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  • When NIOSH evaluates possible hazards in a workplace, we use samplers to measure workplace exposures.

  • We might sample throughout your work-shift or while your doing one task.

  • We use samplers for measuring chemicals and other substances in the air.

  • The air quality sampler has three parts. The pump is a box like device, usually worn along the belt line or in a special

  • vest. It weighs about the same as a quart of milk, but it is smaller and not as bulky.

  • The train is a plastic tube connecting the pump to the cassette, the cassette holds the

  • filter. We put the filter near your mouth or as we call, your breathing zone. The filter

  • captures substances in the air that you are breathing. We also use samplers for measuring

  • noise. The noise sampler works like the air sampler, instead of drawing air through a

  • filter, it uses a microphone to measure sound. Don't worry it does not record words or other

  • sounds, just how loud they are. We can put samplers on people doing lots of different

  • activities. Some loud and some quiet. Some active and some calm. The samplers are light

  • weight and easy to manage. The tube runs along the back so it doesn't get int he way and

  • you may hear the soft sound of the pump drawing in air. Now that you know how we measure workplace

  • exposures, you can see that we can do our work without interfering with yours. All you

  • have to do is wear a sampler while you do your usual work. We will send the results

  • from your individual sampler to you at the address you provide. The data we collect from

  • these samplers could help make your workplace safer. Let us know if you still have questions

  • and thank you for helping us out by wearing a sampler.

When NIOSH evaluates possible hazards in a workplace, we use samplers to measure workplace exposures.


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B1 中級

NIOSH健康危害評估。暴露取樣 (NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluations: Sampling for Exposures)

  • 60 2
    kuoyumei 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日