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  • Especially cleanly!

  • Mercedes Benz

  • From Haribo! - Baumkuchen!

  • And before that... there was a German boom.

  • Everything makes sense now!

  • Hey guys it's me Cathy Cat.

  • If you don't speak German be sure to check out the little gear and find the

  • English subtitles that are on this video.

  • For everyone else: Let's go!!

  • This time we will talk about 10 Things that Germans will be suprised about here in Japan.

  • For example German things that exist in Japan.

  • On that note let's see what they are. Let's go.

  • Number 10 are cleaning products. Germany has the reputation of being VERRRY cleanly

  • So you will find some German cleaning products and brands in Japan.

  • In case you want things to be superrrr clean. That reputation might be something we live up to a little.

  • There seems to be something about it.

  • And that's why you can find that cleaning stuff here.

  • Number 9

  • German cars are super popular in Japan ... and generally... like Mercedes Benz

  • and similar count as luxury cars here in Japan.

  • They are very pricey, I looked into how much it would be to get a BMW here ...

  • in Japan....

  • In comparison, where I used to live in Munich, BMW is located and produced just around the corner.

  • Here it's very expensive and ordering a car and having it customized takes a long time.

  • Until delivery .... and then extra parts!

  • Requesting them from Germany takes a bit more time too.

  • They are expensive and are a status symbol.

  • Having a BMW is a bit prestigious.

  • I'd say.

  • Number 8....

  • CathyCat loves it so, the colorful world of Haribo.

  • You can find Haribo sweets in every well stocked store that sells sweets in Japan.

  • The first time I came as student to Japan, you could only get it in special stores.

  • By now you can find it in bigger stores too. Let me make some space for that car there.

  • On that note Haribo is so famous that many Japanese students can easily buy Haribo now.

  • It's totally common now. Little trivia here for those who didn't know it already

  • HA RI BO stands for Hans Riegel Bonn ... Hans Riegel is the one who came up with it

  • And Bonn is the city name in which he lived. Interesting right.

  • What REALLY surprised me in Japan: There are some German sweet in Japan that you see

  • MORE of than any other German sweets. And it's even topping Haribo. That's Baumkuchen.

  • In Germany you can get Baumkuchen in Winter or in specialized Cafes.

  • But here in Japan the Baumkuchen love is stronger than in Germany.

  • In all those expensive Japanese department stores....

  • You can see up to 5 different brands of Baumkuchen bakeries.

  • Which all will sell their types there too.

  • With icing, with chocolate, with filling, with lots of idea.

  • I have seen things like the Baumkuchen egg...

  • The baumkuchen is shaped like an egg, it will be filled with creme or creme brulee....

  • The most extravagant receipes. Japan took the baumkuchen idea after it came here

  • It was the idea of Mr Juchheim.

  • Now many shops make business in baumkuchen.

  • And more than in Germany if you ask me, That surprised me

  • Number 6 German words

  • There are a couple of words from Germany that are being use in the common Japanese language.

  • For example "ARUBAITO" comes from the German word "Arbeit".

  • I made you a list of 10 German words that are being used in Japan.

  • That's in a different video. Check out that video to find out.... what other words

  • from Germany are being used in Japan. I found it very interesting.

  • Number 5

  • English is important in Japan. Many Japanese are trying hard to learn it.

  • A few years ago there was a French language boom and before that....

  • There was a German language boom.

  • If you speak to older gentlemen, who are nearing the end of their working time

  • Many of them used to learn German at their universities.

  • Of course young people learn German too. But it seems that there was one generation

  • in which there was a German boom...

  • probably connected to history.

  • During that time many Japanese said "I will learn German"

  • Sometimes when I speak to some people in Japan they will say "Yes I speak German too!"

  • And say "I love you" or "One beer please" in German.

  • The most important words will still stick.

  • Now Germany... wait wait... one more time...

  • Number 4

  • Germany has the reputation of being sausage country

  • I guess that's right, we love our sausages.

  • But surprisingly some Japanese sausages have the German DLG quality seal.

  • If you look into the chilled foods section you can see the German sign of quality

  • on different sausages and sliced meats.

  • Many companies here get their products to Germany to get their seal of approval there

  • So that symbol will be on Japanese sausages.

  • So if you want to eat some sausages in Japan that Germany has approved... approved...

  • What's "approved" in German again???

  • ... confirmed? If you want confirmed sausages you can find them in Japan too.

  • Number 3

  • MEISTER! Some Japanese people here love

  • the German trades so much that they will go and get a Master craftsmen certificate in Germany.

  • Those are for example Bakeries, Butchers and similar who...

  • young Japanese people who go to Germany for several years to learn the trade.

  • Get their master craftsmen diploma...

  • and then go back to Japan to open their own delicatessen shop.

  • I find that super interesting and I am always happy to hear about things like that.

  • Seeing those German master craftsmen diplomas hanging in a bakery or butchers....

  • then I am honestly happy to see them.

  • The German craftsmenship. Thanks for learning it.

  • Only after living abroad, first the UK and now Japan...

  • is when I realized what a great time the Christmas time is in Germany.

  • With the whole romantic and all those Christmas markets....

  • And that's something Japanese people have figured out meaning.....

  • German Christmas markets, traditions, bisquits, .... all those things are a great thing here in Germany...

  • wait not "here in Germany" I mean "there in Germany" right now I am in Japan. Oh dear.

  • Nevermind. On that note there are German Christmas markets in Japan.

  • They are also called "German christmas markets" on which they will sell German delicacies

  • and bisquits. And what I saw last year are Stollen Breads!

  • You can even buy it in convenience stores!!!

  • At 7/11 for 24hrs a day I can get a German Stollen bread. I like it.

  • Thank you Japan. I am glad Japan likes our German Christmas items too.

  • Number 1 the Medical system.

  • Many years ago, Japan looked at European doctors and was inspired a lot by German doctors.

  • So the patient cards in Japan are called "Karte" and aparently Japanese doctors used to

  • write some details on this card parttly in German.

  • There was a big connection. It seems to be fizzling out a little now

  • Now English is replacing the German language more and more

  • But this backstory made me happy.

  • And suddenly it makes sense that Mizuno Ami von Sailor Moon wanted to study

  • medicine in Germany of all places.

  • It suddenly all makes sense to me!

  • On that note those were 10 ... was that 10? Yeah 10 things that come from Germany

  • and are being found here in Japan.

  • I am always happy to see those. I hope you enjoyed this video.

  • My name is CathyCat I am a German here in Japan...

  • This is the Ask Japanese channel. I also have a more private channel with the name "Cathy Cat"

  • If you like it come visit me there and subscribe for the channels!

  • Then you will find out more. Normally I am not speaking German ....

  • I am sure you fond some errors in my German already.

  • I hope you enjoyed this nevertheless and I hope I will see more

  • of you on our channels! Subscribe, like and I hope I will see you for more, some time soon. Bye.

Especially cleanly!


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A2 初級

在日本發現了10個德國的驚喜! (10 German surprises FOUND in JAPAN!)

  • 8 0
    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日