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Hello, guys. Time for a quick listening test today.
Listen to me very carefully. 'Whose mother is this?'
Now what am I saying? 'Who's'? or 'Whose'?
What do you think? If you don't know, or if you have difficulty
with 'who's' and 'whose', This video is for you.
Keep on watching. Hi, guys. My name is Fanny.
And in this video, I'm going to explain to you the difference between 'who's'
'who + apostrophe + s' And 'whose' in one word, 'whose'.
Now it's very simple but it's very confusing, because they both sound the same.
So even native speakers make a lot of mistakes. Okay?
So listen to me very carefully. It's very simple.
'who's' 'who + apostrophe + s' is the contraction
of the verb 'to be'. So it's actually 'who is'.
If I say, 'who's on the phone?', it's 'who is on the phone'.
'whose' in one word 'whose' is the possessive.
It means who does it belong to. For example, 'whose bag is this?' meaning
'who does this bag belong to?' And you can say, 'It's my bag.'
'It's your bag.' It's a possessive.
If you really don't know just try and replace the 's' or 'se' with the verb to be.
And see if it works. If it works, then it's the contraction of
the verb 'to be'. Let's see together with a few examples.
First, 'Who's calling?' Which one is it?
Is it the contraction of the verb 'to be' or is it the possessive?
Can you say, 'Who is calling?' Does that work?
Yes, it does. So it is the contraction of the verb to be
'Who is calling?' Now a second example, well, Let's take our
very first example. 'Whose mother is this?'
Which one is it? Is it the verb 'to be'?
Or Is it the possessive? Can you say 'Who is mother is this?'
No. You can't. It's incorrect.
It's the possessive. 'Whose mother is this?'
It's my mother. It's your mother.
It's his mother. Okay? Now one final example.
'Who's in the house?' Come on, guys.
Which one is it? Is it the verb 'to be' or is it the possessive?
It's obviously the verb 'to be'. You can say 'Who is in the house?'
Okay? I really hope you understand the difference.
It's a very common mistake. But it's not difficult to fix, okay?
So keep practicing. Practice makes perfect.
Thank you for watching guys. Thank you very much for watching my video,
guys. If you liked it and if you want to see other
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your friends. See you.