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  • People spend money on themselves now

  • What is the solution? - Money

  • Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese, it's Cathy Cat. The birthrate in Japan is declining

  • quite a lot and this time we went to know from Japanese boys

  • the young boys on the streets of Tokyo why they think that is.

  • And what they're gonna do about it. Let's ask Japanese boys.

  • I will ask you about an issue that's big abroad

  • and in Japan. Let me remember the word. - Declining birth rates!

  • Wow how did you guess that? - It would have to be that topic

  • That's what all countries apart from China struggle with.

  • I was just trying to get the right word and you knew it. - I can read people

  • We're wondering why the birthrate in Japan is declining. - Because

  • it costs money. Kids costs a lot of money

  • And more adults decide not to have kids. We get more elderly

  • and less young people. The pressure on the younger people rises

  • and they have even less time and money

  • to make kids.

  • The way you explained it, is like a circle. There are too many elderly

  • so that puts more pressure on the younger people

  • and thus they work more, meaning they don't have enough money

  • and can't spend it on kids. - That's what I think

  • I think it will get worse from now on.

  • Things will get tough.

  • Once we start working, it will be even harder for us.

  • Getting paternity or maternity leave is harder.

  • It's hard to keep working with kids.

  • Working and raising kids - Is really tough

  • and when they cry all night, you can't sleep

  • and such - And you have to work the next day

  • Men and women have to work these days, that's another issue

  • I think we have many shy and passive men nowadays.

  • Right? Many boys around me never had a girlfriend

  • they don't have the desire to get a girlfriend.

  • Less and less. - So men who don't want a girl? - Yes

  • People of my age are already working

  • and they use their money in many areas, and don't have money for that stuff

  • They are so busy with working or studying and use money only on important things

  • Some use money on themselves. - From a man's view

  • what is your image of raising kids? - I love kids

  • so I wish I could raise them together.

  • Does everyone want kids?

  • I want some but... I am not there yet

  • I don't know yet. - Kids ...

  • I want them but

  • I am worried how things will be when I am grown up

  • I think it will be hard. - One kid might be the limit. - Money

  • seems to be the issue. I often heard this but in Japan

  • there is a lot of pressure on Japanese men to work

  • to bring in enough money for the family. Do you feel that

  • is a thing. - In Japan more women are working now

  • I think if I had kids, I would work

  • and let my wife do all the raising kids stuff by herself.

  • But I don't think we can afford that so she would have to work too

  • We get only a few holidays in Japan, so many go abroad to work now

  • but nothing has changed here for the better. Raising kids here

  • in Japan is hard.

  • The company's sallary is too low

  • to finance and have the chore of raising kids in Japan.

  • So many opt out of having kids I think.

  • Women have to work nowadays.

  • They can work but they HAVE to work for it to be enough

  • so husband and wife both work and won't have the time to raise kids

  • that's why less are being made.

  • They CAN work and HAVE TO work. Does that link to the low salaries?

  • I think so. - We don't have enough Japanese

  • people and are asking foreign workers to come right now

  • I think the parameter is totally off now.

  • Do you feel this has an impact on your life yet?

  • When I was a kid, we had 3 classes in my primary years

  • but now my primary school only has two

  • and some levels could be put all in one class

  • half of the kids are lacking.

  • That's how I saw how much kids are missing.

  • My primary school had to close. Last year.

  • Or the year before. The middle school too

  • there are 7 right now, might get down to 3 soon

  • all close down. - It's in Chiba

  • prefecture - That's close to Tokyo

  • My primary school had to close...

  • my city doesn't have much money and a lot of debt

  • and there is no gain of living there, young people leave the town

  • to go away. I came to university

  • and left too. - How do you solve this?

  • What do you think? - Money! Money

  • Do you mean your prefecture was not using money on childcare?

  • No they only used it on silly things and got more debt

  • I think. - There aren't enough facilities. Also links to the

  • government. There aren't enough kindergartens

  • I hear that a lot. Even though we have less kids,

  • we have not enough kindergartens! Why! But everyone says that. There aren't enough

  • kindergarteners. Parents have to work but can't find anyone to look after the kids

  • We got more old people and need their caretakers too.

  • There isn't enough money for the young and

  • for the elders. And the people who work now

  • get extra pressure. They need to care for the elder and kids

  • and they have double pressure AND need to work

  • So their choice is to not have kids

  • to cope. I think we need to help the working people

  • and support them.

  • So there are not enough facilities for kids? - I think so

  • What do you want? Do you want kids

  • or do you not want kids or do you decide it when you get there?

  • I want kids. They are cute. I think if I didn't have kids

  • I wouldn't be able to work properly. - Kids will make you work?

  • They will be cute, so I wanna buy them stuff. - And you?

  • I want kids. I think raising kids will be my motivation to

  • try hard in life. But I also want to keep working.

  • So - Hopefully it will be easier to work and raise kids.

  • Do you think you could do it now? - Well...

  • I think it's a question of time.

  • I think I will work at a really demanding workplace

  • and if that's the case, it will be hard once the kids go to school.

  • I think having money will help

  • I will have to try and work hard to earn more.

  • School uniforms, books etc will cost. - My school education

  • costed my parents a lot of money.

  • I might not be able to give my kids luxury.

  • I don't have to take them on expensive abroad holidays

  • But I want to work in a way that it doesn't interfere with child raising

  • I hope I can.

  • Why do you think childbirth is decreasing? - If you have kids you loose

  • your freedom. Many adults think that. - What do you think?

  • There are many people who don't want to marry. - If there was

  • a better support network for people who are having kids

  • it would be easier to have kids in Japan.

  • I think. - Money is a big issue

  • if there was more help, there would be more kids. - Personally...

  • do you want kids or not? - I want kids. - Either way.

  • You let her choose? - I did not even

  • have to say what the topic was about and the boys caught onto it.

  • Very interesting, I didn't give them hints, he just new I found interesting

  • that it is a topic that is in the hearts and minds of many people here in

  • Japan right now. The men said they would like to support their family,

  • but at this point in their lifes they are not sure if they will make enough money to be able to

  • support their families. In the old days, boys used to

  • earn a lot more, before that we had the bubble economy and similar things but right now

  • boys are earning less, girls will have to work and there is the point in their lives when

  • many people are not sure when they are not sure if they can afford having a child here in Japan

  • A lot of support - mentioned before by Japanese girls - seems to be going

  • towards the aging generation right now and it's harder for the younger generation to make do and make it happen.

  • Let me quickly see one more thing....

  • But I found it nice and refreshing that boys said they want kids and want help their future wife

  • raise the children. They want to see the children, that's a big thing right now.

  • But another thing coming into play right now, is that the men are more passive. We've done a video

  • about the passive men of Japan,

  • who will not approach girls or who will think too much and in the end just give up and

  • we're seeing how boys and girls are like... it's like the scissor

  • going into different directions. Hopefully we can get that together in the future.

  • So what is the situation in your country. Is a largely aging population

  • a problem in your country. What is the problem with birthrate in your country?

  • Have you thought about this, Have you looked into it, and what do you thin about it?

  • I hope you enjoyed this video, leave us a like to say thanks for making a video

  • for us. And I catch you soon for more stuff. Don't forget to tick the notification bell and

  • see you soon for more on Ask Japanese. Bye.

People spend money on themselves now


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A2 初級

為什麼日本男生不會再有性行為?他們的意見 (Why Japanese Boys Won't have Sex Anymore: Their opinions)

  • 8 1
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日