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So, I heard you wanted to learn English,
well I think you've come to the right place.
I'm Bob the Canadian, and in this video
I will give you what I think is an excellent plan
that will help you learn English.
(upbeat music)
Well, welcome to this video where I'm going
to share with you what I think is the best way
to learn English in the year 2020.
If this is your first time here though,
don't forget to click that red subscribe button below
and give me a thumbs up if this video
is helping you learn English.
Before we get started though,
before I share the plan with you,
there's a few things that you're going to need.
You're going to need about one hour a day,
Monday through Friday, in order
to use this English learning plan.
If you don't have an hour a day though,
you can use 30 minutes, just make sure
that you use the majority of the time
for the things that I recommend for that day.
The other thing you're going to need is a notebook
and a pen, and you're going to need to choose
an English song, an English book to read,
and an English television show.
If you have all those things, I think you'll be ready.
Oh, you'll also need an internet connection,
which I'm pretty sure you have
because you're watching this video.
When you're learning a language like English,
it's important that you spend an equal of time reading,
writing, listening, speaking, and learning new vocabulary.
The way this plan works is I'm going to ask you
to do those five things each day of the week
Monday through Friday.
So on Mondays, the first day of the week,
I want you to focus on reading in English.
I want you to read the book that you have chosen.
And if you're having a little trouble
understanding the book, if you can get the book
in your own language as well,
you can read one chapter in English
and then read the next chapter in your own language
and flip back and forth, that is a great strategy.
On Mondays as well, I want you to read the news in English.
So if you have a news app on your phone
or can access the news on a website,
please read the news in English on Mondays as well.
And the third thing I would like you to do on Mondays
is to go to a website called Simple Wikipedia.
I'll put a link in the description below.
Simple Wikipedia is the English language version
of Wikipedia but in a simpler form.
So there's the regular Wikipedia,
but there is Simple Wikipedia
which helps people who are learning English
to read and understand the articles better.
So I'd like you to do those three things
for about 30 to 40 minutes.
While you are doing those things,
you should be writing new vocabulary words
into your notebook along with a short definition of them.
Once you're done, all that, I want you
to use the rest of your time to practice your writing,
to practice your listening, and to practice your speaking.
So reading on Monday takes most of the time,
but the other three components will take a small amount
of time, but I want you to attach them to your reading.
So to practice your English speaking,
I want you to read part of your book out loud
just to yourself.
To practice your writing on Monday,
I want you to write out a few passages from the book.
And to practice your listening,
it would really cool if you could find
the audio version of the book you are reading
and listen to it a bit.
So that is Monday, on Monday your focus is reading,
spend 30 to 40 minutes reading,
and then the rest of your time practice the other aspects
of learning the language but in a way
that is still related to the book you are reading.
On Tuesdays, your focus will be writing.
I want you to spend 30 to 40 minutes writing in English.
The first thing you should do is write in your notebook.
You should write down five things
that you did the day before so that you
can practice writing in the past tense.
You should also write down five things
that you are going to do the next day
so that you can practice writing in the future tense.
You should also go to YouTube
and leave a few comments in English on a few videos.
This is a really good way to practice your English as well.
Many times if you leave a comment on an English video,
someone will respond, sometimes even the creator.
So go to YouTube and write a few comments
to some of your favorite YouTube creators.
It doesn't all have to be me, by the way,
you can write comments on other videos as well.
The next thing I would like you to do
is go back to your notebook and write down
a few things that you like and dislike
about the book you are reading.
This is a really good way for you
to start to express your likes and your dislikes in English.
It's a very good thing to learn to be able to do.
You should also in your notebook
try to write about five to 10 sentences in English
that summarize the book you are reading
or summarize what you have just read
in the book that you are reading.
So do all of that, while you are doing it
I know you are writing, but you might have
to look up new words to use.
Make sure you put those words in your notebook as well.
Hopefully you have a little vocabulary section
that you're building where you put
a few words in on Monday and now it's Tuesday,
you'll put a few more words in.
So Tuesday is writing, you've spent 30
to 40 minutes writing, now it's time
to practice a little bit of reading.
So read over the things that you wrote.
It's time to practice a little bit of listening,
so maybe put some of your comments into Google Translate
and click the little speaker button
so you can hear what your English sentences
sound like out loud.
And then certainly read your English sentences
out loud in your own voice
so that you can practice a little bit of speaking.
