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Recently, because of all the restrictions due to social distancing, all of our adventures have been close to our own front door.
With life so confined these days, how do we manage to stay healthy and happy?
The answer is closer than you think, hidden in the important but often overlooked parts of life.
Welcome to Life in Japan!
It's great getting out near us and finding these parks where you can just go outside and be alone.
Walk around a little bit. I love it.
This is really quite precarious up here.
On both sides this path is held up by a retaining wall.
That's a healthy little climb right there, let me tell you what!
With so many currently things shut down, I am very thankful for the places where I can still go.
Getting out, if even just for a moment, helps me keep perspective on life.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to get a broader perspective of life.
That's one of the reasons I love living in Japan.
Today Anna bakes Anna Pancakes.
And Daddy's about to try Anna's pancakes.
Ooo. Look at the texture. Look at the butter. Look at the syrup. Look at the chocolate chips.
It looks awesome. Yes!
This is my third pancake.
Your third pancake?! What?!
Oh my goodness! Well, they must be good!
I think it's time to go drop in on the kids.
Oh no! There's just one other person to get... Stop!
Hey! What is going on down here?
We are planting watermelons and we're planting flowers.
We're not afraid... we're not afraid!
We're not afraid to plant watermelons and flowers? Good.
I want to try to get it to climb on this.
Is it a climbing kind of plant? Yes.
This plant is called a clematus.
I didn't know they had them in Japan. I've known them from the States.
So I was very happy to see one.
Look at the dango mushi! (Pill bug)
Dango mushi!
Say "hi" to the camera. Whoa. Ah!
All kinds of beautiful plants going up: watermelon, clematis...
Dango mushi!
Are you the dango mushi police? Yep.
Today has been proclaimed a Zelda day.
And look who's playing Zelda!
How do I....? Ah! Hurry! Do it for me! Kill him!
So Becca's been thrown into it to take care of it.
Oh my! I'm just going to run.
Just run, just run because I don't have enough hearts.
Things got a little intense.
Can I eat one?
Ready? Ok first... Why are you practicing with me?!
Oh, beautiful blue eyes. Hi!
Becster Booster is practicing her Mario Kart with Joshua.
Joshua, are you comfortable? Yeah, I like...
Yes! I passed you Joshua!
What is happening down here?
We're relaxing. Just chill-laxing.
Today is a day to chill-lax.
I've got my coffee, sitting out in our side garden here...
I'm so thankful for this little space that we have here
Just to come and I love to read the Bible out here and just have some quiet time here. It's great.
I got you! Yes you did.
Get close and you zoom in, ok? OK, my hair's in the way.
So we're heading out, just right close to us along the river,
just to get out a little bit, get some pictures and get some fresh air
Got the flowers with the bridge in the back. Oh.
Well that's interesting.
Take a picture of this!
I got two! Oh no, pick it up!
I got two! You do?
No! Hey! I think you can share!
There's some more.
Ah! It won't focus. It's probably too close.
OK, look, blow Joshua.
Watch, this is going to disappear. 3, 2, 1!
Whoa! It's magic!
Don't inhale it! Whoa, there you go!
Oh, those are pretty! I like those.
Did you get a picture of those, Becster?
You might be getting too close honey.
It's a beautiful, beautiful day for a walk down by the river.
Thank goodness for the river right by us, huh honey?
Look at these cuttie-bedoodies.
I can't see Sarah's eyes. OK, let's go.
Let's see where it goes, guys.
And Sarah Bear with the camera! Are you taking a picture of me?! Huh?
Look at that.
Happiness is not a matter of looking at what you don't have,
but choosing each day to look at what you do have and being thankful to God for it.
When you are a thankful person, you're a happy person.
Did you get it? Yeah, I got a cute one.
Daddy, I don't need the camera!
Hey Mr! What's up, Dude? I'm going to throw some rocks in!
You're going to throw some rocks in? Yeah!
Hey Anna! OK, I'm going to see if I can take this rock and skip it on the water.
Oh! I skipped it one time.
Becca, scoot over by Joshua just a little bit more and then you'll be fine. OK, now sit.
OK smile!
One, two, three, smile!
One, two, three!
The sand is really blowing.
Oh! I just need a cup of coffee. Mmmm.
OK, let's see: can Mommy still skip a rock? I'm getting wet!
Oh! There you go!
Help you?!
Daddy! Is this good for you to throw?
Oh! You want me to try that one? That one's big!
Throw it. OK, here we go. Ready?
I think this is too big.
It kind of did it. You guys are finding way big ones to skip!
That one's too small.
Yeah, well you see that one didn't quite work. It's too big.
I'm going to hide. You're going to hide? OK, you go hide.
They're picking flowers. Wildflowers.
What did you get? Oh, you got some pretty wildflowers. Nice!
I'm going to give one to the camera.
This is all from the typhoon. See, the water brought trash all the way up to there.
If we were here, we'd have to be swimming.
Oh look — hey Sarah, look this way.
Anna, take a picture.
That's beautiful! Oh my goodness!
That's awesome!
We're going to head back and see what kind of pictures we got.
My wildflowers! Oh, look at those! Wow.
Hi! Hey guys!
I think the adults want to eat more than the kids.
We got one Supreme and then four Pepperonis, so... Don't tease us.
So, dozo tabette kudasai (please eat)
So Debbie is Ruth's little sister...
Ben is her husband...
And then Paul is Ruth's little brother...
Debbie's older brother...
And Pri is his wife.
Hi! And so it's one big happy family gathering here.
And we're celebrating Debbie's birthday!
My name is Izzy. Yes, your name is Izzy. How old are you Izzy?
Three. Three!
Izzy and Evie and little baby Elly; they all belong to Ben and Debbie.
Joey, hey Joey! He belongs to Paul and Pri.
And of course you know these guys.
One, Two, Three Here's the sisters...
(Singing Happy Birthday)
If you can look inside your life and find even one thing you're thankful for,
Then you're on the path to becoming a happier person.
Need a good reason to be thankful? Well God loves you — and we do too!
Are we having a movie night in mommy and daddy's room?
Thanks for watching, liking and subscribing. We'll see you next time on Life in Japan.