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  • This is Noah.

  • In 1976, Noah was born in the United States

  • of America to a man named John and a woman named Sarah.

  • John and Sarah were married and had one other boy

  • before Noah named Alex.

  • Neither, John nor Sarah was exceptionally intelligent or talented,

  • but they worked reasonably hard in their careers to make up

  • for it and create a life for themselves.

  • At the time of Noah's birth, they made enough money to provide a sense of security

  • for themselves and for their two sons, but not enough to feel any extra comfort.

  • They were not poor, but pennies were often pinched and corners were often cut

  • in order to sustain.

  • For all intents and purposes, they were average.

  • Dead center, middle America.

  • As time would pass, Noah and his brother would start to ingest

  • and understand more of the world around them.

  • They began to grasp the conditions of their lives

  • and form their personalities and perspectives.

  • Noah and Alex were quite different.

  • Alex was a very positive individual

  • who always tried to see things through an optimistic lens.

  • He understood his parent`s situation and recognized

  • that they were doing their best with what they could,

  • and he loved them for that.

  • He appreciated what he had and loved enjoying the simple things in life.

  • He liked camping, drawing and playing the guitar.

  • Noah however, was far more pessimistic about his conditions

  • and desirous of something bigger and better.

  • He saw the world as a game of numbers and levels.

  • One with winners and losers.

  • One where money and status determined the winners and one

  • that he felt like he and his family were losing.

  • And this upset Noah.

  • Noah first made this determination for himself back when he was 10 years old

  • and all of his friends got a new popular toy.

  • Everyone had this toy and it seems so cool,

  • so Noah asked his parents for one.

  • When they told him they would not be able to get it for him,

  • Noah didn't understand why.

  • His parents told him that they didn't have the extra money to spend

  • on an expensive new toy at the time and that he should just enjoy the toys he had.

  • But Noah's still didn't understand, why?

  • He wondered, what his parents didn't do right, to be like his friend's parents?

  • He wanted to be like his friends and have his friends families, and have that toy.

  • He wondered, what it must be like to be that happy?

  • When Noah was 12, his father got a decent-sized promotion

  • at the company he worked for.

  • Going from a floor position to a managerial role,

  • Noah and his family's life would change significantly.

  • Almost overnight, Noah would now have access to some of the extra comfort

  • and niceties that many of his friends had.

  • The family he wished for he now had,

  • most of the toys he wanted he could now get.

  • Noah continued to grow older into high school.

  • When he turned 16, he got his license.

  • Noah observed many of his friends get new cars from their parents as a gift

  • when they got their licenses.

  • So, Noah asked his parents if they would get him one.

  • His dad said that even

  • though things were going pretty well it wasn't wise to purchase

  • a new car at the time.

  • But that Noah could share one of the two family cars

  • with his brother when no one else in the family was using it.

  • Noah accepted this and said, "Thank You."

  • However, inside, he was mad.

  • He saw his friends new cars that they didn't have to do anything for,

  • or share with anyone.

  • He wanted to be like his friends and have his friends families.

  • To get that brand-new car, and not have to worry about anything.

  • He wondered, what it must be like to be that happy?

  • When Noah turned 18, his mom got a promotion at her company.

  • With their newfound extra income, Noah's parents decided

  • to get him a brand new car as a high school graduation gift.

  • Noah could now drive anywhere he wanted at any time,

  • without having to worry about sharing it.

  • The life he wanted with his own car, he now had.

  • Several years later, Noah would graduate from college with a degree in business.

  • He didn't really know what he wanted to do,

  • but he knew he wanted to make a lot of money and that it could lead to that.

  • After graduating, he got a job as an intern for a big corporation.

  • Throughout his internship, Noah didn't really

  • enjoy his role and felt unfulfilled and unhappy.

  • The work was boring and never felt like it had anything to do with him.

  • Along the way, he made friends with some co-workers though.

  • One of the employees that he became acquainted

  • with was the VP of Sales and Marketing.

  • This individual had a huge responsibility and influence in the company.

  • He was clearly making a lot of money, and he would often

  • treat coworkers to nice dinners and events.

  • He had nice things, a big house, a cool car,

  • and beautiful women would gravitate to him.

  • Noah wanted to be this man and have that much

  • authority, money, and all the beautiful women.

  • He wondered, what it must be like to be that happy?

  • Noah decided that he needed to work harder

  • and dedicate himself to the company.

  • That he needed to find his way into an important role like that man he admired.

  • Many more years would go by and Noah was still at the same company.

  • He worked hard throughout those years, really hard.

  • He was hyperfocused and stopped hanging out with a lot of friends,

  • didn't see his family as much, and didn't really engage in anything outside of work.

  • At this point, he had moved up numerous ranks in the company

  • and was making a lot more money.

  • Not far from the VP of Sales that he envied as an intern.

  • Noah had now bought himself his own home and a really nice new car.

  • He had a decent amount of disposable income,

  • and could buy most of the things he wanted to, and could go out to nice restaurants,

  • and wear nice clothes.

  • But Noah was still not very happy or fulfilled by his work.

  • He was working hard, but things were still boring and never felt

  • like they had anything to do with him.

  • Every day felt like the same and Noah found

  • himself always wishing for the day to be over.

  • One day, a friend from college that Noah would

  • still sometimes go out with on the weekends,

  • told Noah how he recently started working at a new company.

