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  • how are your English listening skills first you'll see an image and here a

  • question next comes a short dialogue listen carefully and see if you can

  • answer correctly we'll show you the answer at the end

  • a man is talking with a salesperson at the mall which shirt is he going to buy

  • hmm which shirt do you think is better the white one or the blue one well I

  • think the blue one is better it goes well with this gray jacket you think so

  • but it doesn't go so well with this red tie does it well that's true okay then

  • I'll take the white one not the blue one

  • which shirt is he going to buy

  • a man is talking with a salesperson at the mall which shirt is he going to buy

  • hmm which shirt do you think is better the white one or the blue one well I

  • think the blue one is better it goes well with this gray jacket you think so

  • but it doesn't go so well with this red tie does it well that's true okay

  • then I'll take the white one not the blue one did you get it right I hope you

  • learned something from this quiz let us know if you have any questions see you

  • next time

how are your English listening skills first you'll see an image and here a


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A2 初級 美國腔

英語聽力理解--在美國購物買衣服 (English Listening Comprehension - Shopping for a Shirt in U.S.A)

  • 7 0
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日