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  • hi Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today we have two

  • words positive' the presence of something and negative the absence of

  • something and these two words have everybody's favorite the schwa syllable

  • and another favorite that I've been getting a lot of questions about and I

  • actually have a clasp on the flap T which in very simple terms it's when we

  • basically pronounce the letter T as a D sound so let's take a look at our words

  • positive and negative so let's start with word number one positive so to say

  • this word correctly start by saying pause and to do that what you're going

  • to do is have your lips together for the P and then open very wide into an oval

  • mouth shape with the tongue in the bottom of your mouth for that oh sound

  • pause end with the Z sound for that syllable and to do that you're going to

  • close your mouth it's still going to be open a little bit but your mouth is

  • going to be more closed so that you can make the sound and the Z sound is made

  • with your tongue behind your front teeth that is not touching and the air is

  • moving out of your mouth and your voice box is on so it is not a letter s sound

  • it is a Z sound pause next add the short uh syllable to make this short enough I am

  • telling people recently to add it or connect it to the first syllable

  • something like this Pazza Pazza real short and real quick then we're going to

  • end with div yes div with a D sound even though it's spelled with the T and to do

  • this you're going to touch the tip of your tongue behind the back of your top

  • front teeth your voice box is on and moving if you say this incorrectly your

  • voice box will be off and you will say a t sound so make

  • sure that it's on and you're saying a d sound and then you're going to move to

  • that short I sound and then end with a V this sound is made by gently biting your

  • lip and the air is going to move out of your mouth mistake I hear a lot is that

  • people close their lips and close their mouth and then it sounds more like a B

  • sound so make sure your mouth is open so that that air can continue moving out of

  • your mouth positive positive let's move on to negative very similar let's start

  • with the first syllable neg and to do this the tip of your tongue is behind

  • the back of your top front teeth air is moving out of your nose for the n sound

  • and then you're going to move to that short e vowel the short e your mouth is

  • slightly open the tongue is not at the top of your mouth but sort of moved down

  • a little bit more into the middle and then we're going to end with a G sound

  • g and to do this the back of your tongue is pulled up and the tip of your

  • tongue is down towards the bottom of your mouth neg connect that to that

  • schwa syllable uh Nega and then we are going to end with div again div negative

  • positive negative positive positive positive negative negative negative I

  • like both your positive and negative comments give it a try I know people are

  • going to notice the difference if you found this helpful we would appreciate a

  • like and a share with your friends don't forget to subscribe and if you have any

  • questions we love to hear them it gives me ideas for more videos leave them in

  • the comment section below or visit us at Tarle speech comm thank you so much and

  • I hope to see you again soon

hi Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question today we have two


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A2 初級

如何發音POSITIVE & NEGATIVE - 美式英語發音課程 (How to Pronounce POSITIVE & NEGATIVE - American English Pronunciation Lesson)

  • 23 1
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日