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  • There are things we have to do the old way and I think that's bad.

  • A single person has too much work to do.

  • My work starts at 8:50 but I am at work from 7:30

  • Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese it's Cathy Cat.

  • We love Japan but there are also a couple of things

  • that we kind of don't love as much. This time we are gonna go and ask Japanese people what they

  • hate about cause constructive const.....

  • Let's give Japan some constructive criticism in this video. If you are new, don't forget to hit the

  • subscribe button now and tick on the notification bell and let's ask Japanese.

  • Japanese can't say clear yes or no

  • I think that's a problem of Japanese People

  • What can Japanese not say? - Americans say what they want

  • when they want to say it. We should too.

  • We are too stiff. - Stiff?

  • That's the impression I have. Foreign Xmas is so colorful

  • and such. - It certainly is. - I admire that. - Do adults

  • not celebrate Xmas here? - Not much. Just a dinner

  • More colorful? - A bigger xmas tree and such

  • Make it more sparkly. I wish we had that.

  • How was your last Xmas? - We ate sushi?

  • Wow Sushi for Xmas how Japanese! Merry Christmas

  • here is some fatty tuna. - We are not as friendly

  • i think in Japan. - Friendly to strangers? - Yes and also

  • between girls and boys there is a wall.

  • You can't just hang with boys? - I feel like I can't

  • Pre-set notions are too strong. There are ways

  • how things have to be done.

  • When you go to University you have to apply for work during that time.

  • I dislike pre-set notions like these personally

  • I don't think I HAVE work straight after uni.

  • I want to choose where I want to go, like America etc

  • I don't like that we have to do things the traditional way.

  • I think that's a common trait and people don't dare to stray from the path

  • I wish we would understand that we all can live more freely instead

  • It's better. - Being different is difficult?

  • It's better than before. - But the life in the US is very different to the US

  • And the distance we put up between people

  • Our culture can be a pain sometimes

  • it's so different. - What's bad about US culture then?

  • I think the streets are very dirty there...

  • Nobody seems to clean them. Maybe there are big income differences

  • or something. So many homeless people are there,

  • the economy seems to be bad. Also its a freedom loving society

  • and I'd be worried to get sued for something small.

  • So it's easier to live in Japan but it's less fun here.

  • That's a Japanese thing.

  • I think Japanese people should be able to take more holidays

  • We Japanese work way too much. I don't think we should

  • have to work that much. I sometimes wonder myself. - So in Japan

  • it's still hard to take holidays, thinking of colleagues and such

  • is that still a problem? - The work a single person has to handle

  • is often too much. That means

  • that if one person wants to take a day off, another person will

  • get double the workload to do.

  • I think we should split the amount of work better - Instead of one

  • person having too much. - Yes too much.

  • I hate the rush hour trains. - You have to be on them. - I do.

  • Oh no what train? - The Chuo Line. - That's always delayed in the morning

  • It's generally at least 5-10 mins delayed. - Do you have a rush hour tip?

  • Go early. - Earlier than anyone? - I leave the house at 6

  • What? - No way! - My work starts

  • around 8:50 but I arrive

  • at 6:30 - Wow you go super early to work. - That's my plan

  • And so you miss rush hour. Can you go out earlier because you arrive early?

  • No I can't. - What? You change your life cycle around the train rush hour

  • I do. - I can't change it but our winters are so cold.

  • Haha - Those were our questions. Thank you

  • Thank you again (sorry director edited that in twice)

  • Three things that foreigners generally hate about Japan: One of them is KAROUSHI

  • that is the word for "the death through work" in Japan, Japanese people

  • work so much that the death through work has become an actual word

  • because many people suffer or perish from that. Some people

  • work here so much that they get sick, there is lots of depression and lots of suicides as well

  • because people work a lot more than the average in other countries. That is a very sad

  • fact that many people criticize. The government tries to change this by makin for example

  • unpaid over time a thing that shouldn't happen in companies...

  • they try to track down on it, still many companies make their workers work a lot

  • of extra hours. Hopefully in the future we can crack down on that and people work

  • more human hours. Number 2 connected to that is vacation. Japanese

  • people generally don't get as many holidays and if they do, they sometimes

  • save them up instead of sick days - instead of taking a sick day they take their holiday

  • which means in the end people do not take consecutive days off. There are

  • general holidays, vacation days on bank holidays and similar but

  • other holidays are not taken. They are saved up and at the end of the year you have to either

  • use them up or they expire, I have seen people around me just having their holidays

  • expire because they couldn't find a date off. Takin two weeks off in a row is almost

  • unthinkable. Most of my Japanese friends said if they took two weeks off in a row,

  • their seat wouldn't be on their desk anymore when they came back from that holiday and that's again another sad

  • fact that people work a lot and they can't take holidays to balace that out. So

  • I hope that's a thing we can change about the future of Japan because I think a people would be a lot

  • happier if they got a little bit more time to rest. Number 3, sticking with

  • the working hierarchy is a big thing here in Japan. Which means the person that is

  • older and has done a certain job longer is higher in priority and his hierarchy.

  • That is generally not a bad thing, I agree with the "respect your elders" thing

  • however in many jobs and companies, it is that the head of the company is very old and

  • very high up and doesn't catch up to the newest trends, which means new ideas and innovative

  • new ideas sometimes never reach the top, because they can't make it understood.

  • Certain things like... how do you explain to someone the benefits of YouTube when

  • a certain person never watches YouTube, doesn't use it or maybe even don't interact

  • much with the internet. These kind of things can block new creative and innovative ideas so I hope

  • in the future things will change a little bit up, so people of all generations can raise

  • their opinions more easily in a work environment. These were a couple of things that are

  • not so good about Japan. But still we love this country very much. Constructive criticism

  • Constructive criticism is welcomed in the box down below. Be sure to leave

  • us your comment. If you are new don't forget to sub and give us a big like for the extra content that we put up

  • for you. Hope I catch you soon here on Ask Japanese. Bye.

There are things we have to do the old way and I think that's bad.


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A2 初級

連日本人都討厭的日本 (What even Japanese HATE about Japan)

  • 7 0
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日