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hi Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation of months of the year
today's month is June 3 sounds and this word one syllable or one beat let's go
ahead and get started we're going to start with the J sound by touching the
tip of your tongue to the back of your top front teeth and then pull that tongue
back into the middle of your mouth for the J J sound your voice is on
and your voice box is vibrating next we're going to move to the vowel ew and
you're going to do this by rounding your lips into a pucker ew
Jew and then you're going to end with an N sound by touching the tip of your
tongue to the back of your top front teeth and the air is going to move out
of your nose June June June June June June summer begins in June give it a try
I know people are going to notice the difference if you found this helpful
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products please visit tarle speech dot comm or check them out on Google Play or
iTunes thank you and I'll see you next month