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  • [music playing]

  • Welcome aboard.

  • If you're watching this video, then let me be the first to say, congratulations!

  • You've recently been hired by the Krusty Krab restaurant

  • and this is your first official day of training.

  • Can I make a Krabby Patty now?

  • Oh no, you are now employed by

  • one of the most successful restaurants in Bikini Bottom.

  • But it didn't get that way overnight.

  • Because the store closes at six.

  • From humble beginnings.

  • You may think Mr. Eugene H. Krabs

  • has always been the financial wizard he is today.

  • And you're right!

  • [laughing]

  • After the war, Krabs stayed secluded in a deep depression

  • that seemed endless, but then his luck changed

  • when he acquired a bankrupt retirement home.

  • And with a few minor alterations,

  • The Krusty Krab was born.

  • The Krusty Krab today.

  • [music playing]

  • To keep up with today's demanding customers,

  • no expense has been spared

  • to acquire all the latest achievements in fast food technology.

  • This here is an advanced patty control mechanism.

  • Here, you can see our automated money handling system.

  • Don't touch!

  • These are your high-quality beverage temperature devices.

  • Imported.

  • This here's a prototype liquid transfer machine.

  • And most importantly,

  • you get your state-of-the-art condiment dispersal unit.

  • All of this modernization seems a little overwhelming, doesn't it?

  • Well, luckily for you,

  • Mr. Krabs' fear of robot overlords

  • keeps the balance of technology in check.

  • But if modernization is the heart of the Krusty Krab,

  • then employees are the liver and gallbladder.

  • Let's see if you've got what it takes.

  • Hmm, poised, confident,

  • and a smile that says, "Hello world, may I take your order?"

  • You've got the makings of a good employee, Mr. SquarePants.

  • But for every good employee, there is one that is not so good.

  • Let's see, inattentive, impatient, a glazed look in the eyes,

  • Look carefully at the "I really wish I weren't here right now" button.

  • There's a name for employees like this.

  • But we'll call him Squidward.

  • Training.

  • Does this mean I get to make a Krabby Patty now?

  • No, you can't make a Krabby Patty without understanding the phrase:

  • POOP!

  • Poop?

  • Once you understand POOP, you'll understand your place at the Krusty Krab.

  • But what does POOP mean?

  • People Order Our Patties.

  • Oh, POOP!

  • Your work station.

  • It's important to keep your area tidy and free of droppings.

  • Now let's see how Squidward keeps his work station.

  • [snoring]

  • Don't worry Squidward, Mr. SquarePants can cover for you.

  • Interfacing with your boss.

  • - Mr. Krabs, can I have a raise? - No.

  • Good job, Mr. SquarePants!

  • Can I make a Krabby Patty now?

  • And now we move from behind the scenes to the front lines,

  • where we'll examine the most important aspect of the industry:

  • The customer, or as we like to say, the Krustomer.

  • Who said that?

  • May I please take your order?

  • I'll have, uh...

  • Uh...

  • We'll check in with these two later.

  • Right now it's important that we discuss an emergency situation.

  • Like the lost gold of Atlantis,

  • many consider the Krabby Patty to be a treasure.

  • And as with every treasure, there's a thief ready to steal it.

  • So it's up to you to be the watchful eyes of--

  • What's this?

  • It's Mr. Krabs' business rival, Plankton!

  • Your secret formula is finally mine!

  • He's stealing the formula!

  • What are you going to do, Mr. SquarePants?

  • [screaming]

  • You'll never catch me, Krabs.

  • [screaming]

  • Let's check in on Squidward again.

  • - Squidward. - Huh?

  • Just remember, POOP!

  • Patrick, if I could make a suggestion, why don't you just order a Krabby Patty?

  • Great idea, Squidward!

  • One Krabby Patty please.

  • Is that for here or to go?

  • Uh....

  • [banging]

  • Hang in there Squidward, it's all part of the job.

  • Now that we've covered all the basics of your training,

  • It's time for the moment you've been waiting for.

  • Preparing the Krabby Patty!

  • Are you ready?

  • Are you sure?

  • [screaming]

  • Okay, the secret formula is--

[music playing]


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蟹堡王訓練視頻5分鐘?| 海綿寶寶 (Krusty Krab Training Video in 5 Minutes ? | SpongeBob SquarePants)

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    Summer 發佈於 2021 年 01 月 14 日