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(chat tone)
(jazz music)
(chat tone)
(clock ticking)
(jazz music)
- So what do you wanna watch?
- Whatever.
- Orange is the New Black?
- Sure.
- House of Cards?
- Yeah.
- Modern Family?
- Yeah.
- All right, Human Centipede 3.
(screaming from TV)
- Oh, oops, I forgot my shoes.
- How many people are you gonna let in?
- Their lane's ending.
Go, sir, go ahead. Yup.
- Hey, mind if I smoke in here?
Isn't this a left right here?
- Oh yeah, I think, maybe.
- So, weren't you supposed to turn?
- Oh yeah, I guess I should've gone left.
- You're gonna remember what street you parked on, right?
We need a reservation, right?
- (scoffs) No.
- Have you had a chance to look at the menu yet?
- Sorry, I totally forgot.
I'll look now, I promise.
- [Waitress] All right, have we picked anything yet?
- I'm gonna go ahead and have me barbecue chicken--
- I got totally sidetracked.
(sighs) You know what, I just,
you have so many great options.
- [Waitress] Would you like me to pick for you?
Steak salad it is.
- All right, wow.
Oh, I don't eat steak.
- Do you mind if I unload a little bit?
- Of course.
- After the breakup, I decided to go on Tinder.
I just need to purge myself.
Worse and worse, I swear to God.
I am so sorry, I've been talking this whole time.
How are you?
- Oh, I'm fine, I'm good.
- All right, ladies, here's the check
for whenever you're ready.
- You know what, I left my wallet in the car.
- Oh, it's no biggie, I'll put it on my card.
- Thanks.
- Yeah, of course.
- [Man] Thanks.
(jazz music)
Oh, um...
- You forgot where we parked.
- Yep.
- [Impatient Friend] Did I owe you money
for dinner last weekend?
- [Chill Friend] Yeah, I guess so.
- [Impatient Friend] How much?
- I don't know, I don't remember.