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  • I'm walking through Hong Kong right now which is virtually unrecognizable

  • compared to how things were just a few months ago. Nearly everyone I see is

  • wearing a face mask, to get into most stores and restaurants, you have to have

  • your temperature checked. From McDonald's to Starbucks and even local eateries

  • these measures have been put in place nearly everywhere you look.

  • What I'm seeing could provide a glimpse of daily life and business for the foreseeable future.

  • As many countries reopen parts of their economies gradually, how will our

  • routines change in the short and long term? I'm talking to business owners here

  • and in Shanghai to see what life looks like after lockdown.

  • Hong Kong has been dealing with the corona virus outbreak since January 22nd. Hong Kong is a dense

  • city with more than 7 million people and it has managed to get the situation here

  • largely under control. At the entrance of this grocery store I'm required to have

  • my temperature checked. Even though I've ordered my coffee to go, businesses here

  • will still take my temperature as a precaution. Now face masks are not

  • mandatory here the way they've been mandated in places like Singapore, but it

  • is quite rare to see someone who's not wearing one. While restaurants in Hong

  • Kong have remained open for business, even dine-in services, they've been

  • required to cut their seating capacity in half. This makes it difficult for some

  • restaurants especially those operating in small spaces to turn a profit.

  • In recent weeks I've been to a number of restaurants that have physical dividers

  • inside in an effort to reduce physical distance and exposure between customers.

  • As economies reopen in phases, it is a survival of the fittest for businesses.

  • There were over 15,000 restaurants in Hong Kong last summer.

  • By the end of this summer, I anticipate they'll be less than 10,000.

  • That's Asim. He's the co-founder of Black Sheep Restaurants which employs about 1,000

  • people at 24 trendy eateries around Hong Kong.

  • Physical distancing is here to stay till there is a vaccine,

  • I feel that we will need to exist within some framework of physical distancing.

  • In his restaurants customers are screened for their recent travel history in the past 14 days and their

  • temperatures get checked. Meanwhile, hand sanitizers and face masks are everywhere you look.

  • There's a risk of keeping the restaurant open and having our people in

  • the front lines. But, closing down will almost certainly will lead to economic failure.

  • Five demands, not one less!

  • Even before the outbreak businesses here were affected by the

  • social unrest in Hong Kong in 2019. Asim now sees this as the new normal.

  • Restaurants are the last non-digital frontier. The importance of these

  • brick-and-mortar spaces is not going to dwindle. I would argue that it would

  • become even more important.

  • Here in Hong Kong, gyms bars and spas have all closed

  • at some point but restaurants here have remained open even for dine-in service

  • and it's really one of the only major cities in the world in which restaurants

  • have been allowed to operate.

  • I was getting kind of depressed in February because it's my first time opening a restaurant.

  • Luca is an Italian living in Shanghai.

  • He just opened his new restaurant and lounge, Sakemate at the end of 2019.

  • Just weeks after opening his Japanese and Peruvian inspired fusion restaurant in the heart

  • of the city's nightlife and tourism district, he had to completely shut down for nearly a month.

  • I have to say that there was one of their most difficult

  • professional moments of my life.

  • When he reopened in March he admits things were quiet but in

  • recent weeks business is picking up steam.

  • There are amazing vibes, even people going around without the masks in the street.

  • People are feeling much, much more safe. We're enjoying life, it looks like everything is back to normal.

  • Meanwhile with many people working from home, the way we interact and conduct

  • business has changed. So, will we see a return to the traditional office life?

  • Morale really took a hit for the two months Shanghai was under lockdown,

  • it was tough for the team.

  • That's William. Based in Shanghai, he's an investor and

  • Managing Partner of one of the biggest venture capital firms in China, SOSV.

  • Lockdown and creativity oftentimes don't go together,

  • you don't get that serendipity you know, when you're grabbing a couple beers with your team at

  • the end of the Friday. Usually a lot of our team members are traveling all over

  • the world. I travel 30 to 40 percent of the time. Having everybody in the office

  • together all the time is actually a lot of fun.

  • since their return to the office, William said he's enjoying making up for lost time by scheduling social events

  • with his team, such as barbecues and happy hour drinks.

  • He's even seen workflows shifting at some of his portfolio companies.

  • W have companies that are going 50% working from home, 50% working in the office and

  • they're basically coming to the conclusion that having everybody

  • at home or having everybody in the office is the preferred way to go.

  • How we conduct business post pandemic could certainly look different according to a

  • survey of 317 chief financial officers, nearly 3 in 4 expect to move at least 5%

  • of their on-site employees into remote positions after the pandemic.

  • As more businesses consider shifting parts of their workforce away from the office, the

  • long term impact remains to be seen. In a separate survey, 41% of executives

  • said they are concerned about productivity levels decreasing. However, a

  • nine-month remote working experiment by China's largest travel agency, C-Trip

  • in 2010 showed that productivity levels improved while employee quit-rates fell.

  • After a few weeks I've become used to seeing face masks and temperature checks

  • everywhere I go and there's no telling how long these measures will be intact

  • here in Hong Kong but we have gotten used to them as the new normal.

  • Hey guys, it's Uptin. Thanks for watching! Check out more of our videos and let us know in

  • the comments, what do you think will be the new normal? While you're at it

  • subscribe to our channel and I'll see you next time!

I'm walking through Hong Kong right now which is virtually unrecognizable


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B1 中級

鎖定後的生活可能是什麼樣的|CNBC報道 (What life after lockdown might look like | CNBC Reports)

  • 6 1
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日