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We check the time every day, all day long.
我們每天都在查時間 基本上一整天都在查
But did you ever wonder - where did telling time come from?
但你有沒有想過 查時間這檔事是從哪兒來的?
Why does it matter what time it is?
為什麼知道時間 是那麼重要呢?
Who determined the clock
and why in the world are there so many different time zones?
為什麼世界上 有這麼多不同的時區?
The first form of telling time was the sundial
第一種觀察時間的方式 是透過日晷
and the earliest sundials known from the archaeological record
根據考古記錄 我們得知,最早的日晷
are obelisks from nearly 5,000 years ago.
Sundials indicate the time by casting a shadow
日晷透過投射於 地面上的陰影
onto a surface.
The object that casts the shadow is a stick in the center known as a gnomon.
投射陰影的物件是一根 被稱為日規 (gnomon) 的棍子
A well-constructed sundial can measure time with remarkable accuracy,
製作一個完好的日晷 可以讓我們準確地測量時間
and sundials were used to monitor the performance of clocks until the modern era.
一直到現代來臨前 日晷被人們拿來檢測時鐘的性能
But sundials have their limitations too.
Obviously they require the sun to shine,
so they don't work at all during the night when it's dark.
Many different devices have been used over the years to estimate the passage of time:
人們在許多年中使用了 多種不同的設備來測量時間的推移:
candles and sticks of incense that burn down at fairly predictable speeds
蠟燭、熏香枝和沙漏 以一種可預測的速度燃燒
have been used, along with the hourglass.
Hourglasses are devices in which fine sand
pours through a tiny hole at a constant rate
流淌過一個小洞的設備 人們用它的恆定速率來測量時間
and indicates a predetermined passage of an arbitrary period of time.
它指出細沙在一段時間中 所流動的速率
The origin of the hourglass is uncertain,
although beginning in the 14th century, the hourglass was used commonly,
雖然,自十四世紀開始 人們已經開始普遍地使用沙漏
especially on board ships.
The motion of the boat on the water did not affect the hourglass,
unlike other time-measuring devices.
船在水上的晃動 並不會影響沙漏
The mechanical clock was invented in the 13th century
十三世紀時 有人發明了機械時鐘
which sparked a big change in traditional timekeeping methods.
這個裝置引發了 傳統計時方法的大變化
This modern clock relied on the swing of a pendulum
or the vibration of a quartz crystal, which was far more accurate than sand
振動石英晶體的擺動而運作 它的準確率遠遠超過沙漏
or candles.
Today, the basis for scientific time
is a continuous count of seconds
based on atomic clocks all around the world, known as the international atomic time.
所連續運行的讀秒 它被稱為國際原子時間
Why does it matter that we keep track of time?
Well, time regulates our daily lives
and makes it possible to accurately communicate with people
all over the world.
Without a time system, we would have many challenges in farming,
如果沒有時間系統 我們可能會在農耕、
social structures, communication, and business.
社會結構、 通信和商業 等層面上面臨許多挑戰
Take the American railroad system, for example.
In the mid-19th century, each railroad used its own standard time
十九世紀中期,每條鐵路 使用它自己的標準時間
generally based on the local time of its headquarters,
它們通常是以 其總部的本地時間為準
and the railroad's train schedules were published using its own time.
鐵路公司用它自己的時間 發佈自己的火車時刻表
Some major railroad junctions
served by several different railroads
had a separate clock for each railroad, each showing a different time.
每一條鐵路有各自不同的時鐘 每個時鐘都顯示了不同的時刻
The distance between New York and Boston is about 2 degrees, or 8 minutes,
紐約和波士頓之間的距離 大約有兩度,或八分鐘
which can be the difference between making or missing your train connection.
這個小差距可以成為 你趕上或者錯過班車的關鍵
If the difference between New York and Boston
is 8 minutes, imagine the difference
between Boston and Australia.
波士頓與澳大利亞之間的 差距該有多少呢?
The use of time zones irons out these differences
and makes communication significantly smoother.
A time zone is a region on earth
that has a uniform standard time.
There are 40 time zones on land
因為地球上 最早和最晚的時區
because the earliest and latest time zones
are 26 hours apart.
Any given calendar date exists at some point
所有日曆的日期 都多多少少地
on the globe for 50 hours.
So the next time someone asks you
"What time is it?"
Your answer may be a whole lot more complicated than it used to be.
你的回答也許會比之前的 還要更加複雜也說不定呢