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  • -been waiting for the governor to give us

  • a chance to get back open,

  • and he did, at 25% capacity, so that's great.

  • -It's what we're doing. We decided to open today,

  • even if the mall show us

  • that maybe it wasn't the best decision,

  • but we prefer to open than sitting at home.

  • I just hope that people will get used to it, soon as possible,

  • and the business will be back

  • and we can bring back our employees.

  • -For the past couple weeks, we've been open for pickups,

  • you know, to-gos; and deliveries,

  • but today's the first day we're actually open.

  • We can only open 25% of our occupancy,

  • so, that's only six tables in this room.

  • -We're just really hoping and seeing what comes about

  • from the guidelines that are set for us, so, now,

  • we think that it will probably eventually get to 50% occupancy.

  • When that happens, we don't know,

  • but the discussion internally was,

  • "This is where we'll probably be for a while".

  • -I personally do think it's a little early.

  • I do think it's a little early because,

  • just because, you know, we're not at the rate

  • of places like New York,

  • for example, or LA, doesn't mean that like it's gone.

  • With this all happening,

  • a lot of people have taken off work, too,

  • because they're just too scared to come in.

  • You know, that's my opinion. That's me, personally.

  • But, as a waitress, you know,

  • I think we do need to get the economy going.

  • It's at a standstill and I think the only way

  • to get things to turn is to start turning them.

  • -A lot of regular customers have already come back

  • and thanked us for bein' open and we can lose less money now.

  • -We've probably lost about 50% of our regular revenue

  • through doing online-only or delivery-only, yeah.

  • Which, it was challenging.

  • -We did 25% of normal sales.

  • You can imagine how much negative money

  • would be lost doin' that.

  • -I feel like Houstonians have been listening

  • to all of the things that have been going on,

  • I think, which is why it hasn't spiked up.

  • But I don't think that we should get comfortable yet.

  • I think that we should still be very on edge and not be like,

  • "Oh, you know, restaurants are opening, you know,

  • that means let's, you know, go ahead

  • and have a party of 30, 40 people".

  • -Stay safe and make sure that all your family is safe.

  • Don't make the money or anything else to make your mind

  • been changed over something like this because,

  • our health, it's the most important thing we have.

  • -Do you need any change? -Do I need any change?

  • -Okay.

-been waiting for the governor to give us


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A2 初級 美國腔

休斯敦企業部分重開,喜憂參半。 (Houston businesses partially reopen with mixed emotions)

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    小林志津夫 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日