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  • this is sprout school science, produced by minute videos.

  • Teaching technique number one.

  • How do I retain my students?

  • Attention Research suggests that students attention reduces dramatically about 15 minutes into class within 30 minutes.

  • It is often as low as 20% of the original level, and after 45 minutes it's almost entirely gone.

  • Given that we spend up to 12 years in school, it becomes clear how important it is to increase the time where your students actually pay attention.

  • One method to fight boredom and keep attention high is to reduce the session length.

  • You can break them up into segments with small breaks in between, even if that does not mean students get back to the initial high.

  • Studies show that whenever a new section begins, attention is lifted dramatically before it drops again.

  • A history teacher, for example, could break up Columbus's voyage over the ocean into four chunks with short one minute breaks in between.

  • In the 1st 20 minutes, the teacher could tell the story about the voyage.

  • The next 15 minutes, students could discuss in groups what could have been dangerous about sailing during these days.

  • Then each group could present their discoveries for another 15 minutes.

  • In the last segment, the teacher could complete the students findings and bring them in context with the actual risks of Columbus's expedition.

  • Please use the comments section below toe.

  • Let us know what you think.

  • If you were a student, tell us if the method improves your learning.

  • If you are a teacher, share with us how you apply it in class.

  • We're releasing updates regularly, so don't forget to subscribe and like us on Facebook.

  • Thank you for watching.

this is sprout school science, produced by minute videos.


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A2 初級

分塊授課,提高留存率 (Chunking Lessons to Increase Retention)

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