mouthed sounds
when you're thinking of something.
And I noticed this in Spain.
I lived and taught in Spain for quite a while.
I had a Spanish partner.
I lived with his Spanish family.
I really did integrate into Spanish society.
And one thing that surprised me at the beginning
was the sounds they make when they think.
And it was something like this.
Eh, eh.
And it's just so different to what we do.
I think in British culture, it's considered rude
to have your mouth open in front of someone.
It's not like a written rule, but in general,
we're very, very conscious of eating with our mouths closed,
of not talking with food in our mouths,
and just not going "ah" in everyone's face.
So when we are thinking,
we are more likely to say "um," "mm,"
with our mouth closed.
So we still make that sound.
We still take that thinking time.
Let me know in the comments below
what sort of sound and mouth shape you use
in your language and culture
when you are taking a break in a conversation and thinking,
and then maybe think about tweaking that
if you're going to be speaking to native British people,
or Americans as well, just English speakers in general,
because it's different to us.
We would be maybe slightly surprised if someone went "eh"
(laughs) in our face.
Now, tip number four, this is another one
about filling in gaps, but it's a more general one.
It is improve fluency to avoid having gaps.
It can be really embarrassing and frustrating
when you keep getting stuck mid-conversation.
It's something that all language learners are scared of.
A great way of improving your English conversation skills
is to aim for fluency.
You can learn to speak fluently at your own pace
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thanks to Lingoda, the sponsor of this lesson segment,
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The link is in the description box.
Best of luck, and let me know how it goes.
Right, number five.
This is a tip
that I wish I had learnt a long, long time ago.
It's useful for you as learners of English,
and it's also useful for native speakers of English.
It is be sensible with how you word
potentially sensitive questions.
So imagine I asked someone,
"How is your job at Google going?"
and they respond with, "I was fired.
"Thanks for asking,"
or, "What do you do for work?" and they respond with,
"I'm employed and desperately searching."
It's such an awkward situation
when you ask someone a question,
trying to make positive conversation,
and they just knock you down,
and it puts a downer on the whole conversation,
and it makes you feel bad,
and it makes them feel negatively towards you.
Now, there are good ways of rewording these questions
so that it gives people some escape route,
ways to avoid difficult topics.
So instead of asking someone, "How's your job going?"
you could say something like,
"Fill me in on your life since I last saw you,"
or "Catch me up on what's happened
"since I've last seen you."
If you ask to be filled in or you ask to be caught up,
that's a good way of asking someone to update you
on everything that's going on.
Or instead of asking something like,
"What do you do for work?", "What is your job?",
"What do you do for a living?",
you could ask a more general question like,
"So, what keeps you busy?"
It's a little nicer than, "What do you do?"
It's funny because in British English,
"What do you do?" is quite a common question.
It means what do you do for a living,
what do you do for work?
But when I went over to America and I asked people,
"What do you do?", they were a bit confused.
Maybe they were just being difficult.
I'm sure they understood me.
But had I asked a question like, "What keeps you busy?",
maybe they would have been more chatty with me.
Now, number six is a great one
if you have a lower level of English
but you want to keep conversation going.
It is ask open-ended questions.
And again, this is part of avoiding yes/no questions.
So if I ask someone, "Do you like London?"
they could say "yes" or "no," and then that might be it.
And then I'm stuck searching for something else to say.
However, if I ask a question like,
"So what do you like most about London?"
or "What do you like least about London?",
that gets the person talking.
They've got no way out.
They have to say something a bit broader,
and then you can expand on that.
So questions using "what" and "how" are really good
for keeping conversation going,
and then you can use all the other tricks,
like emphasising similarity.
If someone dislikes the same thing as you,
"I'm with you on that one.
"I can't stand queuing."
Queuing came to my mind because we're in lockdown
at the moment because of the coronavirus,
and I don't like the queues outside of the supermarkets.
Now, number seven is ask for advice.
And I'm not sure if I have a video on asking for advice,
and if I don't, I should definitely make one,
'cause it's a big topic,
and it's a great tool in conversation.
So when you ask someone for their advice
or for their opinion, but more advice,
it's showing that you trust them, that you respect them,
it makes them feel knowledgeable,
and it just improves the connection between the two of you.
If you shared a problem,
and you feel like you've spent quite a long time
talking about it, and you want to pass the baton
to send it over to the other person for their response,
you could say something like,
"So what would you do in my situation?
"What would you do if you were me?"
And that's a really nice way of asking for advice
and asking for opinion without saying,
"What is your advice?", "What is your opinion?"
