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  • it started as most addictions do. I was at a party with some friends having a

  • lot of laughs, a lot of high fives when my friend offered it to me. "Try it out", he

  • said. All the cool kids had experienced it before and they insisted that I

  • should too I had no idea what I was getting into in

  • case you're unfamiliar with Animal Crossing new leaf it's an adorable game

  • where you play pretend mayor in a town filled with a wide variety of villagers

  • I had never played an animal crossing game before but I've always been a huge

  • sucker for simulation games so I gave it a try after a train ride with a nosy cat

  • a brief by a helpful dog go, and a crippling debt bestowed upon me by a

  • trifling-a** tanuki else free to explore there was so much to see and do

  • I could go fishing at the river collect shells by the beach mine first secret

  • treasures and shop for collectible items this world was my oyster

  • as I fished by the river under the moonlight I was approached by an

  • unfamiliar ball of glue I turned as he greeted me three words

  • all it took was three words and there was no turning back

  • he said to me for some addiction takes the form of a purple dragon for me it

  • was a blue squirrel by the name of filbert's

  • I know most Animal Crossing fans wouldn't refer to filbert as their

  • favorite villager but he was the first villager I got attached to he's hard not

  • to like he was always so chill and appreciative of our interactions it may

  • be he wants to hang out with him all the time we did everything together we would

  • explore the village take part in local events visit each other at home and even

  • write each other letters he would tell me about his dreams almost all of them

  • would involve copious amounts of food yes I made sure to bring him snacks as

  • much as possible his relaxed demeanor made me feel okay about the world

  • he made me feel like everything was gonna be all right

  • I played a new leaf every single day just so I could play with him he was my

  • best friend in the game and my favorite part of it all overtime I paid off my

  • debt to Tom Nook bill all the public works products I wanted to and fully

  • furnished my home my life in Animal Crossing was perfect but on one fateful

  • day he right up to me I'm thinking of moving he said what do you think about

  • that I told him that I didn't want him to move that he should stay my village

  • despite my objections he told me he felt like our friendship was so strong it

  • would last no matter the distance and informed me that he would be leaving in

  • a week

  • he wrote me one last letter thanking me for everything

  • the only pieces of his memory that I had left was a photo of him and an empty

  • plot of land where his house once stood just like that he was gone suddenly the

  • house that I spent tireless efforts expanding felt so big so empty and no

  • longer felt like a home all the fancy furniture the tournament trophies they

  • didn't matter to me anymore well as the point of being mayor without my favorite

  • villager with a cured addiction and a broken heart I stopped saying newly for

  • good hey everyone thank you so much for watching my first ever youtube video I

  • hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it

  • huge shout out to all my friends who provided me with feedback and support

  • throughout the making of this video and this channel

  • I truly appreciate you guys now that we have all this time at home I'll be

  • making more videos featuring my roommates and our pets and I can't wait

  • to show you guys in the meantime stay safe and healthy and I'll see you next

  • time

  • you

  • you

it started as most addictions do. I was at a party with some friends having a


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B1 中級 美國腔

動物穿越成癮 (Animal Crossing Addiction)

  • 16 1
    ally.chang 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日