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  • As restaurants begin reopening their doors, 2

  • there is a lot to consider. 3

  • With social distancing guidelines, 4

  • can they do enough business 5

  • to make it make sense financially? 6

  • Megan Alexander has a look at all the things 7

  • that must be considered. 8

  • Interested in eating out? 9

  • Prepare to get a quick medical checkup first. 10

  • We actually have added a new position, 11

  • essentially, we've got a symptom checker. 12

  • So it's someone that stands at the door 13

  • and everyone who walks in, 14

  • all of our guests who walk in the building, 15

  • we have to ask them several questions. 16

  • Questions such as-- 17

  • Have you been in close contact 18

  • with a confirmed case of COVID-19? 19

  • No. 20

  • No, okay. No. 21

  • Have you had fever in the last 48 hours? 22

  • I have not. 23

  • Here at the just reopened Puffy Muffin 24

  • in Brentwood, Tennessee. 25

  • Owner Kristi Stone is following new state guidelines. 26

  • Give me your tongue. The restaurant's 27

  • waitresses and cooks 28

  • have their temperature taken when they report for work. 29

  • Services are sanitized 30

  • and seating is limited to 12 tables, 31

  • half the normal capacity. 32

  • It's so nice to see you. 33

  • This is the lunch rush at 50% capacity. 34

  • You can see every other table is being used. 35

  • The owner tells the wait staff to keep their social distance 36

  • and they are politely encouraging the patrons 37

  • to only stay 45 minutes. 38

  • Maintaining social distancing also presents unique problems. 39

  • We bring the food and we set it down in front of them, 40

  • doing our best to stay as far apart. 41

  • There's no way you can be six feet apart from someone 42

  • and serve them food. 43

  • Okay, Megan, since we're going in the kitchen, 44

  • got a mask for you. Sure, okay. 45

  • And then gloves that you can put on. 46

  • All right. 47

  • And everybody's wearing these? 48

  • Everyone. 49

  • It's not just a guideline, it's a requirement. 50

  • In the busy kitchen, 51

  • social distancing can be tough. 52

  • They've got to work alongside each other 53

  • and grab stuff to make sandwiches, 54

  • so it's challenging for sure. 55

  • Kristi says, running her business 56

  • at only 50% capacity is a challenge financially. 57

  • I can't imagine that we can sustain this 58

  • for more than a few more months. 59

  • (dramatic music)

As restaurants begin reopening their doors, 2


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B1 中級

未來在外就餐會不會是飯前體檢? (Will the Future of Eating Out Be Medical Screenings Before Dinner?)

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    林宜悉 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日