Another great way is to say,
"I've always wondered about
"why there are so many pigeons in England."
Why do I always end up talking about pigeons?
I think my first ever video, I spoke about pigeons.
Maybe it was my second.
Anyway, "I've always wondered why
"there are so many pigeons in England.
"Maybe you could offer some insight on that?"
And then they could give their opinion
as to why there are so many pigeons.
What a ridiculous example.
So in general, the majority of these tips have been about
making sure that the other person has lots of opportunities
to speak.
In general, people enjoy talking
more than they do listening.
You can use this to your advantage
if you are a learner of English.
I have some extra little mini tips.
These could be considered obvious,
but I think they're quite important.
And these are more specific to learners of English.
A big one is don't be afraid to ask for repetition.
A really good tip that I provide to my students is
just don't use the same asking-for-repetition phrase
over and over again.
Have a couple up your sleeve.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" or "Could you repeat that?"
"Would you mind saying that again?"
"What does that word mean?"
Different ways.
And maybe brief the person.
Say, "Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions
"about the language you use, because I am learning,
"and I really like the way you speak?"
Start by offering a compliment and making them feel good.
They'll feel flattered that you like the way they speak,
and they should be more than willing to help you.
This brings me on to my next little tip,
which is offer sincere compliments.
I'm not talking about physical compliments.
In general, I find that physical compliments
can actually make people feel uncomfortable,
unless they're really genuine.
Say I have two people come up to me.
One says, "Oh my god, you look great,"
and the other one says,
"Wow, I really enjoyed our conversation.
"It was so interesting to talk to you."
I would find the compliment about my personality
and about an experience that you've shared
much more flattering and much more easy to digest
than a compliment on physical appearance.
But everyone's different.
But I do feel like in general,
offering sincere compliments that aren't about looks
can be a really good way of bonding with someone.
It's like in the comment section of my videos.
I don't necessarily respond to comments
about the way I look,
but I do often respond to comments
about the quality of my lessons,
especially open-ended questions with what, how, and why.
But if someone just says, "I like your top today,"
I don't really have much to say apart from "thank you."
And the last little mini tip is talk about emotions
and make sure that you know how to talk about emotions.
There's lots of obscure vocabulary related to emotions,
and lots of little nuances,
especially to do with negative ones.
There are lots of idioms attached to them as well.
I have done a video on happy, happiness-related idioms,
which I think is a really good one,
because when people say things like,
"Oh, I'm absolutely over the moon,"
or "I'm on cloud nine," it can be really, really confusing,
and you can wonder if they're being positive or negative.
I mean, even I sometimes get confused.
I used to have an American boss,
and I remember she said,
can you come in and help with a coworker's presentation
because she's absolutely bombing it?
And I thought bombing it, like whoo, bomb,
like absolutely she is the bomb.
I was like, "Great, what does she need help with?"
And she was like, "I need you to take over."
And I was so confused,
but it turned out that I just didn't understand
the idiom she was using.
So yes, the one on happy expressions
would be really useful for you.
And fun fact: That was a video I filmed
after going on a first date with my fiance, I think.
I was in a really happy mood,
and I decided to write a happy video.
And I remember all the comments were like,
"Oh my god, you've drunk a lot of coffee."
And the funny thing was that I hadn't drunk any coffee.
I was just, I'd met a really great man,
and we'd been on a date finally.
So yeah, if you want to see giddy Lucy
who has just fallen in love
and has just realised that she's met the man of her dreams,
then you can watch that video.
I'll link it down below.
I've done another video (claps)
about ways to express disgust, because that's an emotion
that I've never really seen lessons on that in school,
but I felt that it was a really important topic to cover
for my students.
Let me know if there are any lesson topics on emotions
and feelings that you think that I haven't covered
that you think I should cover
that would be interesting for you.
I think that brings me to the end of today's video.
I hope you enjoyed it, and I hope you learnt something.
Don't forget to check out Lingoda.
They've got their new Marathon Language Challenge.
You can get up to 400 euros cashback,
and also the access to the Cambridge certificate exams
is pretty phenomenal, actually.
When they told me about that new feature,
I was really excited for my students.
Don't forget to connect with me on all my social media.
I've got my Facebook, my Instagram, and my Twitter,
and I have my personal channel,
which is now turning into my vlogging channel,
where I do vlogs of my life here on the farm.
If you don't know, I am marrying a farmer.
We live here on a farm.
And we have a very quiet and peaceful life,
especially in lockdown.
Ah, well, I really enjoyed filming this video for you.
I've got lots more planned.
But do put your recommendations down below.
I will see you soon for another lesson.
(upbeat music)