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-Shailene Woodley, so happy to see you.
I always love seeing your face.
And you know what's weird is that I weirdly think of you
all the time when I hug people, sometimes,
which I haven't done in a while.
-Do you think, though, that you're going to
hug people after the quarantine?
-Is that going to be like, "Don't touch"?
-No, I really -- I don't know. I think the handshake is gone.
But we can think of a new thing. What did I think of?
I thought of -- Oh, I thought of a heart at one point.
-Someone else does the other -- Oh.
Or a butterfly?
-Yeah. Butterfly feels like a lot of action.
-It's extreme for a greeting. "Hi."
-It is a good goodbye,
but I don't know if it is a good hello.
You know? Anyway, we'll figure it out.
Well, so, now, clearly, you are quarantining
in an alley way somewhere, so I won't say where it is.
But are you okay? Are there street toughs there?
-I mean, you know what? Yes, actually.
But, no, I am fine. I am completely fine.
-Alright, good.
Well, walk me through it, like, in stages.
What have you -- When it first went down, what were you like?
-At first, I felt a little bit -- I'm alone,
so that was a little bit strange to reconcile,
the fact that I might be spending
months and months and months by myself.
I kind of, like, broke it into chapters, I feel like.
The first couple weeks was a lot of Zoom calls,
a lot of FaceTimes, a lot of,
"What am I doing with my life?
I should do laundry, but, like, I don't really have to
because I can't leave the house anyway."
And then it went into, like, vacation mode.
Like, "Oh, I'll just watch a movie
every night and stay in my pajamas all day."
And then I realized I'm not on vacation
and that's actually just not --
That isn't healthy for my mental health.
And now I am in a super-productive mode of --
I'm learning all these new things and -- I don't know.
It just feels like summer now. You know, the sun is coming out.
That makes a big difference. -What are you learning?
Speaking of learning things.
-I am learning so -- I feel like I should streamline
what I am trying to learn, but it's always --
-Ooh, I get like that, too, where I am, like,
learning four things at once.
And you're like, "Just focus on one."
-And knitting a shirt and doing -- Just calm down.
Calm down.
But I am finally teaching myself Spanish,
which has been, like, a lifelong dream.
I took a few classes in high school,
like most people in L.A., and it just didn't really stick.
So I ordered all the textbooks from high school,
so I am studying like the 14-year-olds.
-Wait. You went old school. You didn't get, like, an app?
-No, the apps don't really work for me.
I'm very much, like -- I'm writing flash cards
and I'm doing the flash cards every night
and I'm taking notes.
-Yeah, my app did not work for me either, by the way.
I gave up. I go, "I don't understand this."
-No, it doesn't -- It's a weird way for me to learn,
because I'm so tactile.
I need to touch things.
-Yeah. Oh, interesting. My wife is like that, too.
She doesn't like anything, like, digital.
Like, if we are getting a car or something,
she goes, "I want something with knobs and things
that I can turn.
I don't want a button."
-By the way, cars are like spaceships now.
I don't know who decided a car should be a spaceship,
but it is a terrible idea.
They're so confusing.
-And I told my wife -- I go, "Dude, you are wrong.
You've got to roll with the punches, man.
You got to, like, check it out, because this is what
the future is, and you got to get used to that, man."
And so she's like, "Ugh!"
So, we bought this car, and I am not kidding --
the thing shorted out and started blowing super-hot air,
and we couldn't see through the windshield,
because the computer chip controlled the heat
in the front window, and we almost got in an accident.
-She's like, "What were you saying, honey?
Tell me again." -Yeah.
I just wrote in the steam, "I'm sorry.
I love you. -"I'm wrong. You are right."
-Yeah, it was rough.
You said that you took something from our show,
which I thought was cool.
We were interviewing Tina Fey, and she had an idea
to do a talent show for her kids, and it was really funny.
-Yeah, I saw that.
And I don't have any kids, obviously,
but I have too many friends with too many kids.
And every time I call them, I can't actually talk
to my friends because they're being attacked
by their children.
So I adopted the talent-show thing,
and all the kids now are preparing for a talent show
that will happen next weekend.
And I'm so excited.
-Oh, Tina is going to be psyched,
because she would love -- She's probably a giant fan of yours,
so she'd love it.
-I mean, it's a genius idea.
You know, like what she said -- it distracts the kids.
I get to FaceTime my friends
without them jumping all over them.
And then we get to drink wine while the kids perform.
-And she got grandparents involved
and all these people that she never even met.
-Oh, yeah, my grams is coming. Everybody is doing it.
And at the end, hopefully, the idea is that
all the adults will do a party trick.
-Uh-huh. Oh, you have to.
Do you have a party trick?
-You know, I was determined that Rollerblading
was going to be my party trick after this,
but my house is not very big, and I got into
too many accidents trying to Rollerblade around my home.
-How do you stop? I want to Rollerblade.
How do you stop on a Rollerblade?
-I have watched so many YouTube tutorials
and I can't figure -- They do this --
this really cool, like, sideways thing that I can't do.
So, my stop is to jump on the couch or dive into the grass.
-What are you gonna do?
-Well, the way that I know how to stop right now is --
if you're in your house, which you shouldn't really be,
but it's quarantine, I just jump on my couch
to stop, or if I'm outside, I'll just, you know,
dive into some grass, hug a tree.
Quick break. -That's what you got to do, man.
You got to go for it.
So, what's your party trick going to be?
-I am determined to get my handstand down.
I know -- It's such a thing right now, Jimmy.
Everyone on Instagram --
like, all these fitspo people
can do a handstands, and they look cool.
And I just -- I'm jealous.
I'm really jealous that so many people
can do a handstand and I can't.
So I have been trying to get my handstand down.
-Oh, I've got to do that, too.
I don't know how to do a handstand.
-Do your daughters do handstands?
-Yeah, they do handstands.
You know, and then they fall down,
you know, like, in the backyard.
But I don't know.
Like, I've done one in a pool, maybe.
-Yeah, no, I can do them in a pool.
Should we do one right now? Do you want to do one?
-Yeah. What do you mean? Do you want to get into a pool?
-No, against the wall.
-I can do a handstand against a wall.
-Do you have a stable wall somewhere?
You have a tree, right? -Yes, I do have a tree.
I'll take you -- Of course.
You don't have a tree in your house?
-I mean, that is my dream.
That is my ultimate dream, to have a tree in my house.
Okay, look. Ready?
I am going to product-placement, right like that.
-[ Gasps ] I love that you have our mug!
-Because we have to.
Okay, you have to tuck your shirt in.
-Okay. -Alright. And here's the rules.
All you have to do to do a handstand is
just throw yourself against a wall.
I put my hands on the floor
and I just kick my legs up against the wall.
-And that's it, just have the confidence?
-Just the confidence. And if you fall, you try again.
-Alright, I'm going to try it.
-I think this is what all of the yoga girls on Instagram
would say to you, too, when trying to teach you a handstand.
-Alright, are you going for it? -Ready? Set...
Oh! -Whoa!
-See? And you try again. If you can't get it, try again!
-Holy mackerel. I'm trying it again.
Here we go. 1, 2...
Oh, my God. You did it! You got it!
-Yes! -How are you good at this, too?
Can you just be not good at one thing? Please?
-Oh, my God. -For the sake of humanity?
-I want to talk about your movie when we come back.
-There are places we can't go
and things we can't do.
There are people we can't see
and plans we can't keep.
There are moments we can't celebrate
and experiences we can't have.
But there is one thing we can still do --
buy things.
Stock Images -- there when you can't be.