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  • Hi, Bob the Canadian here.

  • I'm in town today because I thought I would show you

  • four different places that you can go

  • if you're feeling sick.

  • As you know, last week, I wasn't feeling well.

  • Last week I was sick.

  • And I thought that during my time while I was sick,

  • I should make a little English lesson for you

  • about being sick and the things that you can say

  • when you're sick, the things that you can do

  • when you're sick.

  • And of course, the four places that you can go

  • when you're just not feeling well.

  • (cheerful folk music)

  • Well, hey, welcome to this video

  • where I'm going to help you learn to talk about being sick

  • and I'm gonna show you a few places

  • you can go when you're not feeling well.

  • But before we get started, don't forget to click

  • that red Subscribe button over there

  • and give me a thumbs up

  • if this video is helping you learn

  • just a little bit more English.

  • So in English, there's a lot of different ways

  • to say that you are sick.

  • The simplest thing to say is "I am sick," or "I'm sick."

  • You could also say, "I feel sick."

  • You could say, "I don't feel very good,"

  • or "I don't feel well."

  • You could also say, "I'm not feeling very well."

  • So as you can see, there are many ways in English

  • to say that you are sick.

  • So we just looked at a few ways

  • that you can describe being sick.

  • Now, let's talk about what you should do if you are sick.

  • If you are someone who has a job,

  • maybe if you worked at one of these businesses,

  • you would need to call in sick.

  • In English, when you take a sick day,

  • you need to call in sick to ask your boss

  • if you can take a sick day.

  • Notice I used two phrases there in English.

  • You need to call in sick.

  • So you need to get out your phone,

  • let me get my phone out here,

  • and you need to call in sick.

  • You need to call your boss and let them know

  • that you need to take a sick day.

  • If you are a student, you wouldn't normally call in sick.

  • You would simply let the school know

  • that you aren't coming in that day.

  • Or if you are a kid, your parents would let the school know.

  • When our kids are sick, usually Jenn or I email the school

  • or call the school to let them know

  • that one of our kids is sick.

  • So we reviewed how to describe being sick

  • and we talked about how to call in sick.

  • Now, let's talk about four places that you can go

  • when you are sick,

  • especially if you aren't feeling very well

  • and need some medicine.

  • Behind me you will see the first place

  • you could go if you were sick.

  • Behind me is a drugstore or pharmacy.

  • We call this a drugstore or pharmacy in Canada.

  • I know that in other parts of the world

  • it might be called a chemist.

  • But in Canada, we would call this a drugstore or a pharmacy.

  • I know it says Drug Mart on it,

  • I guess that's another name for it.

  • You would go to a pharmacy to buy painkillers

  • or cold medicine or throat lozenges.

  • So painkillers are things like Advil

  • which has ibuprofen in it, aspirin,

  • or Tylenol which has acetaminophen in it.

  • So the first place you might go if you're feeling sick,

  • you might go to a pharmacy or to a drugstore.

  • So the second place that you would go

  • if you are feeling sick is to a medical center

  • to see a doctor.

  • Maybe you have a cold or flu that just won't go away.

  • It's been a few days and you aren't feeling better.

  • Or maybe you have weird aches and pains in your body

  • that don't go away, even when you take painkillers.

  • Well, you would phone the medical center.

  • You would call the medical center on your phone,

  • do you like my phone?

  • And you would book an appointment with a doctor.

  • And then at a certain time they would say,

  • "Your appointment is tomorrow at 8:00 a.m."

  • At that time you would go to the medical center

  • for your appointment with the doctor

  • and hopefully, he can figure out what is wrong with you.

  • If he can figure out what's wrong with you,

  • he might write you a prescription

  • that you can then take back to the drugstore

  • and they will give you the medicine

  • that the doctor has prescribed.

  • So a prescription is when the doctor writes down

  • what medicine you need.

  • And then you go to a drugstore or pharmacy

  • to get that medicine.

  • So the third place that you can go if you are feeling sick

  • is to a walk-in clinic.

  • A walk-in clinic is a little different

  • than a medical center.

  • A medical center usually has regular hours

  • and is closed on the weekends.

  • But a walk-in clinic is usually open at night

  • and is also open on Saturdays and Sundays.

  • So if you are feeling sick

  • and you feel like you need to see a doctor

  • but you can't get an appointment at the medical center,

  • you can always go to a walk-in clinic.

  • Now, you might have to wait a little longer to see a doctor,

  • but it is very convenient to be able to go and see a doctor

  • at night or on the weekend.

  • So the fourth place that you would go

  • if you were feeling sick, actually,

  • only if you're feeling extremely sick,

  • would be the emergency room

  • or the ER at your local hospital.

  • You would come to the emergency room

  • if you had a dangerously high fever

  • or if you had severe pain or you had injured yourself.

  • So the fourth place that you would go

  • if you were feeling sick would be the emergency room,

  • but only in situations where it is actually an emergency.

  • When your fever's super-high

  • or when you've injured yourself

  • or you have just this really debilitating pain

  • that won't go away.

  • I had kidney stones once and I came to the emergency room

  • because the pain was just incredibly bad.

  • If you are ever in a town or a city

  • and need to find a hospital,

  • just follow the blue signs with the white H on it

  • and use the arrows to figure out

  • how to get to the nearest hospital.

  • So there is actually a fifth thing

  • that you can do if you are sick.

  • If you are really sick, if you are at home

  • and you don't think you can get to a hospital

  • and you are so sick that you are in pain

  • and you can't drive, you could call an ambulance.

  • In Canada, when you call an ambulance you dial 911.

  • I know the number is different in other countries

  • but I guess that is a fifth way that you could get help.

  • If you are sick you could call an ambulance.

  • Well, hey, thanks so much for watching this English lesson

  • about the things that you can say,

  • the things that you can do, and the places that you can go

  • when you are feeling sick.

  • I'm Bob the Canadian and you are learning English

  • with me here on YouTube.

  • Please hit that red Subscribe button if you are new here

  • and give me a thumbs up if this video helped you learn

  • just a little bit more English.

  • And while you're here, why don't you stick around

  • and watch another video.

  • (cheerful folk music)

Hi, Bob the Canadian here.


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A2 初級

一堂英語課:生病時該怎麼做,怎麼說。 (An English Lesson: What to do and say when you are sick.)

  • 13 5
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日