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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. And today I'm going to walk you through

  • my seven steps on how to successfully land a new job especially if you haven't

  • had to look for a job in a while

  • as a career strategist I've had the honour of being able to help numerous

  • professionals land their dream job offers and so if this is something that

  • you're interested in working with me one on one I can give you details about that

  • at the end of this video so you haven't had to really ever look for a new job

  • where you haven't had to look for one in a long time and maybe the previous jobs

  • that you've held have all been positions that were either just handed to you out

  • of the blue or you were referred by someone and that easily helped you to

  • land that position and so now that you're actively looking for a new

  • position you're confused as to where to begin and how to successfully start your

  • job search well I can tell you that there are several things that you need

  • to prepare before you start sending your resume out to hundreds of job

  • applications here are my seven steps on how to successfully land a new job step

  • number one know your ideal role inside out please don't be the type of

  • candidate that says oh I don't know what kind of job I want I'll just apply to

  • anything that looks good you want to be ultra clear on the position that you

  • want to get into next and a good way to do that is to find three to five job

  • descriptions good job descriptions that describe

  • exactly the type of position that you're looking for that will help you to form

  • the basis of your applications your resume and even your interview answers

  • now that leads us into step number two which is to make sure that you know how

  • to sell yourself on paper and online and if you are having trouble in this area

  • then you can definitely check out my course top-notch resume which is in the

  • link down in the description box below or you can simply download my free ten

  • ultimate resume hacks cheat sheet which will help you with building your resume

  • step number three when applying tailor your applications when you're applying

  • for jobs online obviously look for the ones that are on the most prominent job

  • boards including LinkedIn indeed and if you're in Australia seek

  • calm and any other major job boards that you're familiar with but remember to

  • tailor your application for each position

  • meaning your CV your cover letter and whatnot those needs should be tailored

  • to the position that you're applying to step number four reach out to contacts

  • in and outside of your network and articulate your value now I'm not going

  • to go through this one in detail because I already have a video on that and it's

  • called how to network to get an interview and you can check out that

  • video in the link below step number five keep track of the positions that you

  • apply to in order to stay organized you never want to double apply to the same

  • position or forget what job you actually applied to when they call you in for

  • interviews keeping track simply helps you to mentally identify exactly what it

  • is that you've applied to what progress you've been making and what changes you

  • might need to make in your job search strategy if the last several

  • applications haven't been getting any responses step number six sell yourself

  • in interviews and connect with the employers you want to create an

  • attractive compelling top-notch resume cover letter and LinkedIn profile

  • the key to selling yourself in interviews successfully is knowing how

  • to articulate your value and experience for the position that you're applying

  • for in addition you want this to be a natural conversation between you and the

  • employer not only on a professional level but even on a personal level as

  • well that's what it means to have a connection with the employer without

  • that one-on-one connection it will be hard for the employer to feel convinced

  • that you're the right fit for their organization

  • now if you want more details on this feel free to check out all of my other

  • interview videos that are on my channel that help you to get a sense of how to

  • really connect with the employers and how to sell yourself successfully

  • finally step number seven is to let it flow finding a job no matter what job it

  • is takes time and so if you're putting yourself out there you have to realize

  • and recognize that it is going to take a little bit of luck the right timing and

  • all of the steps that I just outlined for you to be able to find a job offer

  • that is fulfilling and the right one for you so there you have it my seven steps

  • on how to successfully land a new job now if you are someone who has been

  • looking for a new job for the last little

  • and you still haven't seen success and you know that it's time for you to get

  • some 101 professional help then feel free to reach out to me head on over to

  • my website read through the page fill

  • out the application form and if I feel that we are a potential match to work

  • together then one of my team members will be reaching out to you directly if

  • you like this video then please give it a thumbs up subscribe to share it with

  • your friends thanks so much for watching and I will catch you next time

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you


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A2 初級

如何找到工作 (How to Land a Job)

  • 18 1
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日