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  • [Music]

  • you're the food guy I've been labeled

  • with that for years

  • I know everything about food absolutely

  • everything we find all sorts of horrible

  • things from people's teeth to old pairs

  • of undies we do have one of my friends

  • kids used to write notes on the toilet

  • paper and flush it nobody read them the

  • one of the strange is the one time we

  • went to Bendigo in the whole pond each

  • system was a just a flood with corn I

  • think there must have been a festival

  • and nobody chewed we're out at the wavy

  • treatment plant

  • we're probably half of Melbourne

  • toiletries go

  • everything is biologically bad in this

  • point everything you do much as it looks

  • Pleasant that's a very nice pond

  • anything in this thing is gonna make you

  • sick if you get it on you type of diving

  • we're doing is known as encapsulated

  • diving so that you're fully sealed into

  • the unit like an astronaut one two three

  • yeah really good clearer in that hat

  • louder in that hat where you seen the

  • double pipes down here we're working at

  • each one of those double pipe so we've

  • got one set then we swim under across

  • the next set and we've just got to pull

  • them down further and try and create

  • more buoyancy out of them okay guys

  • start stripping

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • it's really peaceful phone doesn't work

  • you only get one person can talk to you

  • the time it's thick and sludgy it's like

  • being in big part so every now then

  • you've got to walk and your suit get

  • stuck in the mic it's got a it's like a

  • gum but put your leg in this keep moving

  • do you get it free and then go again you

  • kind of get used to keeping your eyes

  • closed so you'll have visibility for

  • about 300 mil with this nice yellow

  • color and then beyond that it just goes

  • back your along a hundred put on your

  • skills because you can't see anything so

  • you're going by the mental picture

  • you've created before you go in there

  • and then your hands actually say what

  • you're doing you just get a picture more

  • guys will side the side I get a really

  • good mental picture what they're doing

  • even though they can't see it

  • the size was good there's a lot of hard

  • work absolutely no vision whatsoever

  • throughout the whole Drive so everything

  • was by feel when you're commercially

  • diving it really doesn't matter you

  • could be anywhere with his work that's

  • how we make our money the guy's ever

  • saying you're the smells like money when

  • you come out here we've got to ask to do

  • a TV show one time when my couple of my

  • girls are very young do a live TV

  • interview and I told them about it and

  • they started to cry because I said it's

  • bad enough they knew what I did for a

  • living

  • they don't want all their school friends

  • to know as well I do big hours big days

  • I work most days of the week and I do

  • really enjoy my job I'm pretty lucky

  • you



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A2 初級 美國腔

認識一位專業的便便潛水員 (Meet A Professional Poo Diver)

  • 32 1
    Winnie Liao 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日