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  • What is going on?

  • Guys, welcome back to my video.

  • This is a key.

  • So first I got a question for you guys.

  • Do you think Japanese people are polite?

  • I would imagine most of you guys would answer Yes, because they apply for sure.

  • But I studied plainness at a debate in my university, and that totally changed my concept of politeness.

  • And that made me start thinking our Japanese people really?

  • Quite.

  • So.

  • That's what I want to talk about today.

  • Have you ever thought about what playing this really is?

  • Most of you associate politeness.

  • We'd like courtesy, Modesty de France were honorific language.

  • Yes, they are part of politeness.

  • But that's not all.

  • According to Brown and Levinson, who have changed the concept of politeness you find trying to explain everything it's going to take like forever, so I'll make it as short as possible in my own way.

  • So all human beings have two basic desires.

  • Positive face and negative face.

  • To put in the easiest were positive faces, a desire for approval, so desire to be liked, accepted, sympathized, care, complimented a or interested in their old positive face.

  • For example, imagine you're wearing a new shirt that you bow yesterday and going to school and see your friends.

  • What kind of desire would you have?

  • Infatuation.

  • Probably.

  • You want your friends to pay attention to new shirts and say things like, Well, you bought a new shirt.

  • I love it.

  • That kind of feeling is called positive face over.

  • Imagine you got sick and cannot go to school.

  • You're staying your room all day long and one of the desires you would have a nest situation is that you want your friends to care about you being sick.

  • You want them to take shoe and saying like, Are you OK or can you come to school?

  • That feeling is positive face, right?

  • Then what about negative face?

  • Negative face, on the other hand, is the desire to have freedom of action desire to be free from interruption.

  • For example, Imagine you're working on your paper or homework or whatever that is in a school library and that Linus producing and if someone comes up, start talking to you.

  • You would have this desire.

  • Don't talk to me.

  • Don't interrupt me because I'm super busy working on my stuff.

  • That kind of feeling is called negative face.

  • Or imagine when you're taking a nap in your room out of Southern, your friends actually asking, Can you pick me up at the station?

  • You feel like, ah doing erupt me because I'm a sleepy I don't want to go.

  • That kind of feeling is negative face.

  • So back to the main question.

  • What is politeness?

  • Politeness is an action to satisfy or care for either positive face or negative face.

  • Depending on the situation.

  • Let's take a look at negative face first.

  • So imagine you have a question to ask to a professor about his last lecture.

  • Generally professors a pretty BC How Jaschan.

  • Well, you don't just go into his room and say, Hey, I didn't understand what you say in the last lecture.

  • Explain this to me.

  • No, that's not how it works.

  • You gotta be additive eight more polite.

  • So I would say things like, Do you have time or are UBC right now before asking a favor?

  • Done employed.

  • Why?

  • Because the professor is specie and he has this negative face.

  • He doesn't want you to bother him while he's working on his stuff, but by saying things like, Do you have time or are you busy right now?

  • You're kind of showing a care for his negative face.

  • This is politeness.

  • And this kind of plane is this cold fingertip Linus.

  • And this is what most Japanese people think planets has sold about.

  • But that's not old.

  • Planus is an action to satisfy or care for either post a face or negative face.

  • So we have to think about positive face.

  • Swell.

  • Right now I'm giving your talk about politeness, and I'm also a human being, obviously.

  • So I have this positive face.

  • I will my videos to be liked by you guys.

  • So if you really want to be applied to me, you can just leave me some comments saying like, Oh, it was great where I enjoyed your video because that's going to satisfy my positive face.

  • Don't your plight.

  • This is called positive Planus.

  • And this kind of planets is not really recognised as plainness in Japan right now.

  • But exploit this.

  • So based on this theory, I would say Japanese people are polite in terms off negative ploy nous.

  • If you're familiar with Japanese culture, you know that Japanese people apologize a lot when they ask a favor where when they interrupt others and they try not to be too intrusive because they care a lot for others that they face a desire to be free from interruption.

  • But I wouldnt say Japanese people are that plight in terms of positive planus.

  • Imagine a situation where you're wearing a new shirt.

  • Based on my experience, Western people are more likely to make compliments about your shirt stand.

  • Japanese people and they ask you about your life, family, girlfriend or boyfriend more often that Japanese people do because they put more importance on positive face, a desire to be cared or interested in.

  • They are more polite than Japanese people in terms of positive politeness.

  • So I briefly introduced the planet theory, but I know it's not the easy to understand this theory.

  • I mean me a whole week to fully understand the theory about if you are never seen this stuff further, researchers recommend it because that's going to give you a new perspective on politeness.

  • So thank you so much for watching this video.

What is going on?


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A2 初級

日本人真的很有禮貌嗎?(禮貌理論) (Are Japanese people really polite? (Politeness Theory))

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