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The spring semester has certainly changed dramatically for the class of 2020.
2020 年畢業生的春季學期絕對被戲劇化地改變了。
COVID-19 is canceling or postponing major milestones that all of us enjoyed when we were in high school.
Tonight our Jennie Runevitch talks with a Crawfordsville student who has now written a moving song for her fellow seniors.
今晚我們的記者 Jennie Runevitch 與一位寫了一首感人的歌曲獻給她畢業生的夥伴們,來自 Crawfordsville 高中的同學進行了訪談。
This is "Here's to You, Class of 2020."
聽好了,這首歌是寫給你們的,2020 年畢業生們。
Music has the power to heal when we're hurting, and unite what's been divided.
♪Remember on our first day, walking through the hallways♪
When we can write a song about it and put it to music, that just… that solves everything.
當我們可以寫一首關於這個情況的歌,並將一切情感託付給這首歌… 這解決了所有事情。
♪And now we're in the last year, yeah, we should be there, surrounded by our friends♪
It's why Crawfordsville senior Abby Bannon and her friend penned lyrics about the losses of senior year.
這就是為什麼 Crawfordsville 高中畢業生 Abby Bannon 還有她的朋友執筆寫下了關於他們高中最後一年的歌詞。
♪But we'll have to leave it all behind♪
As a way to cope with the curveball, none of her classmates expected.
Everybody can relate in some way.
Like all the seniors can relate to this.
Bannon and student athlete and class president is one of so many seniors whose last year of high school's been cut short by the coronavirus.
Quarantines, e-learning days, an empty Athenian parking lot...
居家隔離、線上課程還有空曠的 Athenian 停車場。
The milestones of that make memories for all teenagers won't happen for them.
Like senior proms, senior skip days, senior prank, graduation, most likely.
I mean, it has affected every aspect of this senior year that you have always dreamed of and hoped for and thought about, like basically my entire life.
She realized missing high school moments is not the worst that could happen, especially during a health crisis.
Obviously this stinks and we are missing out on lot, but there are so many better days ahead.
And so many other things for us to look forward to.
College in the fall, careers after that.
But for now, it's an emotional loss seniors and their families are facing.
And Abby's song, shared thousands of times in just two days, has resonated with all of them.
而 Abby 的歌,在兩天內就被轉發了好幾千次,與所有的畢業生們產生了共鳴。
Abby plans to study business and music in college in Nashville this fall.
Abby 計畫秋天將在 Nashville 的大學修讀商科還有音樂。
If you like to hear the entire song, we've got a link with the story on wthr.com.
如果你想聽完整歌曲,我們在 wthr.com 上有歌曲連結還有這個故事的連結。