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字幕列表 影片播放

  • We're going to discuss money and I will be told what to say.

  • "Cool Japan" seems to be a propaganda show where foreigners are supposed to praise Japanese culture.

  • Prior to the recording, we're handed a script that we have to follow.

  • I'm supposed to say that the yen is trustworthy.

  • The host will ask if we think Japanese notes are beautiful. Everyone answers that they do.

  • Sitting here, I've yet to hear anyone being critical about Japanese currency.

  • Immediately changing the topic.

  • They sit here every week and praise Japan for pay.

  • Right now I'm part of the machine.

  • I've also been told to say that this show is very big in Norway.

  • The production process itself is quite similar to one in Norway.

  • After the script meeting, I'm ready for makeup.

  • Is there any drawers here? No.

  • There's no makeup here.

  • I'm ready to go then.

  • Because I don't speak Japanese, everything is translated to me.

  • When the debate begins, I'm doing my best to follow the script and please the producers.

  • We're shown a clip about Japanese coin production, and are told to look as impressed as possible.

  • The taping goes on for 2.5 hours, and the other participants can't praise Japan enough -

  • - whilst at the same time dragging their own countries through the mud.

  • The crew makes sure that no parts in the script is left out.

  • I feel a bit used.

  • I've been praising Japan a lot without having gotten to see much of it.

  • I was carried away.

  • I'm happy with my performance, and I think the channel is too.

We're going to discuss money and I will be told what to say.


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B1 中級 美國腔

馬格努斯-德沃爾德在日本電視節目 "酷日本 "中的表現(字幕)。 (Magnus Devold On Japanese TV Show "Cool Japan" (Subtitled))

  • 12 0
    Amy.Lin 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日