字幕列表 影片播放 列印英文字幕 -Hello, everyone, and welcome back to another attic show without tacos. And I say without tacos. Because that's an anagram for addict shows. And personally, I think coming up with anagrams is a fun way to pass time during a pandemic -- denim cap, which is a good one because maybe the only thing worse than wearing a denim cap is going through a pandemic. See? Aren't anagrams more fun than baking a loaf of sour dough or noon day rye, which is an anagram for Andy Rooney, who I realize I'm starting to sound like. Have you ever noticed how anagrams are just the same letters in a different order? But look, I'm not here to talk about Portland mud. I'm here to talk about Donald Trump. Because the president and his political allies are, once again, trying to subvert the 2020 election, sue it the 2020 convertible by using the levers of power to target political opponents and disrupt the voting process, itself. For more on this, it's time for "A Closer Look. ♪♪ Donald Trump is a deranged man. We have been over this. You guys know the deal. If this show were a book, that would be the subtitle. His brain is likely the gelatinous texture and consistency of pumpkin pie filling, and there is no way to treat a brain ailment like that, though, I guess we're going to find out if hydroxychloroquine helps. Trump is a deeply paranoid guy who sees enemies and shadowy plots everywhere he looks. And he encourages others to see those same conspiracies. On Tuesday, for example, he met with farmers and told the potato farmer from Virginia that the state government was somehow trying to take away the Second Amendment. -We're going after Virginia with your crazy governor. We're going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment away, you know that right? You will have nobody guarding your potatoes. -I have been in quarantine for two months with two kids and I still haven't said anything that crazy. You know that farmer was like, "Oh, damn. am I supposed to be guarding my potatoes right now?" You know what's guarding your potatoes, the fact that they cost about 12 cents a pound and grow underground. Of course, Trump probably thinks potatoes grow in bags on supermarket shelves. I'm just kidding. He's never been to a supermarket. But that's how Trump's mind works. He sees deranged conspiracies everywhere. Take voting. We like to think of it as perhaps the single most sacred principle underpinning our democracy. Voting is a universal right, not a privilege. Even the Republican Party, which has for decades committed itself to suppressing the votes of marginalized people through voter I.D. laws and gerrymandering, knows enough to at least pay lip service to that idea. But on Wednesday, as is his want, Trump just blurted out the truth during an incoherent rant on mail-in voting. He sees voting as an honor, not a right. -I think just common sense would tell you that it's massive manipulation can take place. Massive. And you do, you have cases of fraudulent ballots where they actually print them and they give them to people to sign. Maybe the same person signs them with different writing, different pens. I don't know. A lot of things can happen. Now, if you can, you should go and vote. Voting is an honor. It shouldn't be something where they send you a pile of stuff and you send it back. -They send you a pile of stuff and you send it back. That's mail. That's how the mail works. Now you go to a restaurant and send chicken to a stranger you've never met, and the next thing you know they bring it to you on a plate. It makes no sense. You know, voter fraud is virtually non-existent in this country. The most famous recent example with a voter fraud scheme concocted by Republicans to cheat in an Congressional election in North Carolina in 2018, which invalidated the election and resulted in a redo. Now, you might be wondering if Democratic voter fraud is so supposedly widespread as Republicans claim, why do we only know about voter fraud cases involving Republicans? MSNBC asked the then executive director of the North Carolina GOP that question, and he did not have a particularly good answer. -We constantly are hearing Republicans say that Democrats are engaged in voter fraud. There is almost never any evidence of that, and right here you're holding a board that has at least 22 cases of voter fraud in the state of North Carolina and executed by Republicans in one district. -In one Congressional district on one election. -So, 22 cases of voter fraud by a Republican. Where are the Democratic cases of voter fraud? -Well -- well, I-I-I'm not keeping score of that. -Well -- well -- well, it looks like you caught me with my britches down, but as you have insulted my honor, I have no recourse but to challenge you a dual tomorrow morning in the potato field. And yet yesterday, Trump threatened on Twitter to unilaterally withhold funding from the states of Michigan and Nevada simply for mailing out applications for absentee ballots, which is perfectly legal in which states with Democratic and Republican governors have done for years. Just five months, after he got impeached for threatening to withhold funding from Ukraine unless they interfere in the election. In two months after he said governors who want help from the federal government have to treat him well, he keeps using the same move over and over. It's only a matter of time before he threatens to withhold funding from the post office, unless they promise to look at every ballot and dump the ones marked for Biden in the shredder he uses for his tax returns. It comes with an extra large bin. And the Republican party is fully in lock step behind Trump. In the middle of a pandemic that has killed more than 90,000 Americans and created the economy, they're transforming the Senate into an arm of the Presidents' campaign. The Senate Judiciary Committee, led by Lindsey Graham is moving forward with an investigation of the origins of the Russia probe in an effort to target Obama administration officials in the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee led by Ron Johnson who voted to subpoena documents as part of an investigation of Hunter Biden. The same investigation Trump got impeached for, and Republicans are fine with all of it. You might get a little grumble, you know, from Mitt Romney and Susan Collins might form a committee to look into the possibility of furrowing her brow. But otherwise the GOP is done with all of it. They're like bank robbers who get caught planning a heist and then say, "Should we do it anyway?" Republicans are just as paranoid and conspiratorial as Trump. He didn't come out of nowhere. He fits perfectly in the GOP. They've concocted an insane fantasy in which Obama spied on Trump by secretly monitoring suspicious calls by Michael Flynn and not telling Trump about it, as Johnson claimed Tuesday on Fox News. -So if that were the case, that they were genuinely concerned that there was some compromise or something going on, it was nefarious on those phone calls, why would they have not told the incoming President of the United States? -Because it's a corrupt transition process. You know, it's exactly what they should have done. -They did. This isn't secret. Obama warned then President-elect Trump about Flynn during a meeting in the oval office