I forgot to mention this about Mondays,
but if you are done, the work of the day,
on Monday if you're done, your reading,
on Tuesday now if you're done, your writing,
spend the balance of time doing a little of Duolingo,
maybe just listening to the song that you chose.
Because the song you chose should be something
that you're just listening to throughout the week.
Anyways, that was Tuesday where your focus was writing.
On Wednesdays, I want you to focus on listening.
This might end up being your favorite day
to study English if you use this plan.
I want you to watch your television show in English.
I want you to listen to your song a few times in English.
I think you should watch a few YouTube videos in English.
And if you do have the audiobook
for the book you are reading,
I want you to listen to a few chapters from the audiobook.
This should be a great day because most
of these listening activities will fill your hour,
but at the end of the hour
if you still want to do a bit of work,
there's a few things that you could do.
You could read a little bit about the television show
that you are watching.
You could write a little bit about the television show
you are watching.
Or you could write about how the song makes you feel.
You could say some of the same lines
as people in the television show.
You could shadow or mimic what the actors are saying.
This is a great way to work on your accent.
And you could sing along to the song,
that's a great thing to do as well.
And, of course, during all of this
you should still be adding words to your notebook,
new vocabulary words that you are learning
as you watch your show, listen to your song,
and do the other listening activities.
On Thursdays, I want you to focus on speaking.
So for the one hour that you study English on Thursdays,
30 to 40 minutes of that hour
you should be spending speaking English.
The best way to practice speaking English
is to hire an English tutor who you can meet
via FaceTime or Skype.
There are websites like Preply,
there's a link below in the description,
or Cambly or iTalki, where you can hire
a native English speaker to have a conversation with you.
If you have the money and you can afford it,
this is money well spent.
It is a really, really good investment.
The fact that you know you will be talking
to a native English speaker every Thursday
will actually make you work harder
on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and Friday each week
in order to get ready for that session.
When you do talk to a native English speaker,
talk about the television show that you are watching,
talk about the book that you are reading.
You'll have a lot of things that you can share
with them in an English conversation.
If you cannot afford to hire someone,
you still need to speak English on Thursdays.
You can just talk out loud to yourself,
you can narrate your life.
I did another video where I explained a few of those things.
I'll put a link up there.
But certainly on Thursdays, do whatever you can
to get in 30 minutes of speaking in English.
The rest of the time on Thursday
you can do whatever you need to do.
Maybe listen to your song again and sing out loud,
that's also speaking, read your book but read it out loud,
that's also speaking.
Or watch your TV show, and kind of, again,
shadow or mimic some of your favorite actors.
Anyway, Thursday is the day
that you should be speaking English a lot.
On Fridays, I want you to focus on vocabulary.
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
you wrote down new words and their definition
in your notebook, hopefully you were doing that.
On Friday, I want you to read over all of the new words.
I want you to say them out loud.
I want you to use the new words in a sentence.
And I want you to just practice them
till you have them memorized.
If you are familiar with websites like Quizlet,
make a Quizlet set using all of your new words
and practice it and practice it over and over again.
If you are more comfortable making flashcards
or simply writing the vocabulary out many, many times,
do that instead, but Friday, you should just be spending
all of your time, the entire hour,
making sure that you have all your new vocabulary memorized.
I think you'll really benefit from this one.
So you just spent Monday through Friday learning English.
What do you do on the weekend?
Well, there's a few things that you should do on the weekend
to make this English learning plan really work.
You should find a new song every weekend,
you should look for a new English song
that you can use in the following week.
If you are done reading your book,
you should go to the library
or order a new English book online
or borrow one from a friend.
If you are done watching all of the episodes
of the television show you were watching,
you should get a new television show to watch
or find a new television show to watch.
Or you could just take a break.
Sometimes taking a break from learning
actually refreshes your mind and makes you better able
to learn the next week.
Anyways, Bob the Canadian here, I hope you like this plan.
I'm going to put the plan in the description below
so that if you want a copy that you can copy
and paste and modify for your own usage,
it will be down there.
But yes, I'm Bob the Canadian,
you're learning English with me.
Thank you so much for watching.
If you're new here, don't forget
to click wherever the red subscribe button is.
Click that and give me a thumbs up
if this video helped you learn
just a little bit more English,
or if it at least gave you a plan
that you can use going forward
to learn as much English as you can.
Hope you're having a great day,
and I wish you all the best in 2020
as you continue to learn English.
(upbeat music)