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Eat Sleep Dreamers welcome. Today I'm going to show you how to pronounce ten of your favourite
tv shows.
Our first one Game of Thrones. Now a few key things here. The of in the middle. When of
is in the middle of words, sometimes it becomes a weak form so we don't pronounce it of we
pronounce it of. Now here I'm blending it into the word game and it's not even of, it's
less than that, it's game of, Game of Thrones. 'I love Game of Thrones'. Now thrones, tricky
one, that th sound, thrones, so you've really got to use your tongue and top teeth and to
blow out air. Thrones. Game of Thrones. You try it. Make sure you are trying it at home.
Game of Thrones. So 'my favourite programme is Game of Thrones'.
Hugely popular this one, Sherlock. So we've got two sounds here Sher. So it's that sh,
so you are blowing air out Sher-lock. Now there's a ck at the end the/k/ Sherlock, actually
when we say it we don't say that ck, the /k/ there, we say Sherlock. The stress is on the
first syllable. 'I've just started watching Sherlock'. Number three, The Walking Dead.
The stress there is on walking, The Walking Dead. 'Have you seen the Walking Dead?' Ok,
try and say that sentence 'Have you seen the Walking Dead?' Ok, good job.
This next one is really popular in Britain Downton Abbey. Now, it's not Downt-on, Downton
so it's the schwa sound again -ton Downton Abbey. And the stress on both words is on
the first syllable Downton Abbey. Ok, you have a go. Ok, one more time Downton Abbey.
'I've never seen Downton Abbey'. Next one, Modern Family. This one is a bit tricky, now
with the word modern we need our tongue to work a lot, ok? So I'll do it really slowly
mo-dern. So the tongue is going down and up. mo-dern , Modern Family. It's not easy that
one, it's quite tricky that sound, the tongue has to come down and up again to create it.
Modern Family. 'I've watched every episode of Modern Family.'
This one, again with the of we don't give it the full sound we give it a weak form.
So it's not House of Cards it's House of Cards. Of becomes of when it's in between words,
so House of Cards. Your turn! House of Cards. 'I've never watched House of Cards.'
Ok, continuing to talk about weak forms we've got another one here How I met your mother.
Now your becomes ye How I met your mother. So 'How I met your mother is super funny.'
Ok, your turn, good job. Remember not your mother, your mother. How I met your mother.
This next one is really interesting because I think I would pronounce it in two different
ways depending on how I feel. So one way would be to pronounce the t's so pretty little liars.
Sometimes I wouldn't pronounce the t's. It's something called glottalisation where we sometimes
don't pronounce the consonant sounds, in this case t's. This happens in some British English
accents. So I might say pretty little liars. I don't know why I vary my accent depending
on how I feel, I don't know. So, sometimes I'll say pretty and sometimes I'll say pretty,
little liars. You choose the English accent you want, I'm not going to tell you which
one to choose. Maybe you do both, so pretty little liars or pretty little liars. It's
up to you, I can only do my accent, of course there are many many many other accents out
there so there's no right or wrong. It's your accent you say it the way you want to say
An American classic, Friends. Now as you noticed there we don't actually pronounce the /d/
sound there. So instead of saying friend z, ver hard, we just say friends. "Friends is
an absolute classic.'
And finally The Big Bang Theory. So again The Big Bang Theory. Theory has that /th/
sound, theory once again so The Big Bang Theory. Have I missed any programmes out? Tell me
in the comments below which TV programmes did I miss out that you love and that you
want me to pronounce for you. Let me know in the comments below and I'll make another
video just for you. And tell me which of these tv programmes do you watch. Which ones do
you love? And which ones maybe haven't you seen that you'd like to check out.
Finally let's look at some vocabulary related to tv shows. Now one tv show is called an
episode, so one version of a tv show is called an episode. So for example 'My favourite episode
of Friends is when Joey wears all of Chandler's clothes'.
Now many episodes together is called, well in British English we call it a series, so
let's say Game of Thrones, there are ten episodes and then those ten episodes make one series.
In American English they say, instead of series, they say season. So ten episodes makes one
season. Now in British English we are more frequently using season as well. I'm hearing
it more often with friends, family even myself. I would say 'The new season of Game of Thrones
is coming out' So a series and a season have the same meaning. One of them is British English,
series, one is American English, season but now more commonly certainly in British English
we are using season as well.
Thanks for watching, if you've enjoyed this please remember to give it a like. Also if
you know anyone that would find this useful please share it with them. As always guys,
thank you so much for joining me, this is Tom the English Hipster and you know what
time it is. It's time to take your English to the next level.