字幕列表 影片播放 已審核 字幕已審核 列印所有字幕 列印翻譯字幕 列印英文字幕 People across cultures and across millennia, they've always had the instinct to stay connected to the dead. 跨越不同文化和世代的人們總是有想要與死者產生連結的本能。 And they have pulled the available technologies of the day into service to try to get hold of the dead. 他們利用現今的科技,試著與亡者取得聯繫。 But now we're at a point where the dead live in the tech already. 但現今我們已經處在一個死去的人能在科技中存活的世界。 It's easy to connect to the dead because they're everywhere. 很容易就可以與死者產生聯繫,因為他們各處都有他們的身影。 Nearly everyone knows someone who had a Facebook account who passed away. 幾乎所有人都認識一個有臉書帳號且過世的人。 There's a friend of mine who recently took their own life and I found out purely by reading statuses and comments on images from several accounts on social media. 最近我有一位朋友自殺了,而我完全是藉由各個社群媒體上的狀態和照片留言得知這項消息。 We can all identify with the experience and it's kind of a new experience that we haven't had before in the pre-digital era. 我們都可以與這種經驗產生共鳴,這是在數位化時代前我們從未獲得過的一項新體驗。 I got a direct message from someone saying: "Hey are you going to come to the service tonight?" 某人傳訊息問我說:「你今晚會來告別式嗎?」 And that was really strange because all of the interaction around their very real passing happened purely in the digital realm. 那感覺很奇怪,因為死亡是如此真實,但所有與之相關的互動卻僅發生在數位領域。 [But is all this disturbing the grieving process?] [但這一切會干擾悲傷的過程嗎?] If the dead person is leaving behind this hugely multifaceted online footprint, it gets in the way of people doing that process. 如果死去的人遺留這樣大量且多面向的線上足跡,那麼人們悲傷的過程會變成以下的情況。 It's like, OK here's the durable biography, it's 2,000 pages and is really complicated. 就像是,這是永垂不朽的傳記,有 2000 頁而且很複雜。 And here's the image the person presented to the world and here's their search history. 這是那個人呈現給世界的照片,這是他們的搜索紀錄。 Somebody can go off on a detective trail trying to work out who was this person. 有人可以像偵探一樣開始追蹤,試著找出這個人曾是怎樣的人。 And so you can open a door...and you can go down and keep on finding stuff and finding stuff and finding stuff. 所以你可以開啟大門...你可以往下走,不斷地、不斷地、不斷地尋找。 That's the kind of not letting go that can then maybe be deleterious and not allow people to rest in their grief for someone. 這樣不放手的行為可能會造成危害,且不讓人們在悲痛中安息。 Servers are filling up with data about dead people. 伺服器裡充滿與死者有關的資料。 [If Facebook continues to grow at the same rate, there will be 3.6 billion dead profiles by 2100] [如果臉書以一樣的速率成長,2100 年時將會有 36 億死者的資料] And if you keep archiving data, sooner or later, you will have to ask yourself the question: What data should we save and what should be deleted? 如果你持續歸檔,總有一天你會必須問自己:什麼資料該儲存,什麼該刪除? When everything is online, when the majority of what we do becomes virtual, it will be maybe one of the most important questions that people can deal with. 當一切都線上化、當大多數的事都變成虛擬化時,這會成為人們需要處理的重要問題之一。 You should think about what we leave behind on the web as parts of who we are. 我們需要思考遺留在網路的東西會是我們的一部分。 [What will your digital legacy be?] [什麼將會是你的數位遺產?] I opted for deletion of my Google data through an active account manager so if I'm inactive for 18 months on any Google service including search engine all of my data on Google will be deleted. 我選擇透過動態帳戶管理員刪除我所有的 Google 資料,所以如果我一年半內沒有使用任何 Google 的服務包含搜尋引擎,那麼我所有在 Google 上的資料都會被刪除。 People maybe need to be saving in order that other people can, digitally curate their memories, their digital selves after they die. 人們或許需要儲存資料,這樣其他人可以在他們死後,策劃將他們和他們的記憶數位化。 Maybe that's a future job that people could do. 或許這是人們未來的工作。 I'm going to be managing what I put online with what I feel is most important and most valuable. 我會管理我放在網路上的東西,它們會是最重要和最有價值的。 And in keeping it that reduced, keeping it that curated, keeping it that edited so that for one, it's not going to be that avalanche of things that my descendants inherit. 縮減數位遺產、組織它、編輯它,如此一來,我的後代子孫就不會繼承大批的資訊。 Separate from any kind of thought about my own death, I'm just always aware when I'm like, sharing poetry, or just like, pithy thoughts, that it's going to live on. 不同於其他有關我自己死亡的想法,當我在分享詩或是精闢的想法時,我總會意識到它們將持續存在。
B1 中級 中文 英國腔 資料 死者 數位化 遺產 刪除 帳戶 帳戶擁有者死後其社交媒體上的「數位遺產」會...? (What Will Your Digital Legacy Be? | BBC Ideas) 6325 244 Annie Huang 發佈於 2020 年 07 月 06 日 更多分享 分享 收藏 回報 影片單字