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  • We have a correspondent on site - our Ji Myung-kil joins us live.

  • Myung-kil, ** more bodies are being retrieved - we see that, but no news of survivors...

  • Unfortunately, that is the case, Conn-young. As you said the confirmed death toll continues

  • to rise,... and because of that a temporary funeral parlor will be set up here at Paengmok-hang

  • harbor. Two Chinese and one Russian bodies were found

  • yesterday but one Chinese body was not listed on the government's missing list... raising

  • questions to the credibility of the government's figures.

  • Divers are focusing on searching the third and fourth floors today, where many high school

  • students were when the ferry started capsizing. Family members of the missing who have been

  • camping out here at Paengmok-hang harbor have been gathering around the list of victims,...

  • trying to match the descriptions with their loved ones.

  • Parents broke down into tears when their child's body was confirmed.

  • Some family members shouted out at reporters saying their privacy should be respected and

  • not to reveal the identities of their sons and daughters.

  • Still, more than 150 people remain missing and nearly 90 percent of those are from a

  • single high school - that is Danwon High School in Ansan, a largely working-class suburb of

  • Seoul.

  • A very tragic event, indeed. Now, ** the international community is also

  • lending a helping hand, aren't they?

  • Yes, that's right. The U.S. said Monday it plans to send a Navy salvage ship to Korea

  • in recovery of the ferry. The ship is designed to repair or salvage

  • ships crippled in combat anywhere around the world.

  • Since yesterday... two remotely operated underwater drones from the U.S. are assisting the search

  • operations... and three experts from the Netherlands are helping as well.

  • Korean authorities have also asked China to borrow barges and cranes.

  • Today 239 vessels, 32 aircraft and over 750 divers are deployed for the search operation.

  • This was Ji Myung-kil reporting from Paengmok-hang harbor.

We have a correspondent on site - our Ji Myung-kil joins us live.


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B1 中級

正在打撈屍體,沒有幸存者的消息。 (Bodies being recovered, no news of survivors)

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    VoiceTube 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日