  • His friend told him about how great this company was, how much opportunity there

  • was to grow to the top and do exciting, and important things.

  • How much money was being invested into the company.

  • How much higher the starting salary was.

  • How much flexibility there was for employees.

  • How nice everyone was including the owners.

  • Noah wondered, what it must be like to work for such a great company?

  • He wondered what it must be like to be that happy?

  • Shortly after this conversation,

  • with his friendNoah quit his job and got his friend

  • to refer him for a position at this new company.

  • Noah got the job.

  • A couple more years go by and Noah has climbed his way up

  • through a few ranks at the company

  • when all of a sudden it gets bought out, and Noah is laid off.

  • Noah sees the company owners make millions and millions of dollars

  • while he and most of the other employees

  • lose everything they work for with nowhere to go, and no remorse from anyone.

  • Noah wondered what it must be like to be an owner of a company, like that.

  • To cash out on a multi-million dollar deal,

  • and never have to worry about working again.

  • He wondered what it must be like to be able to do whatever you want, whenever you want?

  • He wondered what it must be like to be that happy?

  • Noah realized he had been going at everything all wrong.

  • He was tired of working for other people, only

  • to get screwed over at the end of the day.

  • He realized that if he wanted to be happy he needed to take control

  • of his own fortune.

  • So, Noah collected a few colleagues and friends

  • who he had made over the years to start a company with.

  • He didn't know exactly what he wanted the company to be,

  • but he knew he wanted to make a lot of money and sell it at some point.

  • With his newly established business partners,

  • he brainstormed industry and what product

  • or service would be the most potentially lucrative to start a business around.

  • Seven more years go by, and Noah and his partners have built a successful business

  • with promising growth.

  • Throughout these years, Noah has had even less time to himself.

  • The demands of being a company owner, and building a business from the ground up

  • took everything Noah had.

  • He had no time outside of work.

  • He would wake up early, go to work, get home late,

  • go to bed and do it all again the next day.

  • He lived and breathed the business.

  • He cut out everyone in his life that wouldn't be of use to his business.

  • He traveled all the time and rarely saw his family.

  • Girlfriends would never last.

  • Hobbies and activities were completely off the table.

  • But because of Noah and his partners hard work

  • and their willingness to do whatever it took to make

  • their company successful a major corporation became interested

  • in buying the business and its intellectual property for a large amount of money.

  • The deal was closed and Noah cashed out at fifteen million dollars.

  • Suddenly, all of the things Noah wanted when he was a child,

  • he can buy millions of.

  • Any car he wanted when he was a teenager,

  • he can buy without feeling a dent.

  • Any sense of status, power, or luxury,

  • he wanted when he was a young adult he has.

  • The big house, the women, the fancy parties, the nice things, the status.

  • He has it all.

  • A year goes by.

  • It is Christmas.

  • Noah with his family.

  • This is one of the few times a year he sees his brother Alex.

  • Alex asks Noah how things are going?

  • Noah tells Alex about how bored he is not working anymore.

  • How he doesn't really know what to do with his time and feels kind of lost.

  • He tells Alex how his remaining friends only seem to care

  • about business and money.

  • How they don't appear to care about him as a person.

  • Rather just a networking, or business focal point.

  • He shares how his last couple girlfriends were shallow

  • and never really seemed to care about him, or anything beyond money.

  • He says how hard it is for him to meet new good people and feel excited about life.

  • Alex empathizes with Noah and consoles him.

  • Noah asks Alex how he has been and what he's been up to?

  • Alex says things are pretty great, and he's been painting,

  • and camping a lot, and playing a little guitar as well.

  • Noah asks how he's doing for money and if he needs any help.

  • Alex's sais thank you but that he's doing fine.

  • He says that he has enough money for him

  • and his family to be comfortable.

  • He says that he's been selling a lot of his paintings, photos,

  • and design and has been doing pretty well with that.

  • He says it's a constant grind, but he loves making

  • every piece and seeing the face of the people,

  • and clients that fall in love with them.

  • That if he had to do this for the rest

  • of his life he would still be thrilled every day.

  • Alex's wife comes into the room holding the newborn baby.

  • Following her as a five-year-old girlAlex's other daughter.

  • Alex goes on to share how great his wife is doing and how great his kids are doing.

  • He says they were planning a trip to Spain for an art exhibition.

  • Noah sees the life in his brother`s eyes.

  • He sees the passion in the sense of self.

  • He wonders what it must be like to be that happy?

  • He wonders why he never slowed down?

  • Why he never enjoyed himself and stopped comparing himself to everyone around him?

  • Why he never appreciated what he had or what he liked to do?

  • Why he gave half his life to becoming wealthy, owning a bunch of stuff,

  • and impressing strangers only to end up alone, unfulfilled and unhappy?

  • He asks Alex, "How did you do it? How did you find so much happiness?"

  • Alex responds, "Noah, I just didn't look so hard."

  • [Music]

  • Thank you for watching.

  • If you`re found enjoyment and value in this video, please give it a thumbs up,

  • share your thoughts in the comments below and if you

  • are not alreadybe sure to subscribe to our channel.

  • We are constantly coming out with new videos to

  • help you experience life with clarity and wonder.

This is Noah.


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A2 初級 美國腔

如何浪費自己的生命,永遠不快樂(短篇小說)。 (How To Waste Your Life & Never Be Happy (A Short Story))

  • 37 3 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日