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Hey everyone, I'm Andrea your RealLife English
fluency coach and today we're taking you back to your childhood so
that you can learn English with Toy Story.
Toy Story was the first entirely computer animated film
and the first ever produced by Pixar.
It's set in a world where toys are living things but
they pretend to be lifeless when humans are present
The toys, which belong to a boy named Andy, live in fear of being
replaced by new or better toys.
Every week we make lessons just like this one
which is great for learning English without getting lost, without missing the jokes
and without subtitles.
In fact Maria says that she is understanding English more and more
including the jokes.
So don't forget to hit that subscribe button and the bell
down below so that you don't miss a
single lesson.
Now let's learn English with Toy Story!
Would you like to master how natives really speak?
Then our fluent with friends course would be perfect for you.
In this forty eight week course you will learn with
the first two seasons of friends and you get twenty plus page PDF power lessons,
vocabulary memorization software, access to our Fluency Circle global community
and so much more!
And the best part is you can try it right now for free with
our three part Masterclass all you have to do is click here or in the
description below to learn more and sign up now.
If you are enjoying this lesson, then you will love our lesson on another Pixar classic: Finding Nemo.
You can click here to watch it or in the description box down below.
I hope you enjoyed this lesson,
and if you did, why not check out our lesson on Frozen?
Where you can learn vocabulary based on the weather, seasons and even poetry.
So now it's time to go beyond the classroom and live your English!
Aww yeah!