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[Lyndsey Scott, Actress, Model, and App Developer] Creativity is doing things your own unique
way and putting your stamp on something in a way no one else could.
[May-Li Khoe, DJ, Dancer, and Technology Designer] Creativity is bringing together all different
aspects of your life whether it be dance, music, technology, or whatever makes you,
you. Bringing them all together and creating something new or different.
[Charles Best, Created DonorsChoose.org] Creativity is the ability to have ideas that are unexpected.
[Nazanin Boniadi, Actress] Creativity is an original idea, a unique voice, or an innovative
action that inspires change.
[Aziza, Teacher from Mauritania] Creativity for me is being able to express yourself without
any limits.
[Madhavi, Student from India] Creativity means to do something new and to think differently.
[Masi Oka, Actor, Producer, Digital Effects Artist] Creativity is being fearless, knowing
no bounds, and being yourself.
[Lyndsey Scott, Actress, Model, and App Developer] What will you create?
Subtitles by the Amara.org community